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#original attribution &
App.ClickElsewhereMixin = Ember.Mixin.create
#use this method hook to define your desired behavior
onClickElsewhere: Ember.K
#bound version of our instance method
clickHandler: Em.computed ->
#logic for determining of a click has landed anywhere but our view
elsewhereHandler: (e) ->
element = @get "element"
$target = $
thisIsElement = $target.closest(element).length is 1
unless thisIsElement then @onClickElsewhere event
#attach event listener to window when view in DOM
setupClickEvent: Em.on 'didInsertElement', ->
$(window).on "click", @get "clickHandler"
#remove window event listener when view removed from DOM
teardownClickEvent: Em.on 'willDestroyElement', ->
$(window).off "click", @get "clickHandler"
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