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Last active February 26, 2016 10:07
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Elasticsearch Snapshotting

Snapshot Konfiguration

Verzeichnis anlegen und Snapshot konfigurieren dafür:

sudo mkdir /mnt/es_snapshots
sudo chown elasticsearch.elasticsearch /mnt/es_snapshots
curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_snapshot/es_snapshots' -d '{"type": "fs", "settings": {"location": "/mnt/es_snapshots", "compress": true}}'

Snapshot erstellen

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_snapshot/es_snapshots/snapshot_1?wait_for_completion=true'

Snapshot einspielen

Indices löschen, falls sie schon bestehen (curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/*) und dann restore anwerfen:

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_snapshot/es_snapshots/snapshot_1/_restore?wait_for_completion=true'

Snapshots packen

tar -czvf es_snapshots.tgz es_snapshots/

Snapshots kopieren


scp -P722 -rp user@ .
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