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Created May 17, 2018 11:08
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O3X rectification example
%% Rectification of an amplitude image using unit vectors
% This Matlab code describes how a rectified image is calculated based on
% the unit vectors (line of sight vectors of each pixel).
% The process of rectification is seen as filling up a new matrix with
% amplitude values of an "old" matrix, when only the pixel position has
% changed. To do this, a set of indices recIdx have to be calculated, that
% describe which new pixel index corresponds to which old pixel index. Even
% though we are handling matrices, the indexing array treats the matrix as
% liniear arrays.
%% Start empty
%% load some sample data, an amplitude image and unit vector matrices
% a 172x224 308224 double % raw image amplitude values
% ex 172x224 308224 double % x-coordinates of unit-vector
% ey 172x224 308224 double % x-coordinates of unit-vector
% ez 172x224 308224 double % x-coordinates of unit-vector
figure(1); clf;
subplot(221); imagesc(a); daspect([1 1 1]); title('a'); colorbar;
subplot(222); imagesc(ex); daspect([1 1 1]); title('ex'); colorbar;
subplot(223); imagesc(ey); daspect([1 1 1]); title('ey'); colorbar;
subplot(224); imagesc(ez); daspect([1 1 1]); title('ez'); colorbar;
Nx=size(a,2); % size of image along x
Ny=size(a,1); % size of image along y
%% plot of unit vectors
figure(2); clf;
grid on; daspect([1 1 1]); zlim([0 1]); title('unit vectors in 3D'); xlabel('x');ylabel('y');zlabel('z');
%% Project vectors on z=1 plane
%All unit vectors get stretched by 1/ez, so that the new z-component is 1.
%camPos are the new x and y components of these stretched vectors.
camPos=[ ey(:)./ez(:), ex(:)./ez(:)]';
camMat=reshape(camPos,[2,172,224]); % reshape camPos back into matrix form
figure(3); clf;
grid on; daspect([1 1 1]); title('camMat projection @ 1m'); xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
%% Build a regularly spaced pattern around the projected and irregularly spaced points of camPos
%Create a regularly spaced pattern out of camMat. This will be the grid of the rectified picture.
[mx,my] = meshgrid(linspace(min(camMat(2,86,:)),max(camMat(2,86,:)),Nx),...
figure(4); clf;
hold on;
plot(mx(1:4:end,1:4:end),my(1:4:end,1:4:end),'b.'); grid on; daspect([1 1 1]);
title('Grids of camMat and new regular pattern'); xlabel('x');ylabel('y');
%% calculate indizes recIdx of a simple nearest neighbour rectification only once
recIdx=ones(Ny,Nx); % create new image which will become the rectified picture.
searchdist=6; % Half length of the square in which the nearest lying point of camMat will be searched.
for idx =1:Nx*Ny
cent=[mx(idx) my(idx)]; % Current point around which the nearest lying neighbor of camMat will be searched.
sidxarray=[]; % creates empty search index array in which the search indices will be saved.
distarray=[]; % creates empty distance array in which the distances between the current point and the search points will be saved.
sidx=idx-searchdist*Ny-searchdist; % Searchindex. Start searching searchdist left of current point and searchdist below current point (Search then continues up and right of that point (compare Fig.2))
if sidx <= 0 % Necessary for the first few indices to avoid negative indices
if sidx <= 0
for g = 1:2*searchdist % This loops through all the points within a square of size (2*searchdist)^2 and writes down the search index and the corresponding distance of that point to the current center point.
for h=1:2*searchdist
sidxarray= [sidxarray sidx]; % write down current search index
distarray= [distarray sqrt((mx(idx)-camMat(2,sidx))^2+ (my(idx)-camMat(1,sidx))^2)]; % write down current distance to cent.
if sidx > Nx*Ny
sidx=sidx+Ny-2*searchdist; % Jumps one column right (+Ny) and starts searching again from the bottom of the square (-2*searchdist)
if sidx > Nx*Ny % Necessary when the end of the Matrix is reached
[M,I]= min(distarray(:)); % Find the minimum and the corresponding search index of distarray
sidx=sidxarray(I); % This index has the minimal distance to cent
recIdx(idx)=sidx; % Write the amplitude value of original picture at index sidx into rectified picture at current position idx.
%% Rectify Image
recIm=ones(Ny,Nx); % create an empty image
recIm=a(recIdx); % calculate the new rectified Image using the Indizes previously caluclated
figure(5); clf;
subplot(121); imagesc(a); daspect([1 1 1]); title('raw image');
subplot(122); imagesc(recIm); daspect([1 1 1]); title('rectified image');
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