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  • Save gravejester/0ef473ded31e06fae9e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gravejester/0ef473ded31e06fae9e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function Search-Spotify {
Search Spotify.
This function uses the public web API of Spotify to let you query their database for information about
artists, albums, tracks and popular playlists.
Search-Spotify 'Madonna'
Will search for 'Madonna' among all artists in the Spotify database.
Search-Spotify 'Tania*'
Uses wildcard to search for all artists that starts with 'Tania'.
Search-Spotify 'album:arrival artist:abba' -Type 'Album'
Will search for album with name matching 'Arrival' and artist matching 'Abba'
Search-Spotify 'Madonna' -Type 'Album','Artis'
Will return both album and tracks with 'Madonna' in their name.
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 27.11.2014
Version: 1.0
param (
# Search query. Supports wildcard (*, max 2 per query) and operators (NOT/OR, must be in uppercase).
# By default, results are returned when a match is found in any field of the target object type.
# Searches can be made more specific by specifying an album, artist or track field filter.
# Field names must be entered in lower-case.
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[string] $Query,
# Type of information to search for. Valid choices are 'Artist','Album','Playlist' or 'Track'
[string[]] $Type = 'Artist',
# Filter the results to only show results available in the supplied market.
# Defaults to the current region of the machine you are running the command from.
[string] $Market = [System.Globalization.RegionInfo]::CurrentRegion.TwoLetterISORegionName,
# The maximum number of objects to return. Defaults to 20.
[int] $Limit = 20,
# The index of the first object to return. Defaults to 0.
[int] $Offset = 0
$endPoint = ''
$queryString = "?q=$([uri]::EscapeUriString($Query))&type=$($Type -Join ',')"
[uri]$uri = $endPoint + $queryString
try {
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri
catch {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
switch ($Type) {
'Artist' {
foreach ($artist in $result.artists.items) {
Write-Output (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Name = $
Popularity = $artist.popularity
Genres = $artist.genres
ID = $
Uri = $artist.uri
ExternalUrl = $artist.external_urls | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'spotify'
'Album' {
foreach ($album in $result.albums.items) {
Write-Output (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Name = $
Type = $album.album_type
ID = $
Uri = $album.uri
ExternalUrl = $album.external_urls | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'spotify'
'Track' {
foreach ($track in $result.tracks.items) {
Write-Output (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Name = $
Album = $track.album | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name'
Artists = ($track.artists | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name')
DurationMS = $track.duration_ms
Explicit = $track.explicit
Popularity = $track.popularity
DiskNo = $track.disc_number
TrackNo = $track.track_number
ID = $
Uri = "spotify:track:$($"
ExternalUrl = $track.external_urls | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'spotify'
'PlayList' {
foreach ($playlist in $result.playlists.items) {
Write-Output (,([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Name = $
OwnerID = $playlist.owner | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'id'
Collaborative = $playlist.collaborative
Tracks = $
ID = $
Uri = $playlist.uri
ExternalUrl = $playlist.external_urls | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'spotify'
function Out-Spotify {
Open Spotify with the specified Uri.
Search-Spotify 'Love' -Type 'Track' | Select -First 1 | Out-Spotify
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 27.11.2014
Version: 1.0
param (
# Spotify Uri
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[string] $Uri
Start-Process $Uri
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hey, found your gist link on I have no use for it but just thought it was fun to have and test. Works great

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