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Created May 10, 2015 19:11
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function Convert-Temperature {
Convert between different units of temperature.
This functions lets you convert between different units of temperature. You choose the
unit you want to convert from, and the output will include an object with the value
converted to all supported units. Supported units are 'Celsius', 'Fahrenheit', 'Kelvin',
'Rankine', 'Delisle', 'Newton', 'Réaumur' and 'Rømer'.
Convert-Temperature -Value 35 -From Celsius
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 10.05.2015
Version: 1.0
param (
# The value you want to convert.
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]
[double] $Value,
# The unit you want to convert from. Available units are 'Celsius', 'Fahrenheit', 'Kelvin',
# 'Rankine', 'Delisle', 'Newton', 'Réaumur' and 'Rømer'.
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[string] $From,
# How many decimals you want to include in return values.
[int] $Decimals = 2
switch ($From) {
'Celsius' {
Write-Output ([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Celsius = [math]::Round($Value, $Decimals)
Fahrenheit = [math]::Round(($Value * (9/5) + 32), $Decimals)
Kelvin = [math]::Round(($Value + 273.15), $Decimals)
Rankine = [math]::Round((($Value + 273.15) * (9/5)), $Decimals)
Delisle = [math]::Round(((100 - $Value) * (3/2)), $Decimals)
Newton = [math]::Round(($Value * (33/100)), $Decimals)
Réaumur = [math]::Round(($Value * (4/5)), $Decimals)
Rømer = [math]::Round(($Value * (21/40) + 7.5), $Decimals)
'Fahrenheit' {
Write-Output ([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Celsius = [math]::Round((($Value - 32) * (5/9)), $Decimals)
Fahrenheit = [math]::Round($Value, $Decimals)
Kelvin = [math]::Round((($Value + 459.67) * (5/9)), $Decimals)
Rankine = [math]::Round(($Value + 459.67), $Decimals)
Delisle = [math]::Round(((212 - $Value) * (5/6)), $Decimals)
Newton = [math]::Round((($Value - 32) * (11/60)), $Decimals)
Réaumur = [math]::Round((($Value - 32) * (4/9)), $Decimals)
Rømer = [math]::Round((($Value - 32) * (7/24) + 7.5), $Decimals)
'Kelvin' {
Write-Output ([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Celsius = [math]::Round(($Value - 273.15), $Decimals)
Fahrenheit = [math]::Round(($Value * (9/5) - 459.67), $Decimals)
Kelvin = [math]::Round($Value, $Decimals)
Rankine = [math]::Round(($Value * (9/5)), $Decimals)
Delisle = [math]::Round(((373.15 - $Value) * (3/2)), $Decimals)
Newton = [math]::Round((($Value - 273.15) * (33/100)), $Decimals)
Réaumur = [math]::Round((($Value - 273.15) * (4/5)), $Decimals)
Rømer = [math]::Round((($Value - 273.15) * (21/40) + 7.5), $Decimals)
'Rankine' {
Write-Output ([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Celsius = [math]::Round((($Value - 491.67) * (5/9)), $Decimals)
Fahrenheit = [math]::Round(($Value - 459.67), $Decimals)
Kelvin = [math]::Round(($Value * (5/9)), $Decimals)
Rankine = [math]::Round($Value, $Decimals)
Delisle = [math]::Round(((671.67 - $Value) * (5/6)), $Decimals)
Newton = [math]::Round((($Value - 491.67) * (11/60)), $Decimals)
Réaumur = [math]::Round((($Value - 491.67) * (4/9)), $Decimals)
Rømer = [math]::Round((($Value - 491.67) * (7/24) + 7.5), $Decimals)
'Delisle' {
Write-Output ([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Celsius = [math]::Round((100 - $Value * (2/3)), $Decimals)
Fahrenheit = [math]::Round((212 - $Value * (6/5)), $Decimals)
Kelvin = [math]::Round((373.15 - $Value * (2/3)), $Decimals)
Rankine = [math]::Round((671.67 - $Value * (6/5)), $Decimals)
Delisle = [math]::Round($Value, $Decimals)
Newton = [math]::Round((33 - $Value * (11/50)), $Decimals)
Réaumur = [math]::Round((80 - $Value * (8/15)), $Decimals)
Rømer = [math]::Round((60 - $Value * (7/20)), $Decimals)
'Newton' {
Write-Output ([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Celsius = [math]::Round(($Value * (100/33)), $Decimals)
Fahrenheit = [math]::Round(($Value * (60/11) + 32), $Decimals)
Kelvin = [math]::Round(($Value * (100/33) + 273.15), $Decimals)
Rankine = [math]::Round(($Value * (60/11) + 491.67), $Decimals)
Delisle = [math]::Round(((33 - $Value) * (50/11)), $Decimals)
Newton = [math]::Round($Value, $Decimals)
Réaumur = [math]::Round(($Value * (80/33)), $Decimals)
Rømer = [math]::Round(($Value * (35/22) + 7.5), $Decimals)
'Réaumur' {
Write-Output ([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Celsius = [math]::Round(($Value * (5/4)), $Decimals)
Fahrenheit = [math]::Round(($Value * (9/4) + 32), $Decimals)
Kelvin = [math]::Round(($Value * (5/4) + 273.15), $Decimals)
Rankine = [math]::Round(($Value * (9/4) + 491.67), $Decimals)
Delisle = [math]::Round(((80 - $Value) * (15/8)), $Decimals)
Newton = [math]::Round(($Value * (33/80)), $Decimals)
Réaumur = [math]::Round($Value, $Decimals)
Rømer = [math]::Round(($Value * (21/32) + 7.5), $Decimals)
'Rømer' {
Write-Output ([PSCustomObject] [Ordered] @{
Celsius = [math]::Round((($Value - 7.5) * (40/21)), $Decimals)
Fahrenheit = [math]::Round((($Value - 7.5) * (24/7) + 32), $Decimals)
Kelvin = [math]::Round((($Value - 7.5) * (40/21) + 273.15), $Decimals)
Rankine = [math]::Round((($Value - 7.5) * (24/7) + 491.67), $Decimals)
Delisle = [math]::Round(((60 - $Value) * (20/7)), $Decimals)
Newton = [math]::Round((($Value - 7.5) * (22/35)), $Decimals)
Réaumur = [math]::Round((($Value - 7.5) * (32/21)), $Decimals)
Rømer = [math]::Round($Value, $Decimals)
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