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Last active September 5, 2023 11:31
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function ConvertTo-DataTable {
Convert regular PowerShell objects to a DataTable object.
Convert regular PowerShell objects to a DataTable object.
$myDataTable = $myObject | ConvertTo-DataTable
Name: ConvertTo-DataTable
Author: Øyvind Kallstad @okallstad
Version: 1.1
param (
# The object to convert to a DataTable
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[PSObject[]] $InputObject,
# Override the default type.
[string] $DefaultType = 'System.String'
begin {
# create an empty datatable
try {
$dataTable = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Data.DataTable'
Write-Verbose -Message 'Empty DataTable created'
catch {
Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message
# define a boolean to keep track of the first datarow
$first = $true
# define array of supported .NET types
$types = @(
process {
# iterate through each input object
foreach ($object in $InputObject) {
try {
# create a new datarow
$dataRow = $dataTable.NewRow()
Write-Verbose -Message 'New DataRow created'
# iterate through each object property
foreach ($property in $object.PSObject.get_properties()) {
# check if we are dealing with the first row or not
if ($first) {
# handle data types
if ($types -contains $property.TypeNameOfValue) {
$dataType = $property.TypeNameOfValue
Write-Verbose -Message "$($property.Name): Supported datatype <$($dataType)>"
else {
$dataType = $DefaultType
Write-Verbose -Message "$($property.Name): Unsupported datatype ($($property.TypeNameOfValue)), using default <$($DefaultType)>"
# create a new datacolumn
$dataColumn = New-Object 'System.Data.DataColumn' $property.Name, $dataType
Write-Verbose -Message 'Created new DataColumn'
# add column to DataTable
Write-Verbose -Message 'DataColumn added to DataTable'
# add values to column
if ($property.Value -ne $null) {
# if array or collection, add as XML
if (($property.Value.GetType().IsArray) -or ($property.TypeNameOfValue -like '*collection*')) {
$dataRow.Item($property.Name) = $property.Value | ConvertTo-Xml -As 'String' -NoTypeInformation -Depth 1
Write-Verbose -Message 'Value added to row as XML'
$dataRow.Item($property.Name) = $property.Value -as $dataType
Write-Verbose -Message "Value ($($property.Value)) added to row as $($dataType)"
# add DataRow to DataTable
Write-Verbose -Message 'DataRow added to DataTable'
$first = $false
catch {
Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message
end { Write-Output (,($dataTable)) }
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Shouldn't this code:
if ($types -contains $property.TypeNameOfValue) {
$dataType = $property.TypeNameOfValue
Write-Verbose -Message "$($property.Name): Supported datatype &lt;$($dataType)>"
} else {
$dataType = $DefaultType
Write-Verbose -Message "$($property.Name): Unsupported datatype ($($property.TypeNameOfValue)), using default &lt;$($DefaultType)>"

Be outside of and before the "if ($first) {" conditional block?
Otherwise`how can "$dataType" get set for the lower section where it creates the actual rows.


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iRon7 commented Jan 2, 2018

	New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{Name = "a"; Value = 123}
	New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{Name = "b"; Value = 123456789012}
) | ConvertTo-DataTable

Fails with:

WARNING: Exception setting "Item": "Exception calling "set_Item" with "2" argument(s): "Value was either too large or too
small for an Int32.Couldn't store <123456789012> in Value Column. Expected type is Int32.""

Because the column type is presumed on the first row (Int32).
Also if the first row has an empty value ($Null), the whole column is presumed to be a string type.

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ArnoldLieberman-CoT commented Sep 5, 2023

$datatype will be left as the type of the last column in the first row, so columns that are not in a compatible type in subsequent rows will fail.

$dataRow.Item($property.Name) = $property.Value -as $dataType

Write-Verbose -Message "Value ($($property.Value)) added to row as $($dataType)"

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