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Created May 9, 2015 17:15
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Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum PrimeMethods
function Get-PrimeNumbers {
Get Prime numbers.
This function will calculate the prime numbers from 2 to the amount specified using the
Amount parameter. You have a choice of using three different methods to calculate the
prime numbers; the Standard method, the Sieve Of Eratosthenes or the Sieve Of Sundaram.
Get-PrimeNumbers 100
This will list the first 100 prime numbers.
Get-PrimeNumbers 100 -Method 'SieveOfEratosthenes'
This will list the first 100 prime numbers using the Sieve Of Eratosthenes method.
These functions were translated from c# to PowerShell from a post on stackoverflow,
written/collected by David Johnstone, but other authors were responsible for some of them.
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 09.05.2015
Version: 1.0
param (
# The amount of prime numbers to get. The default value is 10.
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[int] $Amount = 10,
# The method used to get the prime numbers. Choices are 'Standard', 'SieveOfEratosthenes' and 'SieveOfSundaram'.
# The default value is 'Standard'.
[PrimeMethods] $Method = 'Standard'
function Get-PrimeNumbersStandardMethod {
param ([int]$Amount)
$primes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$nextPrime = 3
while ($primes.Count -lt $Amount) {
$squareRoot = [math]::Sqrt($nextPrime)
$isPrime = $true
for ($i = 0; $primes[$i] -le $squareRoot; $i++) {
if (($nextPrime % $primes[$i]) -eq 0) {
$isPrime = $false
if ($isPrime) {
$nextPrime += 2
Write-Output $primes
function Invoke-ApproximateNthPrime {
param ([int]$nn)
[double]$n = $nn
[double]$p = 0
if ($nn -ge 7022) {
$p = $n * [math]::Log($n) + $n * ([math]::Log([math]::Log($n)) - 0.9385)
elseif ($nn -ge 6) {
$p = $n * [math]::Log($n) + $n * [math]::Log([math]::Log($n))
elseif ($nn -gt 0) {
$p = (2,3,5,7,11)[($nn - 1)]
Write-Output ([int]$p)
function Invoke-SieveOfEratosthenes {
$bits = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.BitArray -ArgumentList (($Limit + 1), $true)
$bits[0] = $false
$bits[1] = $false
for ($i = 0; ($i * $i) -le $Limit; $i++) {
if ($bits[$i]) {
for (($j = $i * $i); $j -le $Limit; $j += $i) {
$bits[$j] = $false
Write-Output (,($bits))
function Invoke-SieveOfSundaram {
$limit /= 2
$bits = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.BitArray -ArgumentList (($Limit + 1), $true)
for ($i = 1; (3 * ($i + 1)) -lt $Limit; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; ($i + $j + 2 * $i * $j) -le $Limit; $j++) {
$bits[($i + $j + 2 * $i * $j)] = $false
Write-Output (,($bits))
function Get-PrimeNumbersSieveOfEratosthenes {
$limit = Invoke-ApproximateNthPrime $Amount
[System.Collections.BitArray]$bits = Invoke-SieveOfEratosthenes $limit
$primes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$found = 0
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $limit -and $found -lt $Amount; $i++) {
if ($bits[$i]) {
Write-Output $primes
function Get-PrimeNumbersSieveOfSundaram {
$limit = Invoke-ApproximateNthPrime $Amount
[System.Collections.BitArray]$bits = Invoke-SieveOfSundaram $limit
$primes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$found = 1
for ($i = 1; (2 * ($i + 1)) -le $limit -and $found -lt $Amount; $i++) {
if ($bits[$i]) {
[void]$primes.Add((2 * $i + 1))
Write-Output $primes
switch ($Method) {
'Standard' {Get-PrimeNumbersStandardMethod $Amount;break}
'SieveOfEratosthenes' {Get-PrimeNumbersSieveOfEratosthenes $Amount;break}
'SieveOfSundaram' {Get-PrimeNumbersSieveOfSundaram $Amount;break}
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