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Last active February 8, 2016 12:27
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Add-Type -MemberDefinition @'
[DllImport("crypt32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool CryptStringToBinary(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pszString,
uint cchString,
byte[] pbBinary,
ref uint pcbBinary,
uint pdwSkip,
ref uint pdwFlags);
[DllImport("Crypt32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool CryptBinaryToString(
byte[] pbBinary,
uint cbBinary,
StringBuilder pszString,
ref int pcchString);
public enum CRYPT_STRING_FLAGS: uint
// Base64, with certificate beginning and ending headers.
Base64Header = 0x00000000,
// Base64, without headers.
Base64 = 0x00000001,
// Pure binary copy.
Binary = 0x00000002,
// Base64, with request beginning and ending headers.
Base64RequestHeader = 0x00000003,
// Hexadecimal only format.
Hex = 0x00000004,
// Hexadecimal format with ASCII character display.
HexASCII = 0x00000005,
// Tries the following, in order: Base64Header, Base64
Base64Any = 0x00000006,
// Tries the following, in order: Base64Header, Base64, Binary
Any = 0x00000007,
// Tries the following, in order: HexAddr, HexASCIIAddr, Hex, HexRaw, HexASCII
HexAny = 0x00000008,
// Base64, with X.509 certificate revocation list (CRL) beginning and ending headers.
Base64X509ClrHeader = 0x00000009,
// Hex, with address display.
HexAddr = 0x0000000a,
// Hex, with ASCII character and address display.
HexASCIIAddr = 0x0000000b,
// A raw hexadecimal string. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This value is not supported.
HexRaw = 0x0000000c,
// Set this flag for Base64 data to specify that the end of the binary data contain only white space and at most three equals "=" signs.
// Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP: This value is not supported.
Strict = 0x20000000,
// Do not append any new line characters to the encoded string. The default behavior is to use a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) pair (0x0D/0x0A) to represent a new line.
// Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This value is not supported.
NoCrLf = 0x40000000,
// Only use the line feed (LF) character (0x0A) for a new line. The default behavior is to use a CR/LF pair (0x0D/0x0A) to represent a new line.
NoCr = 0x80000000
'@ -Namespace 'Win32' -Name 'Native' -UsingNamespace 'System.Text'
function Invoke-CryptStringToBinary {
Wrapper for the Win32 native function CryptStringToBinary.
The CryptStringToBinary function converts a formatted string into an array of bytes.
Invoke-CryptStringToBinary -InputString $string -Format HexAny
NOTE! This function is based on the work of Vadims Podāns (
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 08.02.2016
Version: 1.0
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[string] $InputString,
# Indicates the format of the string to be converted.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Win32.Native+CRYPT_STRING_FLAGS] $Format
# Will hold the size of the byte array
$pcbBinary = 0
# Will hold the actual flags used in the conversion
$pwdFlags = 0
# Call native method to convert
if ([Win32.Native]::CryptStringToBinary($InputString, $InputString.Length, $Format, $null, [ref]$pcbBinary, 0, [ref]$pwdFlags)) {
$outputArray = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList $pcbBinary
[void][Win32.Native]::CryptStringToBinary($InputString, $InputString.Length, $Format, $outputArray, [ref]$pcbBinary, 0, [ref]$pwdFlags)
Write-Output $outputArray
else {
Write-Warning $((New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception ([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error())).Message)
function Invoke-CryptBinaryToString {
Wrapper for the Win32 native function CryptBinaryToString.
The CryptBinaryToString function converts an array of bytes into a formatted string.
Invoke-CryptBinaryToString $array -Format HexASCIIAddr
NOTE! This function is based on the work of Vadims Podāns (
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 08.02.2016
Version: 1.0
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[byte[]] $InputObject,
# Specifies the format of the resulting formatted string.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Win32.Native+CRYPT_STRING_FLAGS] $Format,
# Do not append any new line characters to the encoded string. The default behavior is to use a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) pair to represent a new line.
[switch] $NoCrLf,
# Only use the line feed (LF) character for a new line. The default behavior is to use a CR/LF pair to represent a new line.
[switch] $NoCr
[Win32.Native+CRYPT_STRING_FLAGS]$formatFlags = $Format
if ($NoCrLf) {
$formatFlags = $formatFlags -bor [Win32.Native+CRYPT_STRING_FLAGS]::NoCrLf
if ($NoCr) {
$formatFlags = $formatFlags -bor [Win32.Native+CRYPT_STRING_FLAGS]::NoCr
# Will hold the size of the output string
$pcchString = 0
# Silly workaround to support input from the pipeline
# We need to catch all items of the pipeline into a temporary array
$tempArray = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($input in $InputObject) {
# Convert the temp array to a byte array
[byte[]]$byteArray = $tempArray.ToArray([byte])
# Call native method to convert
if ([Win32.Native]::CryptBinaryToString($byteArray, $byteArray.Length,$formatFlags, $null, [ref]$pcchString)) {
$outputString = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder -ArgumentList $pcchString
[void][Win32.Native]::CryptBinaryToString($byteArray, $byteArray.Length, $formatFlags, $outputString, [ref]$pcchString)
Write-Output $outputString.ToString()
else {
Write-Warning $((New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception ([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error())).Message)
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