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Save gravejester/d95965c116b0d230db43 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function Invoke-VerifyAndUpdatePasswordComplexity {
param (
[System.Text.StringBuilder] $Password,
[switch] $IncludeSymbols = $true,
[switch] $IncludeNumbers = $true,
[switch] $IncludeUppercaseCharacters = $true,
[switch] $IncludeLowercaseCharacters = $true,
[string] $Symbols,
[string] $Numbers,
[string] $UpperCaseCharacters,
[string] $LowerCaseCharacters,
[switch] $UpdatePassword
$complexityOk = $true
if ($IncludeSymbols) {
if (-not(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $symbols.ToCharArray() -DifferenceObject $password.ToString().ToCharArray() -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent)) {
if ($UpdatePassword) {
$password[(Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum ($password.Length))] = $symbols[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum ($symbols.Length))]
else {
$complexityOk = $false
if ($IncludeNumbers) {
if (-not(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $numbers.ToCharArray() -DifferenceObject $password.ToString().ToCharArray() -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent)) {
if ($UpdatePassword) {
$password[(Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum ($password.Length))] = $numbers[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum ($numbers.Length))]
else {
$complexityOk = $false
if ($IncludeUppercaseCharacters) {
if (-not(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $UpperCaseCharacters.ToCharArray() -DifferenceObject $password.ToString().ToCharArray() -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent)) {
if ($UpdatePassword) {
$password[(Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum ($password.Length))] = $UpperCaseCharacters[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum ($UpperCaseCharacters.Length))]
else {
$complexityOk = $false
if ($IncludeLowercaseCharacters) {
if (-not(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $LowerCaseCharacters.ToCharArray() -DifferenceObject $password.ToString().ToCharArray() -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent)) {
if ($UpdatePassword) {
$password[(Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum ($password.Length))] = $LowerCaseCharacters[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum ($LowerCaseCharacters.Length))]
else {
$complexityOk = $false
if ($UpdatePassword) {
Write-Output $Password
else {
Write-Output $complexityOk
function IsConsonant {
if ('bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'.ToCharArray() -contains $Character) {Write-Output $true}
else {Write-Output $false}
function IsVowel {
if ('aeiou'.ToCharArray() -contains $Character) {Write-Output $true}
else {Write-Output $false}
function New-PronounceablePassword {
param (
[int] $Length = 10,
[switch] $IncludeNumbers = $true,
[switch] $IncludeUppercaseCharacters = $true
$consonantDigraphs = 'bl', 'br', 'ch', 'cl', 'cr', 'dr', 'fl', 'fr', 'gl', 'gr', 'pl', 'pr', 'sc', 'sh', 'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn', 'sp', 'st', 'sw', 'th', 'tr', 'tw', 'wh', 'wr'
$consonantTrigraphs = 'sch', 'scr', 'shr', 'sph', 'spl', 'spr', 'squ', 'str', 'thr'
$consonants = 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'
$vowels = 'aeiou'
$startSet = $consonantDigraphs + $consonantTrigraphs + $consonants.ToCharArray() + $vowels.ToCharArray()
$allSet = $consonants.ToCharArray() + $vowels.ToCharArray()
$currentConsecutiveConsonants = 0
$currentConsecutiveVowels = 0
$password = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder -ArgumentList $Length
$byteArray = New-Object -TypeName System.Byte[] -ArgumentList $Length
$rng = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $length; $i++) {
# as the start of the password, we choose from our special start set
if ($i -eq 0) {
[void]$password.Append(($startSet[$byteArray[$i] % $startSet.Length]))
if ($password.Length -eq 2) { $i++ }
elseif ($password.Length -eq 3) { $i = $i + 2 }
$afterStart = $true
# handle the character after the start
if ($afterStart) {
# if a consonant, next must be a vowel
if (IsConsonant -Character $password[-1]) {
[void]$password.Append(($vowels[$byteArray[$i] % $vowels.Length]))
$currentConsecutiveConsonants = 0
# if a vowel, next must be a consonant
else {
[void]$password.Append(($consonants[$byteArray[$i] % $consonants.Length]))
$currentConsecutiveVowels = 0
$afterStart = $false
else {
# if 3 consecutive vowels, next must be a consonant
if ($currentConsecutiveVowels -eq 3) {
[void]$password.Append(($consonants[$byteArray[$i] % $consonants.Length]))
$currentConsecutiveVowels = 0
# if 2 consecutive consonants, next must be a vowel
if ($currentConsecutiveConsonants -eq 2) {
[void]$password.Append(($vowels[$byteArray[$i] % $vowels.Length]))
$currentConsecutiveConsonants = 0
# randomly pick next character
[void]$password.Append(($allSet[$byteArray[$i] % $allSet.Length]))
# if last character added was a consonant
if (IsConsonant -Character $password[-1]) {
$currentConsecutiveVowels = 0
# else last character added was a vowel
else {
$currentConsecutiveConsonants = 0
$currentConsecutiveConsonants = 0
$currentConsecutiveVowels = 0
# perform a second pass of the generated password to try
# to make it more pronounceable and secure
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $length; $i++) {
if (IsConsonant -Character $password[$i]) {
$currentConsecutiveVowels = 0
else {
$currentConsecutiveConsonants = 0
# handle difficult to pronounce consonant pairs
$difficultConsonantPairs = 'gb', 'jb', 'tp', 'tf', 'qx', 'bt', 'js', 'wv', 'jp', 'mz', 'qj', 'fc', 'jq', 'mv', 'kc', 'jr', 'mk', 'bw', 'cg', 'fj', 'kd', 'hc', 'hg', 'cj', 'wc', 'bp', 'bc', 'bv', 'vq', 'mw', 'pk', 'bx', 'fr', 'hv', 'cz', 'vg', 'bd', 'wj', 'dn', 'gj', 'jf', 'qb', 'tg', 'pv', 'vl', 'jy', 'wn', 'pw', 'dw', 'kq', 'vd', 'vw', 'tj', 'qw', 'vm', 'zs', 'sz', 'dx', 'vf', 'yd', 'tx'
if ($currentConsecutiveConsonants -eq 2) {
$consonantPair = $password[$i - 1] + $password[$i]
if ($difficultConsonantPairs -contains $consonantPair) {
Write-Verbose 'Replacing difficult consonant pairs'
$password[$i - 1] = (($consonants[$byteArray[$i] % $consonants.Length]))
$password[$i] = (($consonants[$byteArray[$i] % $consonants.Length]))
if ($IncludeUppercaseCharacters) {
# randomly change characters to upper case
if ($true, $false | Get-Random) {
$password[$i] = $password[$i].ToString().ToUpper()
if ($password[$i] -eq 'L') {$password[$i] = 'l'; Write-Verbose 'Changed "l" to "L"'}
switch ($password[$i]) {
'O' {$password[$i] = 'o'; Write-Verbose 'Changed "O" to "o"'}
'I' {$password[$i] = 'i'; Write-Verbose 'Changed "I" to "i"'}
# replace last character(s) with random numbers
if ($IncludeNumbers) {
if ($Length -lt 8) {
Write-Verbose 'Replacing the last character with a random number'
$password[-1] = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9).ToString()
elseif ($Length -lt 20) {
Write-Verbose 'Replacing the last two characters with random numbers'
$password[-2] = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9).ToString()
$password[-1] = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9).ToString()
else {
Write-Verbose 'Replacing the last three characters with random numbers'
$password[-3] = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9).ToString()
$password[-2] = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9).ToString()
$password[-1] = (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9).ToString()
Write-Output $password.ToString()
function New-ComplexPassword {
param (
[int] $Length = 12,
[switch] $IncludeSymbols = $true,
[switch] $IncludeNumbers = $true,
[switch] $IncludeUppercaseCharacters = $true,
[switch] $IncludeLowercaseCharacters = $true,
[string] $AlwaysStartWith = 'Any'
# if for some strange reason the user have disabled using any character groups, give them a funny warning and break
if (!$IncludeSymbols -and !$IncludeNumbers -and !$IncludeUppercaseCharacters -and !$IncludeLowercaseCharacters) {
Write-Warning 'Since you have indicated that you want to generate a password consisting of just thin air, here you go:'
# the different character sets used in generating passwords
$symbols = '!#%+:=?@'
$numbers = '23456789'
$lowercase = 'abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
# based on the parameters used create the character arrays we need
if ($IncludeSymbols) { $charSetAll += $symbols }
if ($IncludeNumbers) { $charSetAll += $numbers }
if ($IncludeUppercaseCharacters) { $charSetAll += $uppercase; $charSetLetters += $uppercase }
if ($IncludeLowercaseCharacters) { $charSetAll += $lowercase; $charSetLetters += $lowercase }
# generate a byte array to hold our random numbers
$byteArray = New-Object -TypeName System.Byte[] -ArgumentList $Length
# create the RNG and fill the byte array with random numbers
$rng = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
# create our password string object
$password = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder -ArgumentList $Length
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Length; $i++) {
# handle first character
if ($i -eq 0) {
if ($AlwaysStartWith -eq 'Number') {
Write-Verbose 'Making sure that the first character in the password is a number'
if ($IncludeNumbers) { [void]$password.Append(($numbers[$byteArray[$i] % $numbers.Length])) }
else { Write-Warning 'You can''t have a password that starts with a number without including numbers in the generated password!' ;break }
elseif ($AlwaysStartWith -eq 'Letter') {
Write-Verbose 'Making sure that the first character in the password is a letter'
if ($IncludeUppercaseCharacters -or $IncludeLowercaseCharacters) { [void]$password.Append(($charSetLetters[$byteArray[$i] % $charSetLetters.Length])) }
else { Write-Warning 'You can''t have a password that starts with a characters without including any characters in the generated password!' ;break }
else { [void]$password.Append(($charSetAll[$byteArray[$i] % $charSetAll.Length])) }
# the rest of the characters
else { [void]$password.Append(($charSetAll[$byteArray[$i] % $charSetAll.Length])) }
if ($password.Length -eq $Length) {
$verifyUpdateParameters = @{
Password = $password
IncludeSymbols = $IncludeSymbols
IncludeNumbers = $IncludeNumbers
IncludeUppercaseCharacters = $IncludeUppercaseCharacters
IncludeLowercaseCharacters = $IncludeLowercaseCharacters
Symbols = $symbols
Numbers = $numbers
UppercaseCharacters = $uppercase
LowercaseCharacters = $lowercase
# before we return the generated password we need to make sure that it includes
# at least one character from each choosen character group
# this loop and helper function will randomly replace characters until they
# meet the complexity rules specified by the user
if (-not (Invoke-VerifyAndUpdatePasswordComplexity @verifyUpdateParameters)){
do {
Write-Verbose 'Password don''t meet complexity rules - updating password'
$password = Invoke-VerifyAndUpdatePasswordComplexity @verifyUpdateParameters -UpdatePassword
} until (Invoke-VerifyAndUpdatePasswordComplexity @verifyUpdateParameters)
Write-Output $password.ToString()
function New-Password {
Generate complex password(s).
This functions lets you generate either random passwords of the
choosen complexity and length, or pronounceable passwords.
Will generate a random password.
New-Password -Length 20
Will generate a random password 20 characters in length.
New-Password -Min 12 -Max 20 -IncludeSymbols:$false -AlwaysStartWith Letter
Will generate a password between 12 and 20 characters in length, that don't include symbols
but that always starts with a letter.
New-Password -Type Pronounceable -Amount 10
Will generate 10 pronounceable passwords.
Author: Øyvind Kallstad
Date: 19.09.2015
Version: 1.2
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'FixedLength')]
param (
# Specifies the length of the generated password.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FixedLength')]
[int] $Length = 12,
# Specifies a minimum length of the generated password.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'VariableLength')]
[int] $MinimumPasswordLength = 12,
# Specifies a maximum length of the generated password.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'VariableLength')]
[ValidateScript({if ($_ -lt $MinimumPasswordLength) {Throw "Maximum password length must larger than or equal to $MinimumPasswordLength"} else {$true}})]
[int] $MaximumPasswordLength = 14,
# The type of passwords being generated. Valid values are 'Complex' and 'Pronounceable'.
[string] $Type = 'Complex',
# Specifies how many generated passwords are returned.
[int] $Amount = 1,
# Include symbols in the generated password. Note that symbols are not
# implemented for pronounceable passwords yet.
[switch] $IncludeSymbols = $true,
# Include numbers in the generated password.
[switch] $IncludeNumbers = $true,
# Include uppercase characters in the generated password.
[switch] $IncludeUppercaseCharacters = $true,
# Include lowercase characters in the generated password.
[switch] $IncludeLowercaseCharacters = $true,
# Force the generated password to start with a letter or a number.
[string] $AlwaysStartWith = 'Any',
# Output will be a SecureString object instead of a string.
[switch] $AsSecureString
# display a warning if trying to generate weak passwords
$warningThreshold = 12
if (($Length -lt $warningThreshold) -or ($MinimumPasswordLength -lt $warningThreshold)) {
Write-Warning "Passwords with a length of less than $warningThreshold characters are not very secure! Please consider generating longer passwords."
# display warning regarding pronounceable passwords and symbols
if (($Type -eq 'Pronounceable') -and ($IncludeSymbols)) {
Write-Warning 'Pronounceable passwords will be generated without symbols.'
for ($i = 1; $i -le $Amount; $i++) {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'VariableLength') {
# if min and max password length are equal just use one of them
if ($MinimumPasswordLength -eq $MaximumPasswordLength) {
$Length = $MinimumPasswordLength
# else randomize the password length based on the min and max values
# we use Get-Random here for simplicity, and the length of the password hardly needs
# to be calculated using a cryptographically secure method :)
else {
$Length = Get-Random -Minimum $MinimumPasswordLength -Maximum $MaximumPasswordLength
switch ($Type) {
'Complex' {$passwordString = New-ComplexPassword -Length $Length -IncludeSymbols:$IncludeSymbols -IncludeNumbers:$IncludeNumbers -IncludeUppercaseCharacters:$IncludeUppercaseCharacters -IncludeLowercaseCharacters:$IncludeLowercaseCharacters -AlwaysStartWith $AlwaysStartWith}
'Pronounceable' {$passwordString = New-PronounceablePassword -Length $Length -IncludeNumbers:$IncludeNumbers -IncludeUppercaseCharacters:$IncludeUppercaseCharacters}
if ($AsSecureString) {
$secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $passwordString -AsPlainText -Force
Write-Output $secureString
else {
Write-Output $passwordString
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This is a great script based on the description from your blog on Communary. However, could you provide a few usage examples calling it from a powershell prompt, either here or on the Communary post?

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