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Created February 11, 2016 14:20
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lightweight cuRand alternative
#ifndef RNGPU_HPP
#define RNGPU_HPP
#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
#define INLINE_QUALIFIERS __host__ __device__ __forceinline__
#include <math.h>
#define INLINE_QUALIFIERS inline
// Thomas Mueller hash for initialization of rngs
// what-integer-hash-function-are-good-that-accepts-an-integer-hash-key
#define hash32(x) (nvidia_hash(x))
uint32_t mueller_hash(uint32_t x) {
x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
x = ((x >> 16) ^ x);
return x;
uint32_t nvidia_hash(uint32_t x) {
x = (x + 0x7ed55d16) + (x << 12);
x = (x ^ 0xc761c23c) ^ (x >> 19);
x = (x + 0x165667b1) + (x << 5);
x = (x + 0xd3a2646c) ^ (x << 9);
x = (x + 0xfd7046c5) + (x << 3);
x = (x ^ 0xb55a4f09) ^ (x >> 16);
return x;
// hash random number generator (period unknown)
struct hashrng_state32_t {
uint32_t x;
template <uint32_t num_iters=4> INLINE_QUALIFIERS
hashrng_state32_t get_initial_hashrng_state32(uint32_t seed) {
hashrng_state32_t state;
state.x = !seed ? 4294967295 : seed;
for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < num_iters; iter++)
state.x = hash32(state.x);
return state;
// linear congruential generator
struct lcg_state32_t{
uint32_t x;
uint32_t lcg32(lcg_state32_t * state) {
state->x = 314527869*state->x+1234567;
return state->x;
template <uint32_t num_iters=8> INLINE_QUALIFIERS
lcg_state32_t get_initial_lcg_state32(uint32_t seed) {
lcg_state32_t state;
state.x = !seed ? 4294967295 : seed;
for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < num_iters; iter++)
state.x = hash32(state.x);
return state;
// keep it simple stupid generator
struct kiss_state32_t{
uint32_t x;
uint32_t y;
uint32_t z;
uint32_t w;
uint32_t kiss32(kiss_state32_t * state) {
// lcg
state->x = 314527869*state->x+1234567;
// xorshift
state->y ^= state->y << 5;
state->y ^= state->y >> 7;
state->y ^= state->y << 22;
// carry and multiply
uint64_t t = 4294584393ULL*state->z+state->w;
state->w = t;
state->w = t >> 32;
// combine
return state->x+state->y+state->z;
template <uint32_t num_iters=8> INLINE_QUALIFIERS
kiss_state32_t get_initial_kiss_state32(uint32_t seed) {
kiss_state32_t state;
state.w = !seed ? 4294967295 : seed;
for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < num_iters; iter++) {
state.x = hash32(state.w);
state.y = hash32(state.x);
state.z = hash32(state.y);
state.w = hash32(state.z);
return state;
// fast keep it simple stupid generator
struct fast_kiss_state32_t{
uint32_t x;
uint32_t y;
uint32_t z;
uint32_t w;
uint32_t c;
uint32_t fast_kiss32(fast_kiss_state32_t * state) {
state->y ^= state->y << 5;
state->y ^= state->y >> 7;
state->y ^= state->y << 22;
int32_t t = state->z+state->w+state->c;
state->z = state->w;
state->c = t < 0;
state->w = t & 2147483647;
state->x += 1411392427;
// combine
return state->x+state->y+state->w;
template <uint32_t num_iters=8> INLINE_QUALIFIERS
fast_kiss_state32_t get_initial_fast_kiss_state32(uint32_t seed) {
fast_kiss_state32_t state;
state.w = !seed ? 4294967295 : seed;
for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < num_iters; iter++) {
state.x = hash32(state.w);
state.y = hash32(state.x);
state.z = hash32(state.y);
state.w = hash32(state.z);
state.c = 0;
return state;
// xorwow random number generator
struct xorwow_state32_t{
uint32_t x;
uint32_t y;
uint32_t z;
uint32_t w;
uint32_t v;
uint32_t d;
uint32_t xorwow32(xorwow_state32_t * state) {
uint32_t t = (state->x^(state->x>>2));
state->x = state->y;
state->y = state->z;
state->z = state->w;
state->v = (state->v^(state->v<<4))^(t^(t<<1));
state->d = state->d+362437;
return state->v+state->d;
template <uint32_t num_iters=8> INLINE_QUALIFIERS
xorwow_state32_t get_initial_xorwow_state32(uint32_t seed) {
xorwow_state32_t state;
state.d= !seed ? 4294967295 : seed;
for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < num_iters; iter++) {
state.x = hash32(state.d);
state.y = hash32(state.x);
state.z = hash32(state.y);
state.w = hash32(state.z);
state.v = hash32(state.w);
state.d = hash32(state.v);
return state;
// meta functions for uniform sampling in [0, 1)
template <class rng_t,
class state_t> INLINE_QUALIFIERS
float uniform_float(rng_t rng, state_t * state) {
uint32_t a = rng(state) >> 9;
float x; *((unsigned int *)&x) = a | 0x3F800000;
return x-1.0f;
template <class rng_t,
class state_t> INLINE_QUALIFIERS
double uniform_double(rng_t rng, state_t * state) {
uint32_t a = rng(state) >> 6;
uint32_t b = rng(state) >> 5;
double x = (a * 134217728.0 + b) / 9007199254740992.0;
return x;
// meta functions for uniform sampling in [0, 1)
template <class rng_t,
class state_t> INLINE_QUALIFIERS
double gaussian_float(rng_t rng, state_t * state) {
float x, y, r;
do {
x = 2.0f * uniform_float(rng, state) - 1.0f;
y = 2.0f * uniform_float(rng, state) - 1.0f;
r = x*x + y*y;
} while (r == 0.0f || r >= 1.0f);
return x * sqrtf((-2.0 * logf(r)) / r);
template <class rng_t,
class state_t> INLINE_QUALIFIERS
double gaussian_double(rng_t rng, state_t * state) {
double x, y, r;
do {
x = 2.0 * uniform_double(rng, state) - 1.0;
y = 2.0 * uniform_double(rng, state) - 1.0;
r = x*x + y*y;
} while (r == 0.0 || r >= 1.0);
return x * sqrt((-2.0 * log(r)) / r);
// shuffle functions for arrays
template <class rng_t,
class state_t,
class value_t,
class index_t> INLINE_QUALIFIERS
void fisher_yates_shuffle(rng_t rng,
state_t * state,
value_t * array,
index_t length) {
for (index_t i = length-1; i >= 1; i--) {
index_t r = (double) rng(state) * (i + 1) / 4294967296.0;
value_t temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[r];
array[r] = temp;
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