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Last active July 19, 2023 04:29
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Python Script to split data for the ECE498 project
# Import required modules
import os
import random
# Define paths for the train, test and firstlast data files
ratio = "50-50"
trainFile = "/mnt/Storage/VMShare/" + ratio + "/train.dat"
testFile = "/mnt/Storage/VMShare/" + ratio + "/test.dat"
firstLastFile = "/mnt/Storage/VMShare/" + ratio + "/firstlast.dat"
def main():
# Start a loop that continues indefinitely
while True:
# Display files in the current working directory
print("Files in Working Directory:")
# Prompt the user to select a file from the current working directory
selectedFile = ""
while selectedFile not in listFiles():
selectedFile = input("Select the file containing the training data: ")
# Open the selected file and read its contents
contents = openFile("data.csv")
lenOG = len(contents)
# Display the dimensions of the data
print("The file contains " + str(len(contents)) + " rows and " + str(len(contents[1])) + " columns.")
# Ask the user if they want to remove the leading and trailing 5% of data
presplit = ""
while presplit not in ['y', 'n']:
presplit = input("Would you like to remove the leading and trailing 5% of data? (y/n)\n")
if presplit == 'y':
# If yes, remove the leading and trailing 5% of data
contents = firstLastRemove(contents)
# If no, continue with the original data
# Ask the user to specify the proportion of data to be used for training
percentage = input("How much of the data should be used for training? ex. 30 = 30%\n")
splitData(percentage, contents)
# Perform sanity check to ensure no rows were lost in the processing
lenFirstLast = str(len(openFile(firstLastFile)))
lenTrain = str(len(openFile(trainFile)))
lenTest = str(len(openFile(testFile)))
lenTotal = int(lenFirstLast) + int(lenTrain) + int(lenTest)
# Display the number of rows in each file and the total
print(str(lenOG) + " rows in the file og file.")
print(str(lenFirstLast) + " rows in firstlast.dat")
print(str(lenTrain) + " rows in train.dat")
print(str(lenTest) + " rows in test.dat")
print(str(lenTotal) + " rows total after processing")
# Check if the total number of rows matches the original number
if lenTotal == lenOG:
# If they match, indicate that no lines were lost and exit
print("No lines lost.")
# If they do not match, indicate that lines were lost and exit
print("Lines were lost")
# This function returns the list of files in the current directory
def listFiles():
itemsindir = []
for path in os.listdir('.'):
return itemsindir
# This function opens a file and reads its contents into a list
def openFile(filename):
contentsList = []
lineitemsList = []
file = open(filename, 'r')
while True:
line = file.readline()
if not line:
lineitemsList = line.split()
return contentsList
print("Invalid File.")
# This function removes the leading and trailing 5% of rows from the data
def firstLastRemove(contents):
totallines = len(contents)
numberofdata = round(0.05*totallines)
print(str(numberofdata) + " rows will be removed from the top and bottom.")
leading = contents[:numberofdata]
ending = contents[(totallines-numberofdata):]
remaining = contents[numberofdata:(totallines-numberofdata)]
firstLastData = leading + ending
firstLast = open(firstLastFile, "w")
for row in firstLastData:
if len(row) > 0:
rowstr = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in row])
return remaining
# This function splits the data into training and testing sets based on the specified percentage
def splitData(percentage, contents):
rowstr = ""
totallines = len(contents)
numberofdata = round((totallines/100)*float(percentage))
traindata = contents[:numberofdata]
testdata = contents[numberofdata:]
trainfile = open(trainFile, "w")
for row in traindata:
if len(row) > 0:
rowstr = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in row])
testfile = open(testFile, "w")
for row in testdata:
if len(row) > 0:
rowstr = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in row])
print("The remaining data has been shuffled and split into train.dat and test.dat\n\n")
# Execute the main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Place this file in a directory along with the source data file and run it. Follow the prompts.

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