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Last active July 19, 2023 04:29
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ECE498 Preformat
# Import required modules
import os
# Set the header of the data file
# Date;Time;Global_active_power;Global_reactive_power;Voltage;Global_intensity;Sub_metering_1;Sub_metering_2;Sub_metering_3
def main():
# Open the data file and read its contents
contents = openFile('household_power_consumption.txt')
# Create a new file to store the processed data
newdata = open("data.csv", "w")
# Loop over the rows of the data
for row in contents:
# Split the time field into hours, minutes, and seconds
timelist = row[1].split(':')
# Check if the global intensity field is not empty and if the minute field is "00" and if global active power is not '?'
if len(row[5]) != 0 and timelist[1] == "00" and row[2] != "?":
# Split the date field into day, month, and year
datelist = row[0].split('/')
# Construct a new string with the date, global active power, global reactive power, voltage, and global intensity
# Formatting with date
newstr = datelist[2] + datelist[1] + datelist[0] + ' ' + row[2] + ' ' + row[3] + ' ' + row[4] + ' ' + row[5]
# Formatting without date
# newstr = row[2] + ' ' + row[3] + ' ' + row[4] + ' ' + row[5]
# Write the new string to the new data file
# Close the new data file
# This function returns a list of files in the current directory
def listFiles():
itemsindir = []
for path in os.listdir('.'):
return itemsindir
# This function opens a file and reads its contents into a list
def openFile(filename):
contentsList = []
lineitemsList = []
file = open(filename, 'r')
while True:
line = file.readline()
if not line:
lineitemsList = line.split(';')
return contentsList
print("Invalid File.")
# Execute the main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
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