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gravityfargo /
Last active March 27, 2023 14:42

* = hardware playback not supported. Settings will be saved to software only.

If your device isn't on this list, it isn't currently supported by ckb-next. Pull requests welcome.

If your device is listed as Experimental, this means that support for it is not enabled by default, and is incomplete, or possibly even broken. If you wish to proceed, you can read here on how to enable support for it.

Please open a bug report if you find one of these variants incompatible or an Enhancement issue if your variants is compatible.



Enable Experimental Device Support

In order to use newly supported devices marked as experimental, you will need to modify your daemon's unit file to start with the required flag for experimental device support.

  1. Verify the ckb-next daemon is running on your system.

systemctl status ckb-next-daemon.service


gravityfargo /
Last active July 19, 2023 04:29
Python Script to split data for the ECE498 project
# Import required modules
import os
import random
# Define paths for the train, test and firstlast data files
ratio = "50-50"
trainFile = "/mnt/Storage/VMShare/" + ratio + "/train.dat"
testFile = "/mnt/Storage/VMShare/" + ratio + "/test.dat"
firstLastFile = "/mnt/Storage/VMShare/" + ratio + "/firstlast.dat"
gravityfargo /
Last active July 19, 2023 04:29
ECE498 Preformat
# Import required modules
import os
# Set the header of the data file
# Date;Time;Global_active_power;Global_reactive_power;Voltage;Global_intensity;Sub_metering_1;Sub_metering_2;Sub_metering_3
def main():
# Open the data file and read its contents
contents = openFile('household_power_consumption.txt')
gravityfargo / visualizecode.m
Last active August 2, 2023 21:25
ECE498 Matlab Graph - Figure 1
% Normalize the data to percentage of maximum value
nathan_training_error = nathan_training_error / max(nathan_training_error) * 100;
nathan_testing_error = nathan_testing_error / max(nathan_testing_error) * 100;
nathan_validation_error = nathan_validation_error / max(nathan_validation_error) * 100;
asmaa_training_error = asmaa_training_error / max(asmaa_training_error) * 100;
asmaa_testing_error = asmaa_testing_error / max(asmaa_testing_error) * 100;
asmaa_validation_error = asmaa_validation_error / max(asmaa_validation_error) * 100;
joseph_training_error = joseph_training_error / max(joseph_training_error) * 100;
gravityfargo / visualizefig2.m
Created August 3, 2023 19:03
ECE498 Matlab Graph - Figure 2
% Define ratio labels
Ratio = {'10/90', '20/80', '30/70', '40/60', '50/50', '60/40', '70/30', '80/20', '90/10'};
% Convert to categorical
RatioCat = categorical(Ratio);
% Adaptive Backpropagation
TrainingError_AdaptiveBackpropagation = [0.0838717, 0.0772489, 0.0677041, 0.0685053, 0.0694665, 0.0660926, 0.0657811, 0.0646259, 0.644504];
TestingError_AdaptiveBackpropagation = [8.658576, 7.694914, 6.696497, 6.895893, 6.978141, 6.622154, 6.420111, 6.4860063, 6.266074];
ValidationError_AdaptiveBackpropagation = [8.833146, 7.8823543, 6.8417497, 7.025997, 7.08813, 6.7571335, 6.585877, 6.6701446, 6.468319];