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Last active May 13, 2021 17:33
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import datetime
import requests
import math
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import (FigureCanvasTkAgg)
import logging
# User configuration items
config = dict()
config['root_url'] = "" # Base URL of printer addresses
config['printer_count'] = 10 # Quantity of printers to display
config['width'] = 4 # Quantity of columns for display grid
config['height'] = 3 # Quantity of rows for display grid
config['refresh_int'] = 5 # How often to refresh information from printers
config['graph_font'] = ("Droid Sans Mono", 20) # Graph font face, font size
config['title_font'] = ("Droid Sans Mono", 13) # Print filename font face, font size
config['body_font'] = ("Droid Sans Mono", 10) # Print stats font face, font size
config['body_color'] = "#000000"
config['warning_color'] = "#FF0000"
config['stale_refresh_warning_time'] = datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
config['stale_refresh_clear_time'] = datetime.timedelta(minutes=3)
# Format X Axis Labels
def formatx_func(value, tick_number):
return str(abs(10 - int(value)) * config['refresh_int']) + "s"
# Format Y Axis Labels
def formaty_func(value, tick_number):
return str(int(value)) + "°C"
# Take printer number and convert it to rows and columns
def get_coords(x):
return math.floor(x / config['width']), x % config['width']
# Printer class, keeps printer info: url, name, stats, and Tkinter frame
class Printer:
def __init__(self, name, url):
# Name Printer and configure url = name
self.url = url
# API Call timeout
self.timeout = config['refresh_int']
# Empty place for stats
self.last_refresh_time = None
# UI elements
self.frame = None
self.lbl_title = None
self.lbl_prj = None
self.progress_bar = None
self.lbl_time = None
self.lbl_fin = None
self.lbl_update = None
self.fig = None
self.plot = None
self.canvas = None
def reset_stats(self):
self.stats = dict()
self.stats['temp_bed'] = [0] * 10
self.stats['temp_nozzle'] = [0] * 10
# Get stats from the API and update the printer's "self.stats"
def get_stats(self):
temp_temp_bed = self.stats['temp_bed']
temp_temp_nozzle = self.stats['temp_nozzle']
self.stats['temp_bed'] = temp_temp_bed
self.stats['temp_nozzle'] = temp_temp_nozzle
# API Call
response = requests.get(self.url, timeout=self.timeout)
values = dict()
# Loop through items in response, if it's a string, run .strip() on it to clean whitespace
# If it's not a string, just pass it through
for k, v in response.json().items():
if isinstance(v, str):
values[k] = v.strip()
values[k] = v
# If we have certain data, save it to the local stats dictionary for use in the UI
if 'print_dur' in values:
self.stats['print_dur'] = values['print_dur']
if 'progress' in values:
self.stats['progress'] = values['progress']
if 'project_name' in values:
self.stats['project_name'] = values['project_name']
if 'temp_nozzle' in values:
if 'temp_bed' in values:
time_now =
if 'time_est' in values:
self.stats['time_est'] = values['time_est']
self.stats['time_finish'] = time_now + datetime.timedelta(0, int(values['time_est']))
# Log what time the API call was made and finished
self.last_refresh_time = time_now
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
logging.warning("[{}] Error getting stats".format(
if (self.last_refresh_time # have we *ever* refreshed?
and self.last_refresh_time < - config['stale_refresh_clear_time'] # was it more than a minute ago?
and len(self.stats.keys()) > 2): # is there current data in self.stats, or is it empty?
logging.warning("[{}] Haven't refreshed since {}. Clearing stats".format(, self.last_refresh_time))
# Create UI Frame, label, progress bar, and graph elements
def configure_frame(self, parent, r, c, start_autorefresh=True):
# Frame
self.frame = Frame(parent, height=380, width=510, relief=tk.GROOVE, borderwidth=3)
self.frame.grid(row=r, column=c)
# Body
self.lbl_prj = Label(self.frame, font=config['title_font'])
self.lbl_prj.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3)
self.progress_bar = Progressbar(self.frame, orient=HORIZONTAL, mode='determinate', length=400)
self.progress_bar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=3)
self.lbl_time = Label(self.frame, font=config['body_font'])
self.lbl_time.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W)
self.lbl_fin = Label(self.frame, font=config['body_font'])
self.lbl_fin.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky=E)
self.lbl_update = Label(self.frame, font=config['body_font'])
self.lbl_update.grid(row=3, column=1)
self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3), dpi=100, facecolor="#F0F0F0")
self.plot = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fig, master=self.frame)
self.canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3)
# Schedule first update_frame run
if start_autorefresh:
def draw_graph(self):
# Update temp graph
self.plot.cla() # Close the previous plot
self.plot.grid(True) # Enable graph grid
self.plot.set_ylim(0, 300) # Set Y axis limit to 300 so it remains a fixed size
self.plot.set_title(, fontsize=config['graph_font'][1], fontname=config['graph_font'][0]) # Graph title
self.plot.plot(self.stats['temp_bed'], color="green", lw=3, label="Bed Temp") # Plot Bed Temp
self.plot.plot(self.stats['temp_nozzle'], color="red", lw=3, label="Nozzle Temp") # Plot Nozzle Temp
self.plot.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) # Set X axis increments to 1
self.plot.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(formatx_func)) # Set X axis labels to # of seconds
self.plot.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(formaty_func)) # Set Y axis labels to degrees C
self.plot.legend() # Enable graph legend
self.canvas.draw() # Draw graph
# Update UI elements
def update_frame(self):
# Update self.stats
# Update File label if it exists, otherwise display "Status: IDLE"
self.lbl_prj.configure(text=str(self.stats.get("project_name", "Status: IDLE")))
self.progress_bar.configure(value=self.stats.get("progress", 0))
# Calculate estimated completion time
now =
if "print_dur" in self.stats:
if self.stats['time_finish'].date() == # If we finish today
time_finish_text = "Est Finish: {}".format(self.stats['time_finish'].strftime("%I:%M%p"))
elif self.stats['time_finish'].date() == + datetime.timedelta(
days=1): # If we finish tomorrow (today + 1)
time_finish_text = "Est Finish: Tomorrow {}".format(self.stats['time_finish'].strftime("%I:%M%p"))
elif self.stats['time_finish'].date() > + datetime.timedelta(
days=1): # If we finish after tomorrow (> today + 1)
time_finish_text = "Est Finish: {}".format(self.stats['time_finish'].strftime("%m/%d %I:%M%p"))
time_finish_text = "Finish time unknown" # Catch if time format is unclear
# Update the UI with our time above
self.lbl_time.configure(text="Print Time: {}".format(self.stats.get("print_dur")))
# refresh our last_refreshed time, with fancy colors in case we start timing out
update_color = config['warning_color']
update_text = "No refresh time"
if self.last_refresh_time:
if self.last_refresh_time > - config['stale_refresh_warning_time']:
update_color = config['body_color']
update_text = self.last_refresh_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
self.lbl_update.configure(fg=update_color, text=update_text)
# Schedule the next update run at configured interval
self.frame.after(config['refresh_int']*1000, self.update_frame)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set up our printers
printers = list()
for index in range(1, config['printer_count'] + 1):
# using .format to automatically add leading zeros to make our URL
full_url = config['root_url'] + "{:02d}/api/telemetry".format(index)
printers.append(Printer("Printer {}".format(str(index)), full_url))
# Create tkinter root element
root = Tk()
root.title("Print Monitor")
# Create frame layout for each printer
for index, printer in enumerate(printers):
# Where is this printer in the grid
row, column = get_coords(index)
# set up the UI (and schedule the first update_frame run 5 seconds from now)
printer.configure_frame(root, row, column)
# Start tkinter mainloop
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