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Last active January 18, 2018 22:34
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Outrigger Updates, January 18th 2018

Outrigger Release Notes

Yesterday saw a couple small releases to some of the Outrigger docker images.

Outrigger Dashboard

The Outrigger Dashboard image is automatically spun up by rig start and rig dashboard, which automatically checks for updates. THe Dashboard image has been updated to Bootstrap 4, and now has a shiny navbar to connect your use of Outrigger with the various online resources related to it. Check out what it will look like in the Navbar Pull Request.

  • Update Instructions: Simply running one of the rig command will perform the update. You may need a hard cache reset.
  • Help Wanted: We need a simple cache buster.


PHP 5.6, PHP 7.0, and PHP 7.1 only.

Drupal 8.2 introduced support for libyaml (a C implementation of the YAML parser) via PECL YAML. If the extension is present and enabled per the usage instructions below, it will automatically be used instead of the Symfony YAML component. For details on how to override that behavior and update custom code, read the Change Record.

From the original issue #1920902 this should bring a performance improvement.

Acquia Cloud and DrupalVM already support this extension as a default.

Caution: Symfony's parser is more permissive than this YAML implementation, so existing codebases may not be compatible out of box. To keep existing projects working smoothly and new projects able to come out the gate fast, we've made this an opt-in setting. An example of the compatibility issues is the use of the @ symbol at the front of a string value - with the Symfony parser this is fine, with the libyaml this is an error unless the string is wrapped in quotes.

Updating Your Environment: Run one of the following commands and prepare to wait awhile for the large download.

docker pull outrigger/apache-php:php<Your Version>
docker pull outrigger/build:php<Your Version>

If you are using docker-compose.yml to manage your project docker configuration (as most of you probably are), you can instead run the following:

docker-compose pull --parallel
docker-compose -f build.yml pull --parallel

With this command, docker-compose will check all the images in use on your project for updates, and update them as needed.

Usage: Run your outrigger/apache-php and outrigger/build containers with the following environment variable to turn on the YAML extension:


This is the same approach to extension enabling we've used in the past with XHPROF and XDEBUG.

Consideration: Updating Your Local Environment

If you haven't updated your Docker images in a long time this could bring earlier changes to the environment configuration. While the YAML change itself will not be problematic, if any other changes conflict with your project it could require further troubleshooting actions. For long-running projects consider having a single team member try this upgrade first.

Earlier this Year

We released Outrigger CLI (rig) v2.1.0. Have you upgraded yet to get the new spinners for long-running processes?

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