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Last active November 14, 2022 22:18
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tidyverse hints
# gives us
cur_column() - current column name!
cur_<press tab>
disp <- 10
mtcars %>% mutate(disp = .data$disp * .env$disp)
mtcars %>% mutate(disp = disp * disp)
across(...., .names='{.col}_{.fn}')
# a pair of columns problem
# 1. there are pairs of columns like transaction_type _duration and _n
# we need to pick some ot the pairs, not all of them
# then divide every corresponding _dur to _n column
# solution 1
reduce(striped col names, .init=df, .f=
~mutate(.x, '{.y}_dur_div_n' = get(glue('{.y}_dur')) / get(glue('{.y}_n')) )
# solution 2
mutate(across.. cur_column()
# name mae_nv n mae_gain
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 adv 23.8 1123 0.036
# 2 odds 23.8 1123 0.077
# 3 adv_21+ 22.6 297 -0.022
# 4 odds_21+ 22.6 297 0.028
# group_by n, subtract mae_gain in each group
group_by(n) %>%
group_map(~deframe(mutate(., name=str_remove(name, '_.+'))) %>%
{.['adv'] - .['odds']})
# 2. head(x, -2) is a very useful feature allowing to select all but 2 last
# values. It works even for whole tibbles.
# At the time of writing, unfortunately, there is no such alternative for grouped tibble
# applying it separately to each group. My solution
tibble(gr=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2), val=1:7) %>%
group_by(gr) %>%
filter(n() - row_number() + 1 > 2) %>%
# 3. fast time cv can be done with nesting and lags
# 4. group_by()/rowwise() %>% group_map() is bad
# Especially when you need a grouping value in the result
# Replace it with nesting
df %>%
nest(data=-smth) %>%
mutate(res=map(data, your_func), .keep='unused')
# 5. to inject a vectorized lambda function in a long pipeline
1:4 %>% exec(as_mapper(~. + 1), .)
# 6. chr to tbl with delay, by batches
x %>%
enframe() %>%
group_by(batch=ceiling(name/10)) %>%
summarise(ids=list(value)) %>%
pluck('ids') %>%
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