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Digital Forensics & Incident Response Notes (cleanup in progress)

#DFIR These are my notes from BlackHat 2016 Digital Forensics & Incident Response Training

##Windows Drive Forensics NTFS: host default <---- Course focus ReFS: eventually the host default (not yet) <---- basically nothing FAT: external drives <--- a little focus ExFat: high-cap external drives <--- basically nothing

Our tools will mostly deal with NTFS and FAT.

###NTFS Forensics Used by all modern versions of Windows.

How are files/directories stored?

What metadata is available?

What happens when a file is:

  • created?
  • touched?
  • deleted?
  • accessed?

EVERYTHING is a file

  • and each file is in the MFT.

####MFT anatomy

(entries 0-15 are system, typically hidden)

  1. $MFT - location and size of MFT
  2. $MFTMirr - keeps up to date with changes to 0
  • for disaster recovery
  1. $LogFile - journal. a file write buffer to keep writes atomic. On reboot
  • this contains any outstanding FS changes at time of shutdown.
  1. . - root directory
  • equivalent to /

####MFT Entry Anatomy Attribute Type

  • Size
  • Name Attribute contents can be either a 1024-byte (128B) value or a pointer to other storage
  • when file size >700B or so it becomes a pointer.

Attributes: $DATA (anything) $FILE_NAME filename and a pointer to MFT entry of the parent dir MAC (mod/access/change) times $STANDARD_INFO ($SI) (MAC times of all files&folders

  • plus mtime of MFT entry)

If dir is small (where $IR < 1024b): $INDEX_ROOT contains info on the files and child dirs of current dir If dir is large: we also use $INDEX_ALLOCATION and $BITMAP

  • helpers because $INDEX_ROOT is now a pointer

Changes to $SI can be compared to $FN because the way entries change differs between the two for each access type.

Directories stored in a B-tree

On delete

  • directory B-tree is resorted
  • BUT the file's clusters are dealloced NOT overwritten
  • so we need to do some digging to find the original mem locs. Occasionally this gets rewritten by resort.

To find deleted files

  • walk the MFT and look for not-in-use entries (entries with in-use flag off). <700B files recoverable (because it's right there in $DATA as soon as we find the entry)
  • larger files depends on if cluster was overwritten.


#####FTK Imager:

  • drive gets mounted w/o making changes
  • can select whether to block writes to FS
  • Red X means files are unallocated
  • manually walk files; can create an image from a physical disk
  • integration with "Chain of Custody" process

#####Sleuthkit Much more commonly used for FS analysis

  • works on a lot of FSes. Scriptable in Python. Commonly used as a library Lots of analysis capabilities:
  • Volume System (entire drive)
  • Filesystem
  • File name
  • Metadata
  • Data unit

Win7+ always has a recovery partition in addition to the typical C drive.


  • mmcat
  • mmstat
  • fsstat demo
  1. Use mmls to find the offset of the drive/section you want
  2. then fsstat to examine a specific offset
  • Sector is the smallest addressable block of continuous memory
  • Cluster is N sectors where N is set for a whole FS

#####File name layer tools

Use "metadata address" - inode

  • MFT entry number (these are analogous)

  • fls

    • -r (recurse children)
    • -l (list metadata) d/d 237053-144-5 ^--address
  • ffind

    • Determine which file's data includes a particular inode
    • A file data can contain multiple inodes because of arbitrary length so this is useful if we identify a specific chunk of data on disk to look for

#####Metadata layer tools

Info ABOUT a file

  • nothing to do with its contents

  • icat

  • ifind

    • block number to metadata address (MFT #)
    • filename (must use posix / not windows \) to metadata address (MFT #)
  • ils

    • list all inode metadata
    • can pipe this into scripts
  • istat

    • list all metadata baout file or directory
  • requires metadata address

icat ifind ils istat Demo:

Run fls to find MFT root at offset 2048. The first 16 files are indeed the system stuff. Can see a deleted file Config.Msi

Given offset

  • we can now run fls on any individual MFT node (example of Program Files and we can list within Program Files)

Create a file

  • then icat on it - we can list its contents. *If it's deleted and found
  • still works :)* THen istat it:
  • We get MAC times for both $SI and $FN
  • in addition to size of $DATA
  • $FILE_NAME Allocated Size and Actual Size are 0 when the whole file is stored in $DATA.
  • Update Sequence Number corresponds to SCN in journal

#####Data Unit Layer Tools Analyze raw FS data.

  • blkstat

    • If block is allocated or not - if we find a string or something
  • can see if it's associatd with a file

  • blkcat

    • Read arbitrary data from a block offset and write to stdout.
    • Useful when we don't have pointers to the data.
  • blkls

    • Extracts unallocated blocks so we can search through deleted data.

Autopsy Demo

Autopsy is a GUI for these tools.

####Index Records Directories contain INDX records

  • which are marked free when children are deleted So they still exist until overwritten
  • which often isn't for a while. Recover them using INDXParse.

####NTFS Journaling MSFT calls journaling "logging"

Two files part of 0-15 MFT entries:

  • $LogFile - FS transaction log (64MB by default)
    • contains timestamped info on file MAC and metadata modification
    • Where was a file before it was moved?
    • What was the metadata before it was modified?
    • Useful because MFT is only THE CURRENT STATE (mostly)
  • $UsnJrnl
    • $J attribute contains FS journal entries
      • Name (full path can be found via MFT)
      • Reason for operation
      • Timestamp

These give us file deletion time and multiple sets of MAC


  • LogFileParser
    • parse $LogFile and $UsnJrnl
  • Windows Journal Parser
    • Dumps UsnJrnl
  • TriForce
    • Parses above two PLUS MFT to correlate current vs past state...
    • Paid version can do automated post-analysis

#####File System Tunneling

tl;dr: MAC is reused for files that are deleted/renamed

  • then created w/ the same name w/in 15 sec This means that if you quickly delete & recreate a file you don't get new timestamps in the timeline Thus we need to go to the journal


Finding deleted files: delte out of dir

  • istat the directory
  • get the metadata address of the index allocation and append to MFT entry (MFT-metadataaddress) - we can use INDXParse to get the filenames by examining the dir
  • along with MAC
  • but NOT the actual contents

In the malware case

  • it creates a bunch of files
  • moves only some and deletes the rest (to obscure journal) - we can peel out deleted filenames given a known directory because we can recover the INDX records
  • and see whether antiforesics was used

File Carving

Key Tool: Scalpel

Recovering files from unstructured input (aka cobbling shit together from bytes)

  • Hard drives
  • Network streams
  • Memory captures
  1. Recognize the file
  • Header/footer searching

    • Ex: magic byte examination
    • Lots of false positives
  • especially with short headers that are easy to find in any random sequence of bytes

    • Need to learn to filter out the noise if you want to use this method well
  • Straight-up file parsing

  • Tricks:

    • files are usually written on cluster boundaries (but sometimes
  • in tricky cases

  • are not)

  1. Establish file boundaries
  • Search for footer within reasonable bounds
  • Maybe recognize another file so you know the first one has ended
    • This can produce noise
  1. Extract (carve) files to output
  • Ez
  1. Filter noise
  • use blkls to extract all unallocated space
  • then run the file carver against it - now you're only viewing deleted files
  1. View recovered files
  • Make sure you mount the recovery drive read-only to avoid changing the filesystem
  • which invalidates evidence

Lab notes:

  1. Most of the zip files are corrupted. Some images are incomplete
  • meaning Scalpel probably found a footer that wasn't really a footer.
  1. Some are office files...

Lab 2 notes photorec: We were able to recover some files better/some only with Photorec (ppt which is really just a zip

  • an exe) but some images are missing entirely.

Compare/contrast: Scalpel will chop files out of other files

  • such as multimedia presentations. This is sometimes useful and sometimes not.

  • Can be useful when files are embedded in other files - either to hide them or because of multimedia stuff

  • archives

  • etc

    • Can be useful when we need a summary of all data available in the image
    • Can be very UN-useful when we need to reconstruct the scenario that the user was in.

Recycle Bin Forensics

Recycle Bin works drastically differently in XP vs 7/Vista vs 8 vs 10...

    - INFO2
    - Deleted files (renamed at first d level
  • same name deeper down the tree) INFO2: a file per-user containing metadata about the deletion

In 7/Vista

  • deleted files create an $I and $R file in C:\$Recycle.Bin\<PER USER ID>

LNK File Forensics

Useful because they are basically references that get created and hang around by various activities on the system such as the "Recent" file feature

  • MS office recent files
  • probably most applications with a "recent" feature. They contain a wealth of forensic info that can be examined even across multiple devices - for example
  • external drives get .lnk files created on other disks
  • so a trace is left when you plug in a USB drive. Another example is mapping a network drive creates a .lnk file which contains network share information.

Tools: lnkinfo


Jump Lists (first appeared in Win7)

Basically another way of creating shortcuts on the system to various files

  • with similar forensic properties. Also have the advantage that they're more that pointers - they also include some preferences data
  • etc

Key features - DestList (MRU files for app in question)

Sticks around after files are deleted.

Jump lists have App IDs which correspond uniquely to a single application


  • JumpLister
  • JumpListExplorer

Event Logs

Registry contains logging configs

By default

  • event log is a ring buffer
  • so sometimes parsing can fail because of overwriting

Typically have a description which is partly defined by the configured message templating executable in registry

Like Jump List App IDs

  • event log IDs are unique globally
  • and there are repositories containing this data online

Vista+ event logs are XML

  • and have a similar ID (with 4096 prepended)

When a file is executed it often creates a prefetch file on disk which is recorded in the MFT.

Therefore we can confirm execution by looking for a prefetch file in MFT mac analysis.

Log Types

  • Application

    • Apps write here
  • Security

    • Auditing - events called "audits"
    • Need to change registry key permissions to see these for admins
    • Often disabled by default (in XP
  • totally disabled)

  • HKLM\SECURITY\Policy\PolAdtEv - a binary blob containing security auditing configuration

  • Can toggle success/failure/both along with different event types

  • Therefore an audit is basically a pair (0|1

  • TYPE)

  • Highly granular set of event logs (log when user unlocks computer

  • attempts to unlock computer

  • can differentiate between login with local and networked credentials...)

  • Also logs service logins so the typical malware pattern of installing a service leaves many tracks here

  • System

    • Operational stuff
    • System services write here
  • Setup

  • Forwarded



  • GrokEvt

  • libevt

More artifacts

Prefetch Files

  • Prefetch files (from before) are created on first execution of something

  • to optimize performance

  • Layout.ini is kept in the prefetch folder and contains some info about prefetch files that have been deleted

  • Prefetching is configurable with various defaults on various versions of windows

    • for various types of prefetching (boot vs application)
  • Prefetch file name includes a hash calculated from the full path of the executable

  • When executables delete themselves

  • or when someone deletes them

  • prefetch doesn't go away

  • In Win10

  • prefetch on-disk format changed a lot

  • so tools are still catching up

Windows Search Database

  • Indexes a bunch of files

  • and other stuff: IE history

  • emails... even the contents of plaintext/human-readable files

  • Only on by default in Vista/7+

  • Stored in .edb format and readable using libesedb

Scheduled Tasks

  • Often used by APT

  • When a scheduled task is created

  • job files are also created in C:\windows\Tasks

  • Contain job metadata (runtime

  • priority

  • command)

  • "at" utility creates Tasks/At1.job

  • "Sceheduled Tasks Wizard" creates named Tasks/ files instead

Restore Points aka Volume Shadow Service


  • ShadowExplorer

    • Actually examines the image
  • mklink

    • Basically mounting the copy as a read-only drive
  • Hibernation file can sometimes be found and contains copies of RAM (nice!)


  • The A-bomb: FDE

    • However
  • FDE is usually on a partition basis...

    • Check for recovery partition
  • etc

  • Also

  • password managers

  • memory captures

  • config files

  • stringsing the image can find the password

  • But if you can't find the password

  • you might be screwed ;)

  • Basically techniques to remove forensic artifacts from a system.

  • However

  • this itself leaves traces on the machine - we can detect them with anti-anti-forensic tools.

  • This can qualify as destruction of evidence

  • Also covers your ass about why you found nothing

    • Cause otherwise you get fired :)
  • Execution leaves a trace

  • so knowing the tools means you can identify prefetch

  • event logs

  • etc.

  • CCleaner is a good example

  • basically just deletes a ton of shit

  • Some things can't be touched by anti-forensics:

    1. Restore points
    2. Volume Shadow Copies
    3. Registry Hives (deleted keys)
  • RegDecoder can sometimes tell when a key was deleted

  • Proving anti-forensics was used:

    • Often leave artifacts in memory
      • Especially in malware cases
  • software goes from network to process memory w/o ever touching disk

  • File deletion leaves leftovers in 'slack space' aka space between cluster boundary and EOF

    • BUT: In ext* FS
  • this space is zeroed

  • and some tools zero it too (like Eraser)

  • Can run strings against memory to find remnants of stuff

    • OSX Strings sucks. get the GNU version for unicode support.
  • Tough to erase SSDs

  • because block re-mappings mean software may never overwrite the intended block (read more...)

    • But these blocks can be v hard to access by forensics
  • Password cracking tips:

    • strings the image and build a cracking dict

    • Tools:

      1. Elcomsoft makes cracking stuff for ZIP/RAR/Office/PDF (GuaPDF)
  • Encrypted files were usually unencrypted once

    • Can find em in temp files
  • printing cache

  • page file?

  • etc

  • Encrypted Containers

    • Allow for portable encrypted filesystems (implemented as a file)
    • TrueCrypt is one
    • Still have MAC times
  • still have lnk files

  • jump list

  • registry entries


tcpxtract does it automatically.

Wireshark FTP data extraction:

  • Follow TCP stream - results in a view of a "conversation" reconstructed
  • See RAR header to notice filetype
  • Click "Raw" to get raw format
  • Save stream as raw
  • and you have the file

Gmail forensics: Essentially

  • use strings to search for things of interest. Because of memory locality

it's pretty common to be able to find things within visible distance.

IIS Forensics

  • IIS is still a really common web server.

  • MSSQL contains some pretty crazy key stuff:

    • xp_cmdshell

      • Get a cmd.exe shell from MSSQL
    • xp_reg

      • Edit the registry from MSSQL
    • xp_grantlogin

      • Grant MSSQL access to a Windows user
    • If you can RCE

  • can run basically: nc -l 9999 | bash

Parsing IIS Logs

These were Win specific tools; I just chopped things up with the standard Unix toolkit for the same result.

Memory Forensics


  • Before disconnecting from the network!

  • Not during times of heavy activity involving lots of memory use

  • Was done in usermode before Win2003 SP1

  • Now done in kernel mode with a device driver

  • Hibernation file (C:\hiberfil.sys) contains a full copy of RAM at time of hibernation

    • Not a substitute for live RAM because the process of hibernation closes network connections and releases DHCP leases
  • Easier to get memory from a VM

  • of course...

    • So if you plan to detonate
  • nice to do it on a VM :)


  • Can selectively query memory - useful for sweeping for IOC

F-response demo


  • Strings/hex/grep/less + carving can be useful

  • but limited in context and can't follow across pages/swapping

  • Better: Volatility framework

    • Actually works on memory from all kinds of systems
  • etc

  • Figure out what sample you've got with kdbgscan (searches for a certain signature to find machine profile)

  • Entry point: pslist lists processes by walking a linked list of processes

  • Sometimes

  • processes are hidden. kernelmode malware can directly overwrite pointers in kernel objects

  • so we can't walk the linked list to find the process! D:

  • you can do psscan to carve EPROCESS objects based on struct shape which doesn't rely on the linked list pointers

  • Onec you identify a process can:

    • dump its executable (or memory with --memory)
    • check what DLLs it's got loaded (a DLL is basically a .so :))
    • ldrmodules even shows unlinked DLLs; which is to say DLLs which have been obscured by overwriting kernel pointers
    • dlldump to dump DLL for analysis - default dumps all
  • can get more specific

Concept: the VAD

  • A self-balancing AVL tree containing info about memory allocaed to a process
    • location of memory mapped files
    • what addresses are used
    • unlinked DLLs
    • injected code

Lab notes: everything works as expected, it's pretty cool.

Metasploit default port is 4444

Metasploit modules often use _ReflectiveLoad to load dlls directly into memory

Check out Sam* Win32 API calls that typically indicate credential dumping (as seen in MimiKatz)

Process Interactions

In memory we can find things like:

  • Anything memory mapped including code and data

  • Any pointers that are kept including files, reg keys, locks, IPC......

  • Env vars

  • The _FILE_OBJECT structure represents a file and we can find the physical offset using vol

    • vol can also dump any _FILE_OBJECT given a physical address

Kernel objects

  • Modules/drivers live in LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY linked list - can pool scan like others as well
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