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Setting up a encrypted drive on Amazon Cloud Drive w/ EncFS and acd_cli


export ACD_LOCAL=$HOME/.cache/Amazon-Cloud-Drive

# To use this file later
export ENCFS6_CONFIG=$ACD_LOCAL/encfs6.xml encfs


mkdir -p \
$ACD_LOCAL/local.encrypted \
$ACD_LOCAL/local.plaintext \
$ACD_LOCAL/cloud.encrypted \

# On first run, you'll need to setup EncFS. Just use the defaults.
# Since we don't upload the key, it's OK to use an empty passphrase
# Useful options, case insentive file names, 4K blocks, path-independent filenames
encfs \
$ACD_LOCAL/local.encrypted \

acd_cli mount --modules="subdir,subdir=/Encrypted" \

# Backup key & configuration for safe-keeping
# TODO: this shouldn't be in ~/.cache/!
ln \
$ACD_LOCAL/local.encrypted/.encfs6.xml \

encfs \
$ACD_LOCAL/cloud.encrypted \

unionfs-fuse -o cow \
$ACD_LOCAL/cloud.plaintext=RO \


# Periodically run:
# (will prevent uploading of key and config to cloud)
acd_cli sync
acd_cli upload -x 4 --exclude-ending encfs6.xml \
$ACD_LOCAL/local.encrypted/* \

Garbage collection

# Remove files older than 7 days and empty directories
find $ACD_LOCAL/local.encrypted/ -type f -mtime +7 -print0 | xargs -0 -n256 rm
find $ACD_LOCAL/local.encrypted/ -type d -empty -delete
# Or immediately remove any local files
find $ACD_LOCAL/local.encrypted/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n256 rm


# Unmount everything
fusermount -u $HOME/Cloud/
fusermount -u $ACD_LOCAL/cloud.plaintext
fusermount -u $ACD_LOCAL/cloud.encrypted
fusermount -u $ACD_LOCAL/local.plaintext
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