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Last active June 30, 2023 06:47
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  • Save greatwolf/d21f81ab47d00f36e1a4400961059810 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save greatwolf/d21f81ab47d00f36e1a4400961059810 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lua script to force KDE Konsole to use a blinking vertical I cursor shape by default.
Intended for SteamOS v3.4.8 build 20230508.1.
sudo steamos-readonly disable
sudo chmod +x patch_konsolecursor.lua
sudo patch_konsolecursor.lua /usr/lib/
sudo steamos-readonly enable
Patch so the cursor is
blinking and non-block shape by default. It does this by
modifying the hex instruction bytes in the .text section
of the shared library binary so no recompiling is necessary.
Relevant byte sequences for locating offsets:
BlinkingCursorEnabled byte seq:
31 f6 xor esi,esi
48 8d bc 24 30 0c 00 lea rdi,[rsp+0xc30]
CursorShape byte seq:
31 f6 xor esi,esi
48 8d bc 24 20 0d 00 lea rdi,[rsp+0xd20]
-- Raw byte sequences for version 22.08.2
local BlinkingCursorEnabled = "()\x31\xf6\x48\x8d\xbc\x24\x30\x0c\x00"
local CursorShape = "()\x31\xf6\x48\x8d\xbc\x24\x20\x0d\x00"
local function FindOffset(haystack, needle)
local found = {}
for off in haystack:gmatch(needle) do
table.insert(found, off)
assert(#found == 1,
"Could not find exactly one matching offset in shared library!")
return found[1] - 1
local filename = assert(...,
"Target Shared Library not provided. eg.")
local file = assert(, 'r+'))
local file_content = file:read 'a'
local blink_offset = FindOffset(file_content, BlinkingCursorEnabled)
file:seek('set', blink_offset)
file:write "\x21" -- xor esi,esi -> and esi,esi Precondition esi is 1
print "Patched BlinkingCursorEnabled"
local cursorshape_offset = FindOffset(file_content, CursorShape)
file:seek('set', cursorshape_offset)
file:write "\xff\xc6" -- xor esi,esi -> inc esi Precondition esi is 0
print "Patched CursorShape"
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