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Last active July 4, 2021 20:21
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Python Bloom Filter based random-int-without-replacement-generator-given-a-range.
This gist comes out of frustration that I couldn't have a
random.sample, and np.random.choice(replace=False) both fail on really large numbers.
Python crashes saying OOM & segfaults.
Problem was for smaller `n` (<5 million) they optimized for linear/sub-linear
times and linear storage (set, pool-tracking list).
Therefore compromising time, with better storage (like bit-vector/bloom/cuckoo/xor filters)
we can sample huge amounts of unique random integers given a range.
Useful links:
CPython random.sample implementation, which relies on set & pool-tracking list
to give out unique random numbers.
For this particular use case since we only want unique random
numbers, Bloom Filter are an excellent choice (because 0 false negatives on set membership).
The space they take up is the limited only to the size of the bit-vector
(function of capacity & error-rate).
I was confused how to do implement it properly, whether an iterator vs iterable vs generator etc.
This article helped with examples.
import random
from typing import Generator
import pybloom_live
SAMPLE_SPACE = 2_176_782_336
def rand_int_bf_sampler(a: int , b: int, k: int) -> Generator:
returns a generator, which can be used to generate `k` random numbers
without replacement, in the range `a` to `b`.
internally, instead of a set/pool-tracking method for tracking uniquely
generated random numbers we are using a Bloom Filter. The trade-off is
sacrificing time, in turn for storage. At the same time, being lazy and giving
unique random numbers only when it is needed.
a, b: provides the range for python's `random.randint`
k: provides the number of random numbers (without replacement) to be returned by the generator
bloom_filter = pybloom_live.BloomFilter(capacity=k, error_rate=0.001)
i = 0
while i < k:
x = random.randint(a, b)
if x not in bloom_filter:
yield x
i += 1
def main():
bloom_sampler = rand_int_bf_sampler(0, SAMPLE_SPACE, MAX_REQUIRED_SAMPLES)
for number in bloom_sampler:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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