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Last active September 1, 2021 19:41
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  • Save greem/6e02b57ff26eaacb01b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save greem/6e02b57ff26eaacb01b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
input {
file {
path => "/path/to/exim/mainlog"
start_position => 'beginning'
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
filter {
# Strip out lines we don't need using the regexp in the patterns file
if [message] =~ /%{EXIM_EXCLUDE_TERMS}/ {
drop { }
# Really, really dirty hack to workaround bug in grok code
# which won't handle multiple matches on the same field
mutate {
add_field => {
"message_1" => "%{message}"
"message_2" => "%{message}"
"message_3" => "%{message}"
"message_4" => "%{message}"
"message_5" => "%{message}"
grok {
patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns/"
break_on_match => false
keep_empty_captures => true
match => [
"message_1", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE:exim_date} )(%{EXIM_PID:exim_pid} )(%{EXIM_MSGID:exim_msg_id} )(%{EXIM_FLAGS:exim_flags} )(%{GREEDYDATA})"
match => [
"message_2", "(%{EXIM_MSGID} )(<= )(%{NOTSPACE:env_sender} )(%{EXIM_REMOTE_HOST} )?(%{EXIM_INTERFACE} )?(%{EXIM_PROTOCOL} )?(X=%{NOTSPACE:tls_info} )?(%{EXIM_MSG_SIZE} )?(%{EXIM_HEADER_ID} )?(%{EXIM_SUBJECT})"
match => [
"message_3", "(%{EXIM_MSGID} )([=-]> )(%{NOTSPACE:env_rcpt} )(<%{NOTSPACE:env_rcpt_outer}> )?(R=%{NOTSPACE:exim_router} )(T=%{NOTSPACE:exim_transport} )(%{EXIM_REMOTE_HOST} )(X=%{NOTSPACE:tls_info} )?(QT=%{EXIM_QT:exim_qt})"
match => [
"message_4", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE:exim_date} )(%{EXIM_PID:exim_pid} )(%{EXIM_MSGID:exim_msg_id} )(Completed )(QT=%{EXIM_QT:exim_qt})"
match => [
"message_5", "(%{SYSLOGBASE} )(%{EXIM_DATE:exim_date} )(%{EXIM_PID:exim_pid} )(%{EXIM_MSGID:exim_msg_id} )?(%{EXIM_REMOTE_HOST} )?(%EXIM_INTERFACE} )?(F=<%{NOTSPACE:env_sender}> )?(.+(rejected after DATA|rejected \(but fed to sa-learn\)|rejected [A-Z]+ (or [A-Z]+ %{NOTSPACE}?|<%{NOTSPACE:env_rcpt}>)?): (?<exim_rej_reason>.+))"
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601" ]
if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
drop { }
mutate {
add_field => { "exim_msg_state" => "not_defined" }
if [exim_flags] == "<=" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "received" ]
} else if [exim_flags] == "=>" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "delivered" ]
} else if [exim_flags] == "->" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "delivered" ]
} else if [exim_flags] == ">>" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "cutthrough_delivery" ]
} else if [exim_flags] == "*>" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "suppressed_delivery" ]
} else if [exim_flags] == "==" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "deferred" ]
} else if [exim_flags] == "**" {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "failed" ]
} else if "Completed QT=" in [message] {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "completed" ]
} else if [message] =~ /(rejected after DATA|rejected \(but fed to sa-learn\))/ {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "rejected_after_data" ]
} else if " rejected " in [message] {
mutate {
update => [ "exim_msg_state", "rejected_smtp_transaction" ]
if [logsource] =~ /mx-/ {
mutate {
add_field => { "host_type" => "MX" }
} else if [logsource] =~ /mta-/ {
mutate {
add_field => { "host_type" => "MTA" }
# Ignore feeding sa-learn
if [message] =~ /R=feed_sa_learn T=feed_sa_learn/ {
drop { }
# Look back through ES table for existence of previous entry
# for this exim_msg_id being rejected & fed to Spam Assassin.
# If entry is found, drop this log line (it's irrelevant).
if [exim_msg_state] == "completed" and [host_type] == "MX" {
elasticsearch {
query => 'exim_msg_id:"%{exim_msg_id}" AND exim_msg_state:"rejected_after_data"'
fields => [ "exim_msg_state", "exim_msg_state2" ]
#sort => "@timestamp:desc, ignore_unmapped:true"
sort => "ignore_unmapped:true"
fail_on_error => "false"
if [exim_msg_state2] == "rejected_after_data" {
drop { }
mutate {
remove_field => [ "query_failed" ]
# Look back through ES table for the incoming message and
# extract the envelope sender. Permits later stats creation
# listing deliveries per env_sender
if [exim_msg_state] == "delivered" {
elasticsearch {
query => 'exim_msg_id:"%{exim_msg_id}" AND exim_msg_state:"received"'
#fields => [ "env_sender", "env_sender" ]
fields => [ "env_sender", "env_sender", "remote_host", "remote_host", "remote_hostname", "remote_hostname" ]
sort => "ignore_unmapped:true"
fail_on_error => "false"
mutate {
remove_field => [ "query_failed" ]
# Not interested in non-actioned retries
if [exim_flags] == "==" and "retry time not reached" in [message] {
drop { }
# Remove the really, really dirty hack to workaround bug in grok code
# which won't handle multiple matches on the same field
mutate {
remove_field => [ "message_1","message_2","message_3","message_4","message_5" ]
output {
elasticsearch {
host => localhost
index_type => "%{[exim_msg_state]}"
index => "exim-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
flush_size => 2
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This one got me for way too long.

Line 12 isn't working on 1.4.2.
Grok patterns aren't available for the conditionals.

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@Temal, did you solve this issue? thanks

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@greem can you share the ideas on how to send this logs to remote logstash using logstash-forwarder?

especially this part:

output {
elasticsearch {
host => localhost
index_type => "%{[exim_msg_state]}"
index => "exim-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
flush_size => 2

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