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Last active October 17, 2016 22:13
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  • Save green3g/48121b3e204e6d022c685b8c0a61ada0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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], function(Button, dom, i18n) {
var updateFeature = function(data) {
// get the feature layer
var layer = data._layer;
// update the attribute (increment it once)
// update the data
layer.applyEdits(null, [data]);
dom.byId('rating').innerHTML = data.attributes.SumRating;
return {
map: true,
mapClickMode: true,
mapRightClickMenu: true,
identifyLayerInfos: true,
identifyTolerance: 5,
draggable: false,
// config object definition:
// {<layer id>:{
// <sub layer number>:{
// <pop-up definition, see link below>
// }
// },
// <layer id>:{
// <sub layer number>:{
// <pop-up definition, see link below>
// }
// }
// }
// for details on pop-up definition see:
identifies: {
pointsOfInterest: {
0: {
content: function(data) {
//give it time for the identify popup to show
setTimeout(function() {
//see if we already liked this feature
if(localStorage.getItem('like' + data.attributes.OBJECTID)){
var button = new Button({
id: 'likeButton' + data.attributes.OBJECTID,
onClick: function() {
// remember that we liked this feature
localStorage.setItem('like' + data.attributes.OBJECTID, true);
button.set('disabled', true);
label: '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> Like!'
}, 'likeButton');
}, 500);
//return some html for the identify popup
return '<div id="rating">' +
data.attributes.SumRating +
'</div> likes so far <div id="likeButton"></div>';
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