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Created August 26, 2013 21:16
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Address Ordinal Name Library
------- ------- ---- -------
4A781000 AllocateAndInitializeSid ADVAPI32
4A781004 InitializeAcl ADVAPI32
4A781008 RegCloseKey ADVAPI32
4A78100C RegOpenKeyExW ADVAPI32
4A781010 GetTokenInformation ADVAPI32
4A781014 GetLengthSid ADVAPI32
4A781018 LsaLookupNames ADVAPI32
4A78101C AddAccessAllowedAce ADVAPI32
4A781020 FreeSid ADVAPI32
4A781024 CryptGenRandom ADVAPI32
4A781028 LsaCreateSecret ADVAPI32
4A78102C LsaSetSecret ADVAPI32
4A781030 LsaOpenSecret ADVAPI32
4A781034 LsaQuerySecret ADVAPI32
4A781038 CryptAcquireContextW ADVAPI32
4A78103C RegQueryValueExW ADVAPI32
4A781040 RegNotifyChangeKeyValue ADVAPI32
4A781044 ImpersonateLoggedOnUser ADVAPI32
4A781048 CreateProcessAsUserW ADVAPI32
4A78104C RevertToSelf ADVAPI32
4A781050 LsaOpenAccount ADVAPI32
4A781054 LsaEnumeratePrivilegesOfAccount ADVAPI32
4A781058 LsaClose ADVAPI32
4A78105C LsaOpenPolicy ADVAPI32
4A781060 LsaQueryInformationPolicy ADVAPI32
4A781064 LsaFreeMemory ADVAPI32
4A781068 LsaLookupSids ADVAPI32
4A78106C LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo ADVAPI32
4A781070 LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains ADVAPI32
4A781074 RegisterEventSourceA ADVAPI32
4A781078 ReportEventA ADVAPI32
4A78107C LsaLookupPrivilegeValue ADVAPI32
4A781080 LogonUserW ADVAPI32
4A781084 SetKernelObjectSecurity ADVAPI32
4A781088 SetSecurityDescriptorDacl ADVAPI32
4A78108C InitializeSecurityDescriptor ADVAPI32
4A781094 ResumeThread KERNEL32
4A781098 GlobalAlloc KERNEL32
4A78109C SetThreadPriority KERNEL32
4A7810A0 DeleteCriticalSection KERNEL32
4A7810A4 FreeLibrary KERNEL32
4A7810A8 GetModuleHandleA KERNEL32
4A7810AC Sleep KERNEL32
4A7810B0 GetLastError KERNEL32
4A7810B4 SetPriorityClass KERNEL32
4A7810B8 CloseHandle KERNEL32
4A7810BC CreateProcessW KERNEL32
4A7810C0 CreateThread KERNEL32
4A7810C4 ExitThread KERNEL32
4A7810C8 GetProcAddress KERNEL32
4A7810CC LoadLibraryExW KERNEL32
4A7810D0 GetSystemDirectoryW KERNEL32
4A7810D4 GetComputerNameW KERNEL32
4A7810D8 FindClose KERNEL32
4A7810DC FindFirstFileW KERNEL32
4A7810E0 FindFirstFileExW KERNEL32
4A7810E4 SetFilePointer KERNEL32
4A7810E8 CreatePipe KERNEL32
4A7810EC GetExitCodeProcess KERNEL32
4A7810F0 WaitForSingleObject KERNEL32
4A7810F4 ReadFile KERNEL32
4A7810F8 CreateFileA KERNEL32
4A7810FC EnterCriticalSection KERNEL32
4A781100 GlobalFree KERNEL32
4A781104 LocalFree KERNEL32
4A781108 LeaveCriticalSection KERNEL32
4A78110C InitializeCriticalSection KERNEL32
4A781114 WNetEnumResourceW MPR
4A781118 WNetGetLastErrorA MPR
4A78111C WNetCloseEnum MPR
4A781120 WNetOpenEnumW MPR
4A781128 wcspbrk MSVCRT
4A78112C _except_handler3 MSVCRT
4A781130 free MSVCRT
4A781134 _vsnprintf MSVCRT
4A781138 wcscspn MSVCRT
4A78113C malloc MSVCRT
4A781140 exit MSVCRT
4A781144 __p___initenv MSVCRT
4A781148 __getmainargs MSVCRT
4A78114C _initterm MSVCRT
4A781150 __setusermatherr MSVCRT
4A781154 _XcptFilter MSVCRT
4A781158 __p__fmode MSVCRT
4A78115C _adjust_fdiv MSVCRT
4A781160 __p__commode MSVCRT
4A781164 __set_app_type MSVCRT
4A781168 _controlfp MSVCRT
4A78116C _wcsnicmp MSVCRT
4A781170 towupper MSVCRT
4A781174 swprintf MSVCRT
4A781178 iswctype MSVCRT
4A78117C swscanf MSVCRT
4A781180 wcsrchr MSVCRT
4A781184 strchr MSVCRT
4A781188 strncat MSVCRT
4A78118C _exit MSVCRT
4A781190 isprint MSVCRT
4A781194 wcsncpy MSVCRT
4A781198 strncmp MSVCRT
4A78119C strncpy MSVCRT
4A7811A0 strrchr MSVCRT
4A7811A4 wcsncmp MSVCRT
4A7811A8 memmove MSVCRT
4A7811AC wcscat MSVCRT
4A7811B0 wcschr MSVCRT
4A7811B4 _wcsicmp MSVCRT
4A7811B8 _wcsdup MSVCRT
4A7811BC towlower MSVCRT
4A7811C0 wcscmp MSVCRT
4A7811C4 wcslen MSVCRT
4A7811C8 _snwprintf MSVCRT
4A7811CC wcscpy MSVCRT
4A7811D0 sprintf MSVCRT
4A7811D4 _snprintf MSVCRT
4A7811D8 fprintf MSVCRT
4A7811DC _lseek MSVCRT
4A7811E0 _iob MSVCRT
4A7811E4 perror MSVCRT
4A7811E8 time MSVCRT
4A7811EC _getpid MSVCRT
4A7811F4 NetUserChangePassword NETAPI32
4A7811F8 NetApiBufferFree NETAPI32
4A7811FC NetWkstaGetInfo NETAPI32
4A781200 DsGetDcNameW NETAPI32
4A781208 EnumProcesses PSAPI
4A781210 SamEnumerateGroupsInDomain SAMLIB
4A781214 SamQueryInformationGroup SAMLIB
4A781218 SamOpenAlias SAMLIB
4A78121C SamOpenGroup SAMLIB
4A781220 SamGetGroupsForUser SAMLIB
4A781224 SamGetAliasMembership SAMLIB
4A781228 SamGetMembersInAlias SAMLIB
4A78122C SamQueryInformationAlias SAMLIB
4A781230 SamEnumerateAliasesInDomain SAMLIB
4A781234 SamEnumerateUsersInDomain SAMLIB
4A781238 SamOpenUser SAMLIB
4A78123C SamQueryInformationUser SAMLIB
4A781240 SamFreeMemory SAMLIB
4A781244 SamOpenDomain SAMLIB
4A781248 SamConnect SAMLIB
4A78124C SamCloseHandle SAMLIB
4A781250 SamGetMembersInGroup SAMLIB
4A781258 CloseWindowStation USER32
4A78125C GetMessageA USER32
4A781260 CreateWindowExA USER32
4A781264 RegisterClassA USER32
4A781268 DefWindowProcA USER32
4A78126C CreateDesktopW USER32
4A781270 SetProcessWindowStation USER32
4A781274 CreateWindowStationW USER32
4A781278 OpenWindowStationW USER32
4A78127C GetProcessWindowStation USER32
4A781280 LoadStringA USER32
4A781284 CloseDesktop USER32
4A78128C LoadUserProfileW USERENV
4A781294 8 __imp_htonl WSOCK32
4A781298 19 __imp_send WSOCK32
4A78129C 14 __imp_ntohl WSOCK32
4A7812A0 9 __imp_htons WSOCK32
4A7812A4 10 __imp_inet_addr WSOCK32
4A7812A8 11 __imp_inet_ntoa WSOCK32
4A7812AC 22 __imp_shutdown WSOCK32
4A7812B0 13 __imp_listen WSOCK32
4A7812B4 6 __imp_getsockname WSOCK32
4A7812B8 5 __imp_getpeername WSOCK32
4A7812BC 23 __imp_socket WSOCK32
4A7812C0 2 __imp_bind WSOCK32
4A7812C4 115 __imp_WSAStartup WSOCK32
4A7812C8 18 __imp_select WSOCK32
4A7812CC 151 __imp___WSAFDIsSet WSOCK32
4A7812D0 101 __imp_WSAAsyncSelect WSOCK32
4A7812D4 12 __imp_ioctlsocket WSOCK32
4A7812D8 20 __imp_sendto WSOCK32
4A7812DC 16 __imp_recv WSOCK32
4A7812E0 17 __imp_recvfrom WSOCK32
4A7812E4 4 __imp_connect WSOCK32
4A7812E8 21 __imp_setsockopt WSOCK32
4A7812EC 7 __imp_getsockopt WSOCK32
4A7812F0 1 __imp_accept WSOCK32
4A7812F4 3 __imp_closesocket WSOCK32
4A7812F8 56 __imp_getservbyport WSOCK32
4A7812FC 55 __imp_getservbyname WSOCK32
4A781300 54 __imp_getprotobynumber WSOCK32
4A781304 53 __imp_getprotobyname WSOCK32
4A781308 51 __imp_gethostbyaddr WSOCK32
4A78130C 52 __imp_gethostbyname WSOCK32
4A781310 111 __imp_WSAGetLastError WSOCK32
4A781318 RtlEqualPrefixSid ntdll
4A78131C RtlxAnsiStringToUnicodeSize ntdll
4A781320 RtlDeNormalizeProcessParams ntdll
4A781324 RtlGetDaclSecurityDescriptor ntdll
4A781328 RtlGetGroupSecurityDescriptor ntdll
4A78132C RtlSubAuthorityCountSid ntdll
4A781330 RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor ntdll
4A781334 NtQuerySecurityObject ntdll
4A781338 NtAdjustPrivilegesToken ntdll
4A78133C NtAllocateVirtualMemory ntdll
4A781340 NtCreateProcess ntdll
4A781344 NtQuerySection ntdll
4A781348 NtQueryEaFile ntdll
4A78134C NtSetSystemTime ntdll
4A781350 RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime ntdll
4A781354 NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject ntdll
4A781358 RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount ntdll
4A78135C NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject ntdll
4A781360 RtlIntegerToUnicodeString ntdll
4A781364 NtFlushBuffersFile ntdll
4A781368 NtFsControlFile ntdll
4A78136C NtSetSecurityObject ntdll
4A781370 RtlSelfRelativeToAbsoluteSD ntdll
4A781374 RtlGetControlSecurityDescriptor ntdll
4A781378 RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor ntdll
4A78137C RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor ntdll
4A781380 RtlAdjustPrivilege ntdll
4A781384 RtlPrefixUnicodeString ntdll
4A781388 RtlAppendUnicodeToString ntdll
4A78138C RtlCharToInteger ntdll
4A781390 RtlLengthRequiredSid ntdll
4A781394 RtlSubAuthoritySid ntdll
4A781398 NtDelayExecution ntdll
4A78139C NtOpenThreadToken ntdll
4A7813A0 NtDeviceIoControlFile ntdll
4A7813A4 NtCancelTimer ntdll
4A7813A8 NtQueryTimer ntdll
4A7813AC RtlCopySid ntdll
4A7813B0 NtSetTimer ntdll
4A7813B4 NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId ntdll
4A7813B8 NtCreateToken ntdll
4A7813BC NtCreateNamedPipeFile ntdll
4A7813C0 RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz ntdll
4A7813C4 NtYieldExecution ntdll
4A7813C8 NtSetInformationObject ntdll
4A7813CC NtEnumerateKey ntdll
4A7813D0 NtQueryValueKey ntdll
4A7813D4 RtlQueryTimeZoneInformation ntdll
4A7813D8 NtWaitForMultipleObjects ntdll
4A7813DC NtConnectPort ntdll
4A7813E0 RtlFreeAnsiString ntdll
4A7813E4 NtFlushVirtualMemory ntdll
4A7813E8 NtQueueApcThread ntdll
4A7813EC NtTerminateThread ntdll
4A7813F0 RtlFreeUserThreadStack ntdll
4A7813F4 NtLoadDriver ntdll
4A7813F8 RtlInitializeContext ntdll
4A7813FC RtlFreeHeap ntdll
4A781400 RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString ntdll
4A781404 RtlInitializeSid ntdll
4A781408 RtlIdentifierAuthoritySid ntdll
4A78140C NtSetInformationThread ntdll
4A781410 NlsMbCodePageTag ntdll
4A781414 RtlxUnicodeStringToAnsiSize ntdll
4A781418 RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString ntdll
4A78141C NtProtectVirtualMemory ntdll
4A781420 NtSetContextThread ntdll
4A781424 NtQueryVirtualMemory ntdll
4A781428 NtOpenThread ntdll
4A78142C NtSetInformationProcess ntdll
4A781430 NtTerminateProcess ntdll
4A781434 NtOpenProcessToken ntdll
4A781438 NtQueryInformationToken ntdll
4A78143C NtSuspendThread ntdll
4A781440 NtQuerySystemInformation ntdll
4A781444 NtQueryVolumeInformationFile ntdll
4A781448 NtSetInformationFile ntdll
4A78144C NtQueryDirectoryFile ntdll
4A781450 NtCreateFile ntdll
4A781454 NtReadFile ntdll
4A781458 NtQueryInformationFile ntdll
4A78145C NtImpersonateClientOfPort ntdll
4A781460 NtSetEaFile ntdll
4A781464 RtlImpersonateSelf ntdll
4A781468 NtOpenFile ntdll
4A78146C RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString ntdll
4A781470 RtlReAllocateHeap ntdll
4A781474 NtOpenKey ntdll
4A781478 NtNotifyChangeKey ntdll
4A78147C RtlEqualDomainName ntdll
4A781480 NtWriteFile ntdll
4A781484 NtCreateThread ntdll
4A781488 NtCreateTimer ntdll
4A78148C NtOpenSection ntdll
4A781490 RtlFreeUnicodeString ntdll
4A781494 NtClose ntdll
4A781498 NtOpenProcess ntdll
4A78149C NtResetEvent ntdll
4A7814A0 NtRequestPort ntdll
4A7814A4 RtlCreateHeap ntdll
4A7814A8 RtlDestroyHeap ntdll
4A7814AC NtUnmapViewOfSection ntdll
4A7814B0 RtlInitAnsiString ntdll
4A7814B4 NtResumeThread ntdll
4A7814B8 RtlLengthSid ntdll
4A7814BC RtlCreateAcl ntdll
4A7814C0 RtlAddAccessAllowedAce ntdll
4A7814C4 RtlAddAccessDeniedAce ntdll
4A7814C8 NtAlertThread ntdll
4A7814CC NtWaitForSingleObject ntdll
4A7814D0 NtCreateEvent ntdll
4A7814D4 DbgPrint ntdll
4A7814D8 DbgBreakPoint ntdll
4A7814DC RtlAllocateHeap ntdll
4A7814E0 NtReplyWaitReceivePort ntdll
4A7814E4 NtQueryInformationProcess ntdll
4A7814E8 RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide ntdll
4A7814EC NtQuerySystemTime ntdll
4A7814F0 NtFreeVirtualMemory ntdll
4A7814F4 NtQueryInformationThread ntdll
4A7814F8 NtGetContextThread ntdll
4A7814FC NtReplyPort ntdll
4A781500 NtDuplicateObject ntdll
4A781504 NtMapViewOfSection ntdll
4A781508 RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll
4A78150C RtlLeaveCriticalSection ntdll
4A781510 NtAcceptConnectPort ntdll
4A781514 NtCompleteConnectPort ntdll
4A781518 RtlInitUnicodeString ntdll
4A78151C RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor ntdll
4A781520 RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor ntdll
4A781524 NtCreatePort ntdll
4A781528 RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid ntdll
4A78152C RtlEqualSid ntdll
4A781530 RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll
4A781534 NtSetEvent ntdll
4A781538 NtRequestWaitReplyPort ntdll
4A78153C RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970 ntdll
4A781540 NtReadVirtualMemory ntdll
4A781544 NtWriteVirtualMemory ntdll
4A781548 NtCreateDirectoryObject ntdll
4A78154C RtlValidSid ntdll
4A781550 RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString ntdll
4A781554 RtlNtStatusToDosError ntdll
4A781558 NtSetInformationToken ntdll
4A78155C RtlGetAce ntdll
4A781560 NtDuplicateToken ntdll
4A781564 NtCreateSection ntdll
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