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Created May 18, 2021 19:55
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Create "pulsing" animated gifs with Pillow
from PIL import Image
colors = {
'prearrival': (165, 226, 250, 255),
'arrived': (253, 245, 210, 255),
'waiting': (170, 255, 190, 255),
'waiting_long': (255, 160, 159, 255),
'unreviewed': (255, 160, 159, 255),
for name, color_values in colors.items():
images = []
for step in range(0,11):
opacity = int(step * 0.1 * 255)
img_number1 = str(step).zfill(2)
img_number2 = 21 - step
color = (color_values[0], color_values[1], color_values[2], opacity)
base_image ='RGBA', (100,100), color='white')
color_image ='RGBA', (100,100), color=color)
new_image = Image.alpha_composite(base_image, color_image)
all_images = images + images[::-1]
images[0].save(f'output/{name}.gif', save_all=True, append_images=all_images, duration=10, loop=0)
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