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Created June 24, 2011 22:34
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IndexDB demo for MDC day (Chrome 12+ and FF4+)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>IndexDB Demo - Version 1.1</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta name="author" content="Ido Green"/>
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* MDC - fixit day
* Ido Green
* Date: 6/24/2011
<h1>Indexed DB: Demo</h1>
<aside class="note">
This demo requires FF4 or Google Chrome 12 or greater.
<pre>var idbRequest = window.<b>indexedDB</b>.<b>open</b>('Database Name');
idbRequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
<b>var db = this.result</b>;
var transaction = db.<b>transaction</b>(idb_.objectStoreNames, <b>IDBTransaction.READ_ONLY</b>);
var curRequest = transaction.<b>objectStore</b>('ObjectStore Name').<b>openCursor</b>();
curRequest.<b>onsuccess</b> = ...;
<div class="hcenter" id="indexeddb-example">
<button onclick="indexedDbUtil.idbCreate()">Create object Store</button>
<button onclick="indexedDbUtil.idbRemove()">Remove object Store</button>
<button onclick="indexedDbUtil.showAll()">Show All objects</button>
<input type="text" placeholder="key" id="idb-key" size="10" /> <input type="text" placeholder="value" id="idb-value" size="10" />
<button onclick="indexedDbUtil.idbSet()">set</button>
<div id="idb-log"></div>
<div class="record-list" id="idb-results-wrapper"></div>
<div id='ourList'>
// For our demo - let's put all the code under indexDBUti
var indexedDbUtil = (function() {
var idb_; // Our local DB
var idbRequest_; // Our DB request obj
// just a simple way to show what we are doing on the page
var idbLog_ = document.getElementById('idb-log');
var idResultsWrapper_ = document.getElementById('idb-results-wrapper');
// IndexedDB spec is still evolving - see:
// various browsers keep it
// behind various flags and implementation varies.
if ('webkitIndexedDB' in window) {
window.indexedDB = window.webkitIndexedDB;
window.IDBTransaction = window.webkitIDBTransaction;
} else if ('mozIndexedDB' in window) {
window.indexedDB = window.mozIndexedDB;
// Open our IndexedDB if the browser supports it.
if (window.indexedDB) {
idbRequest_ ="Test", "Our Amazing test object IndexDB");
idbRequest_.onerror = idbError_;
idbRequest_.addEventListener('success', function(e) {
// FF4 requires e.result. IDBRequest.request isn't set
// FF5/Chrome works fine.
idb_ = idbRequest_.result || e.result;
}, false);
// on errors - show us what is going wrong
function idbError_(e) {
idbLog_.innerHTML += '<p class="error">Error: ' +
e.message + ' (' + e.code + ')</p>';
// In cases we add/remove objects - show the user what is changing in the DB
function idbShow_(e) {
if (!idb_.objectStoreNames.contains('myObjectStore')) {
idbLog_.innerHTML = "<p>Object store not yet created.</p>";
var msgBoard = [];
// Ready is default.
var transaction = idb_.transaction(idb_.objectStoreNames, IDBTransaction.READ_ONLY);
// Get all results.
var request = transaction.objectStore("myObjectStore").openCursor();
// This callback will continue to be called until we have no more results.
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
// FF4 requires e.result. IDBRequest.request isn't set
// FF5/Chrome works fine.
var cursor = request.result || e.result;
if (!cursor) {
idResultsWrapper_.innerHTML = '<ul class="record-list" id="idb-results">' + msgBoard.join('') + '</ul>';
msgBoard.push('<li><span class="keyval" contenteditable onblur="indexedDbUtil.updateKey(\'',
cursor.key, '\', this)">', cursor.key, '</span> ',
'=> <span class="keyval" contenteditable onblur="indexedDbUtil.updateValue(\'',
cursor.key, '\', this)">', cursor.value, '</span>&nbsp; ',
'<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="indexedDbUtil.deleteKey(\'',
cursor.key, '\')">[Delete]</a></li>');
request.onerror = idbError_;
// Simple example to show all our records in the DB
function showAll_() {
document.getElementById("ourList").innerHTML = "" ;
var request ="Test",
"Our Test database");
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
// Enumerate the entire object store.
// request = event.currentTarget.result.objectStoreNames("myObjectStore").openCursor();
var transaction = idb_.transaction(idb_.objectStoreNames, IDBTransaction.READ_ONLY); // Ready is default.
var request = transaction.objectStore("myObjectStore").openCursor();
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
var cursor = request.result || event.result;
// If cursor is null then we've completed the enumeration.
if (!cursor) {
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.textContent = "key: " + cursor.key + "=> Value: " + cursor.value;
continue ();
function idbCreate_() {
if (!idb_) {
if (idbRequest_) {
// If indexedDB is still opening, just queue this up.
idbRequest_.addEventListener('success', idb_.removeObjectStore, false);
var request = idb_.setVersion('the new version string');
request.onerror = idbError_;
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
if (!idb_.objectStoreNames.contains('myObjectStore')) {
try {
// FF is requiring the 2nd keyPath arg. It can be optional
var objectStore = idb_.createObjectStore('myObjectStore', null);
idbLog_.innerHTML = "<p>Object store created.</p>";
} catch (err) {
idbLog_.innerHTML = '<p class="error">' + err.toString() + '</p>';
} else {
idbLog_.innerHTML = '<p class="error">Object store already exists.</p>';
function idbSet_() {
if (!idb_) {
if (idbRequest_) {
// If indexedDB is still opening, just queue this up.
idbRequest_.addEventListener('success', idb_.removeObjectStore, false);
if (!idb_.objectStoreNames.contains('myObjectStore')) {
idbLog_.innerHTML = "<p class=\"error\">Object store doesn't exist.</p>";
// Create a transaction that locks the world.
var objectStore = idb_.transaction(idb_.objectStoreNames, IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE)
var request = objectStore.put(
request.onerror = idbError_;
request.onsuccess = idbShow_;
function updateKey_(key, element) {
var newKey = element.textContent;
// Create a transaction that locks the world.
var transaction = idb_.transaction(idb_.objectStoreNames, IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE);
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("myObjectStore");
var request = objectStore.get(key);
request.onerror = idbError_;
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
// FF4 requires e.result. IDBRequest.request isn't set.
// FF5/Chrome works fine.
var value = e.result || this.result;
if (objectStore.delete) {
var request = objectStore.delete(key);
} else {
// FF4 not up to spect
var request = objectStore.remove(key);
request.onerror = idbError_;
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
var request = objectStore.add(value, newKey);
request.onerror = idbError_;
request.onsuccess = idbShow_;
function updateValue_(key, element) {
// Create a transaction that locks the world.
var transaction = idb_.transaction(idb_.objectStoreNames, IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE);
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("myObjectStore");
var request = objectStore.put(element.textContent, key);
request.onerror = idbError_;
request.onsuccess = idbShow_;
function deleteKey_(key) {
// Create a transaction that locks the world.
var transaction = idb_.transaction(idb_.objectStoreNames, IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE);
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("myObjectStore");
if (objectStore.delete) {
var request = objectStore.delete(key);
} else {
// FF4 not up to spect
// FF5 and Chrome - are by the book :)
var request = objectStore.remove(key);
request.onerror = idbError_;
request.onsuccess = idbShow_;
function idbRemove_() {
if (!idb_) {
if (idbRequest_) {
// If indexedDB is still opening, just queue this up.
idbRequest_.addEventListener('success', idb_.removeObjectStore, false);
var request = idb_.setVersion("the new version string");
request.onerror = idbError_;
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
if (idb_.objectStoreNames.contains('myObjectStore')) {
try {
// Spec has been updated to deleteObjectStore.
if (idb_.deleteObjectStore) {
} else {
idResultsWrapper_.innerHTML = '';
idbLog_.innerHTML = "<p>Object store removed.</p>";
} catch (err) {
idbLog_.innerHTML = '<p class="error">' + err.toString() + '</p>';
} else {
idbLog_.innerHTML = "<p class=\"error\">Object store doesn't exist.</p>";
return {
idbSet: idbSet_,
idbCreate: idbCreate_,
idbRemove: idbRemove_,
updateKey: updateKey_,
updateValue: updateValue_,
deleteKey: deleteKey_,
showAll: showAll_
<div id='footer'>
<li>If you can't even open the DB and you something like this error:
The operation failed for reasons unrelated to the database itself and not covered by any other error code." code: "1<br/>
[Break On This Error] idbRequest_ = ..., "Our Amazing test object IndexDB");
you need to run your page from a web server and NOT fetch it as local file.
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suissa commented Jun 28, 2011

very nice

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greenido commented Jul 1, 2011

Glad you like it :)

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suissa commented Jul 1, 2011

May i use this as a base to my html5 CRUD?

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greenido commented Jul 1, 2011

Good luck.

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I've added a fix that it's a must from Chrome 17.
Chrome 17 will now through an error if an indexedDB transaction isn't scoped to an object store.
// so no more lines like this:
var transaction = db.transaction([], IDBTransaction.READ_ONLY);
//Which is passing an empty array to our database.transaction
//You should scope to a particular object store, or list of object stores:
// all stores (equivalent to what use to be marked as empty array. )
var transaction = db.transaction(db.objectStoreNames, IDBTransaction.READ_ONLY);

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