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Last active April 10, 2018 15:53
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Bubbles for realskiezzzzz
license: mit
Isolate Source Serotype AMR_Phenotype MLST rMLST cgMLST wgMLST gene_number
HJ1 Muddy Creek Give - 654 New 80760 118467 0
HJ2 Muddy Creek Give - 654 New 80760 94902 0
HJ3 Pleasant Run Uganda Strep Sulf Tet 684 8441 80845 94997 0
HJ4 Pleasant Run Uganda - 684 8441 70491 94903 0
HJ5 Cook's Creek Rt. 11 Litchfield - 214 7970 80915 95074 0
HJ6 Cook's Creek Rt. 11 Schwarzengrund - 96 1430 80849 95001 0
HJ7 Pleasant Run Muenster Strep Sulf Tet 321 3730 80796 94943 4
HJ8 Pleasant Run Muenster Strep Sulf Tet 321 3730 80796 94954 4
HJ9 Cook's Creek Rt. 704 Mbandaka - 413 3668 80794 94941 0
HJ10 Muddy Creek Anatum Tet 64 3700 80537 94650 1
HJ11 Cook's Creek Rt. 704 Schwarzengrund - 96 1430 80539 94651 0
HJ12 Cook's Creek Rt. 704 Senftenberg - 14 7973 80536 94654 0
HJ13 Cook's Creek Rt. 11 Hadar Amp Gent Strep Tet 33 3764 80533 94647 6
HJ14 Cook's Creek Rt. 11 Hadar Amp Gent Strep Tet 33 3764 80527 94646 6
HJ15 Cook's Creek Rt. 11 Hadar Amp Gent Strep Tet 33 3764 80538 94653 6
HJ16 Poultry Litter Cerro - 367 New 80542 118418 0
HJ17 Poultry Litter Typhimurium Gent Strep Sulf Tet 19 1369 80529 94648 6
HJ18 Poultry Litter Typhimurium Gent Strep Sulf Tet 19 1369 80535 94652 6
HJ19 Poultry Litter Typhimurium Gent Strep Sulf Tet 19 1369 80530 94655 6
HJ20 Poultry Litter Typhimurium Gent Strep Sulf Tet 19 1369 80534 94642 6
HJ21 Cook's Creek Rt. 11 Typhimurium - 19 1369 80528 94643 6
HJ22 Cook's Creek Rt. 704 Muenchen - 112 60549 80532 118420 0
HJ23 Cook's Creek Rt. 704 Muenchen - 112 60549 80526 94644 0
HJ24 Pleasant Run Montevideo - - - - - 0
HJ25 Pleasant Run Montevideo Strep - - - - 0
HJ26 Muddy Creek Senftenberg - - - - - 0
HJ27 Cook's Creek Rt. 704 Cerro - 367 New 101373 124055 0
HJ28 Cook's Creek Rt. 704 Cerro - 367 New 101373 124080 0
HJ29 Cook's Creek Rt. 704 Anatum - 64 3700 11895 124504 0
HJ30 Cook's Creek Park Braenderup - 22 26853 4601 124041 0
HJ31 Cook's Creek Park Braenderup - 22 26853 101420 124092 0
HJ32 Cook's Creek Park Braenderup - 22 26853 4601 132745 0
HJ33 Muddy Creek Montevideo - 138 8182 101411 124094 0
HJ38 Cook's Creek Park Typhimurium - - - - - 0
HJ39 Cook's Creek Park Typhimurium - - - - - 0
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var salmonella_data=[]
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if (d.Isolate) return d;
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if (error) throw error;
salmonella_data.push({"Isolate": d.Isolate, "Source": d.Source, "Serotype": d.Serotype, "AMR Phenotype": d.AMR_Phenotype, "gene_number": +d.gene_number})})
var root = d3.hierarchy({children: classes})
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if (Isolate ={
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