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Last active December 21, 2021 05:30
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Nuke's deep example
#! C:/Program Files/Nuke12.2v4/nuke-12.2.4.dll -nx
version 12.2 v4
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Root {
inputs 0
name C:/Users/vitmu/Documents/dev/deep_example.nk
frame 56
format "1920 1080 0 0 1920 1080 1 HD_1080"
proxy_type scale
proxy_format "1024 778 0 0 1024 778 1 1K_Super_35(full-ap)"
colorManagement Nuke
workingSpaceLUT linear
monitorLut sRGB
int8Lut sRGB
int16Lut sRGB
logLut Cineon
floatLut linear
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode3
tile_color 0x273a13ff
note_font_size 100
xpos -869
ypos -754
bdwidth 1622
bdheight 1077
z_order -1
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode1
tile_color 0x7171c600
label "ENV \nRENDER"
note_font_size 50
xpos 60
ypos -627
bdwidth 437
bdheight 557
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name BackdropNode2
tile_color 0x8e8e3800
note_font_size 50
xpos -525
ypos -614
bdwidth 367
bdheight 369
Camera2 {
inputs 0
translate {34.35641098 19.84925652 0.8177938461}
rotate {-27.47799788 88.99996036 0}
name Camera1
xpos -621
ypos -161
set Nee2abc00 [stack 0]
CheckerBoard {
inputs 0
name CheckerBoard3
xpos -390
ypos -428
Shuffle {
alpha white
name Shuffle1
xpos -391
ypos -342
Sphere {
translate {0 6 0}
rotate {{frame*10 x45 1} 0 0}
pivot {0 {-translate.y} 0}
name Sphere1
xpos -390
ypos -300
push 0
ScanlineRender {
inputs 3
conservative_shader_sampling false
samples 20
motion_vectors_type distance
name ScanlineRender1
xpos -390
ypos -87
Dot {
name Dot4
xpos -356
ypos 79
set Nee2aa800 [stack 0]
DeepToImage2 {
name DeepToImage2
xpos -390
ypos 176
push $Nee2abc00
CheckerBoard2 {
inputs 0
format "2048 2048 0 0 2048 2048 1 square_2K"
name CheckerBoard2
selected true
xpos 407
ypos -547
Dot {
name Dot2
selected true
xpos 441
ypos -351
set Nee2aa000 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot3
selected true
xpos 225
ypos -351
set Nee2a9c00 [stack 0]
Grade {
white {0.1 0.105 1 1}
white_panelDropped true
name Grade1
xpos 192
ypos -314
Cylinder {
close_top true
close_bottom true
translate {-4.299999714 2.400000095 -3.799999714}
scaling {1 5 1}
name Cylinder2
xpos 191
ypos -271
push $Nee2a9c00
Dot {
name Dot1
xpos 104
ypos -351
Grade {
white {0.96 0.11 0.11 1}
white_panelDropped true
name Grade2
xpos 70
ypos -316
Cylinder {
close_top true
close_bottom true
translate {4.400000095 2.400000095 3}
scaling {1 5 1}
name Cylinder1
xpos 70
ypos -276
push $Nee2aa000
Card2 {
rotate {90 0 0}
scaling {2 1 1}
uniform_scale 10
control_points {3 3 3 6
1 {-0.5 -0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0 0}
1 {0 -0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0.5 0 0}
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1 {0.5 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666716 0} 0 {1 0.5 0}
1 {-0.5 0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 1 0}
1 {0 0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {0.5 1 0}
1 {0.5 0.5 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {1 1 0} }
name Card1
selected true
xpos 407
ypos -252
Scene {
inputs 3
name Scene1
xpos 417
ypos -203
push 0
ScanlineRender {
inputs 3
conservative_shader_sampling false
motion_vectors_type distance
name ScanlineRender2
xpos 407
ypos -98
Dot {
name Dot5
xpos 441
ypos -1
set Nee166400 [stack 0]
DeepToImage2 {
name DeepToImage3
xpos -108
ypos 282
Merge2 {
inputs 2
name Merge1
xpos -390
ypos 282
set Nee166800 [stack 0]
Viewer {
frame 56
frame_range 1-100
name Viewer1
xpos -51
ypos 33
push $Nee2aa800
push $Nee166400
DeepMerge2 {
inputs 2
name DeepMerge1
xpos 407
ypos 76
DeepToImage2 {
name DeepToImage1
xpos 407
ypos 298
Dot {
name Dot7
label DEEP
note_font_size 50
xpos 441
ypos 479
push $Nee166800
Dot {
name Dot6
note_font_size 50
xpos -356
ypos 493
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