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Created October 1, 2012 09:37
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[greevex@ironman ~]$ mpr search .
Update package list...
| ============================== | ========== | ========================================================================================================================
| ------------------------------ | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| bot_twitter_main | 1.0 | Twitter bot - receiving stream by keywords via Twitter Streaming API
| gearman_functions_stats | 1.0 | Statistic functions (works with statdb) for gearman worker
| mpr_cache_factory | 1.0 | Base cache class. Requires at least one driver (e.g. mpr_cache_memcached)
| mpr_cache_file | 2.0 | File cache driver for mpr_cache_factory
| mpr_cache_memcached | 2.0 | Memcached driver wrapper for mpr_cache_factory
| mpr_collections_arrayList | 1.0 | Array List collection based on ArrayList from C# (.NET)
| mpr_config | 1.0 | Global config for all packages.
| mpr_db_mongoDb | 2.0 | MongoDB driver wrapper.
| mpr_debug_log | 2.1 | Library for debug logging. Log into file or stdout.
| mpr_helper_locker | 1.1 | Semaphore implementation using memcached
| mpr_io_fileWriter | 0.1 | File writer wraps fopen fwrite fclose functions.
| mpr_io_input | 2.1 | Input parameters parser. Can parse input from command line interface or from web requests.
| mpr_io_output | 2.3 | Output interface. Write any info to php://stdout or php://output. Also can buffering input info.
| mpr_loader_fileLoader | 2.0 | File loader package.
| mpr_net_curl | 2.1 | Curl wrapper. Easy way to use curl as object. Can work in pair with mpr_net_multiCurl for multi-threading!
| mpr_net_gearmanClient | 2.3 | Gearman queue client
| mpr_net_multiCurl | 2.1 | Curl_multi wrapper. Works in pair with mpr_net_curl for multi-threading curl requests.
| mpr_net_socketClient | 2.1 | TCP socket server client. Works in block and non-block modes.
| mpr_net_socketServer | 3.1 | TCP socket server. Non-block server with callback for every client and every server cycle.
| mpr_net_ssh | 1.0 | SSH client for PHP and all Tibet monks.
| mpr_net_streamSocketServer | 3.1 | TCP stream socket server. It's analogy for mpr_net_socketServer, but wraps stream_socket_* functions.
| mpr_pattern_abstractFactory | 1.0 | Abstract factory pattern
| mpr_pattern_singleton | 1.0 | Singleton pattern. You can extend your class from this package and call getInstance() to initialize singleton
| mpr_service_eventHandler | 2.0 | Event machine. You can bind any condition and some callable function when condition returns `true`.
| mpr_service_phpMailer | 2.2 | Mailer service based on PhpMailer library.
| mpr_service_progressBar | 0.7 | Progress bar for console applications. Also has speedometer and output formatting.
| mpr_service_timer | 1.1 | Timer. Just timer. Start, stop, getPeriod.
| mpr_system_application | 2.0 | Runnable application abstraction class.
| mpr_system_core | 2.4 | Core library for mpr applications.
| mpr_system_daemonization | 2.1 | Daemonization library. Allow to daemonize your application.
| mpr_threads_thread | 1.1 | Threads implementation using forks. Can work in pair with mpr_threads_threadPool!
| mpr_threads_threadPool | 1.1 | Thread Pool for queued and limited threads. Works in pair with mpr_threads_thread
| mpr_toolkit | 1.0 | toolkit - given access to input and output object instances
| mpr_view_smarty | 3.1 | Smarty templater.
| sds_app_gearmanWorker | 2.0 | Gearman worker for mpr gearman functions
| sds_app_gearmanWorker | 2.0 | Gearman worker for mpr gearman functions
| sds_bot_base | 1.0 | An abstract class to create bots
| sds_fucking_test | 1.0 | Fucking test for non-free sds mprf packages
| sds_gearman_functionHelper | 1.7 | Helper helps build functions for gearman worker
| sds_gearman_functions | 1.7 | Functions for gearman worker
| sds_twitter_streamClient | 2.2 | Client for Twitter Streaming API based on Phirehose lib for SDS
| symfony_component_ClassLoader | 2.1 | Universal Class loader from Symfony2 project.
| ==== Total: 42 =============== | ========== | ========================================================================================================================
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