Sometimes the text in Ubuntu randomly disappears.
It's the topbar text, menues, dialog texts, etc.
I havent figured out, why this is happening, but it can be fixed by restarting Gnome-Shell:
and then press r
and Enter
Sometimes the text in Ubuntu randomly disappears.
It's the topbar text, menues, dialog texts, etc.
I havent figured out, why this is happening, but it can be fixed by restarting Gnome-Shell:
and then press r
and Enter
Use the Ubuntu keyring as ssh-agent
Add relevant keys to the agent
# Use global SSH keyring
eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon -s)
nmcli con mod VPNNAME vpn.secrets 'form:main:username=USERNAME','save_passwords=yes'
My computer originally came with Windows 10 preinstalled.
As I prefer to run Linux, but still need to use Windows for some tools, I have installed Windows via VirtualBox.
When I install Windows in VirtualBox, it asks me for the Product Key for activation. As this is injected into the BIOS and the virtual machine doesn't have access to the BIOS, I need to fetch it from the BIOS and enter it manually.
It can be fetched with the following command:
sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM
This is mostly for my own reference - I tend to forget such setup settings after a few weeks, but if you can use any of it, feel free to copy along.
Currently, I'm using my Raspberry Pi for backup, DLNA streaming movies to my smart TV and for home web server, running a few internal services.
sudo chmod -x /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory
Problem: I experienced Spotify being stuck in full screen mode. The title bar with minimize, maximize and close wasn't present and no keyboard shortcut I know about would exit full screen.
@mastier has improved the solution - see here
Solution (old):
# Get a list of where HEAD has been recently | |
git reflog | |
# Check the sha1 where you think the correct code might be | |
git show <sha1> | |
# When you've found it, merge it back in | |
git merge <sha1> |