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Created April 27, 2021 13:21
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[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
ERROR! no module/action detected in task.
The error appears to be in '/var/home/ghelling/src/python/teflo-min-reproducer/min.yml': line 3, column 7, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: No action specified
^ here
- hosts: localhost
- name: No action specified
name: min-reproducer
description: A minimum reproducer of swallowing stderr
- name: This should choke
orchestrator: ansible
hosts: localhost
name: min.yml
Teflo Framework v1.1.0
Copyright (C) 2020, Red Hat, Inc.
2021-04-27 08:20:16,469 WARNING Scenario workspace was not set, therefore the workspace is automatically assigned to the current working directory. You may experience problems if files needed by teflo do not exists in the scenario workspace.
2021-04-27 08:20:16,558 INFO
2021-04-27 08:20:16,559 INFO TEFLO RUN (START)
2021-04-27 08:20:16,559 INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2021-04-27 08:20:16,559 INFO * Data Folder : /tmp/0tve6a0oey
2021-04-27 08:20:16,560 INFO * Workspace : /var/home/ghelling/src/python/teflo-min-reproducer
2021-04-27 08:20:16,560 INFO * Log Level : info
2021-04-27 08:20:16,560 INFO * Tasks : ['validate', 'provision', 'orchestrate', 'execute', 'report', 'cleanup']
2021-04-27 08:20:16,560 INFO * Scenario : min-reproducer
2021-04-27 08:20:16,561 INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2021-04-27 08:20:16,561 INFO * Task : validate
2021-04-27 08:20:16,561 INFO Sending out any notifications that are registered.
2021-04-27 08:20:16,562 INFO ..................................................
2021-04-27 08:20:16,562 INFO Starting tasks on pipeline: notify
2021-04-27 08:20:16,563 WARNING ... no tasks to be executed ...
2021-04-27 08:20:16,563 INFO ..................................................
2021-04-27 08:20:16,564 INFO Starting tasks on pipeline: validate
2021-04-27 08:20:16,564 INFO --> Blaster v0.4.0 <--
2021-04-27 08:20:16,564 INFO Task Execution: Concurrent
2021-04-27 08:20:16,588 INFO Tasks:
2021-04-27 08:20:16,589 INFO 1. Task : min-reproducer
Class : <class 'teflo.tasks.validate.ValidateTask'>
Methods : ['run']
2021-04-27 08:20:16,589 INFO 2. Task : This should choke
Class : <class 'teflo.tasks.validate.ValidateTask'>
Methods : ['run']
2021-04-27 08:20:16,590 INFO ** BLASTER BEGIN **
2021-04-27 08:20:16,601 INFO Validating <class 'teflo.resources.scenario.Scenario'> (min-reproducer)
2021-04-27 08:20:16,602 INFO Validating <class 'teflo.resources.actions.Action'> (This should choke)
2021-04-27 08:20:16,625 INFO successfully validated scenario Action This should choke against the schema!
2021-04-27 08:20:16,644 INFO ** BLASTER COMPLETE **
2021-04-27 08:20:16,645 INFO -> TOTAL DURATION: 0h:0m:0s
2021-04-27 08:20:16,646 INFO ..................................................
2021-04-27 08:20:16,646 INFO * Task : provision
2021-04-27 08:20:16,646 INFO Sending out any notifications that are registered.
2021-04-27 08:20:16,647 INFO ..................................................
2021-04-27 08:20:16,648 INFO Starting tasks on pipeline: notify
2021-04-27 08:20:16,648 WARNING ... no tasks to be executed ...
2021-04-27 08:20:16,649 INFO ..................................................
2021-04-27 08:20:16,649 INFO Starting tasks on pipeline: provision
2021-04-27 08:20:16,650 WARNING ... no tasks to be executed ...
2021-04-27 08:20:16,651 INFO ..................................................
2021-04-27 08:20:16,652 INFO * Task : orchestrate
2021-04-27 08:20:16,652 INFO Sending out any notifications that are registered.
2021-04-27 08:20:16,653 INFO ..................................................
2021-04-27 08:20:16,653 INFO Starting tasks on pipeline: notify
2021-04-27 08:20:16,654 WARNING ... no tasks to be executed ...
2021-04-27 08:20:16,654 INFO ..................................................
2021-04-27 08:20:16,655 INFO Starting tasks on pipeline: orchestrate
2021-04-27 08:20:16,655 INFO --> Blaster v0.4.0 <--
2021-04-27 08:20:16,655 INFO Task Execution: Sequential
2021-04-27 08:20:16,656 INFO Tasks:
2021-04-27 08:20:16,656 INFO 1. Task : This should choke
Class : <class 'teflo.tasks.orchestrate.OrchestrateTask'>
Methods : ['run']
2021-04-27 08:20:16,657 INFO ** BLASTER BEGIN **
2021-04-27 08:20:16,659 INFO running orchestration This should choke for ['localhost']
2021-04-27 08:20:16,662 INFO Executing playbook:
2021-04-27 08:20:16,662 INFO Ansible options used: {}
2021-04-27 08:20:16,662 INFO Executing playbook : min.yml
[WARNING]: Unable to parse /tmp/.results/inventory as an inventory source
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
2021-04-27 08:20:18,269 ERROR Orchestration failed : Playbook min.yml failed to run
2021-04-27 08:20:18,510 ERROR Failed to run orchestration This should choke
2021-04-27 08:20:18,511 ERROR Orchestration failed : Failed to perform This should choke
2021-04-27 08:20:18,511 ERROR A exception was raised while processing task: This should choke method: run
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/home/ghelling/venv/tools3/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/blaster/", line 83, in run
value = getattr(task_obj, method)()
File "/var/home/ghelling/venv/tools3/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/teflo/tasks/", line 59, in run
File "/var/home/ghelling/venv/tools3/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/teflo/orchestrators/", line 68, in run
raise TefloOrchestratorError("Orchestration failed : Failed to perform %s" % self.plugin.action_name)
teflo.exceptions.TefloOrchestratorError: Orchestration failed : Failed to perform This should choke
2021-04-27 08:20:19,515 INFO ** BLASTER COMPLETE **
2021-04-27 08:20:19,517 INFO -> TOTAL DURATION: 0h:0m:2s
2021-04-27 08:20:19,518 ERROR One or more tasks got a status of non zero.
2021-04-27 08:20:19,519 INFO
2021-04-27 08:20:19,519 WARNING A failure occurred before running the cleanup task. Attempting to run the cleanup task to roll back all provisioned resources.
2021-04-27 08:20:19,521 INFO ..................................................
2021-04-27 08:20:19,521 INFO Starting tasks on pipeline: cleanup
2021-04-27 08:20:19,522 INFO --> Blaster v0.4.0 <--
2021-04-27 08:20:19,522 INFO Task Execution: Sequential
2021-04-27 08:20:19,523 INFO Tasks:
2021-04-27 08:20:19,523 INFO 1. Task : This should choke
Class : <class 'teflo.tasks.cleanup.CleanupTask'>
Methods : ['run']
2021-04-27 08:20:19,524 INFO ** BLASTER BEGIN **
2021-04-27 08:20:19,526 INFO running clean up This should choke for ['localhost']
2021-04-27 08:20:19,526 INFO ** BLASTER COMPLETE **
2021-04-27 08:20:19,527 INFO -> TOTAL DURATION: 0h:0m:0s
2021-04-27 08:20:19,527 INFO Sending out any notifications that are registered.
2021-04-27 08:20:19,528 INFO ..................................................
2021-04-27 08:20:19,529 INFO Starting tasks on pipeline: notify
2021-04-27 08:20:19,530 WARNING ... no tasks to be executed ...
2021-04-27 08:20:19,544 INFO
2021-04-27 08:20:19,545 INFO SCENARIO RUN (END)
2021-04-27 08:20:19,545 INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2021-04-27 08:20:19,546 INFO * Duration : 0h:0m:2s
2021-04-27 08:20:19,547 INFO * Passed Tasks : ['validate', 'provision', 'cleanup']
2021-04-27 08:20:19,547 INFO * Failed Tasks : ['orchestrate']
2021-04-27 08:20:19,548 INFO * Results Folder : /tmp/.results
2021-04-27 08:20:19,549 INFO * Included Scenario Definition : []
2021-04-27 08:20:19,549 INFO * Final Scenario Definition : /tmp/.results/results.yml
2021-04-27 08:20:19,550 INFO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2021-04-27 08:20:19,550 INFO TEFLO RUN (RESULT=FAILED)
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