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Last active May 9, 2024 20:06
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Audiobook Generator. Takes a text file, splits it up into chunks, runs it through the Edge-TTS, combines the files into a single wav file, and then reencodes into an Opus files for minimum size/maximum quality.
# takes a text file and makes an audiobook of it ex:
# ./ input_book.txt
# a few notes,
# first, you'll need to install edge-tts (pip3 install edge-tts), sox (sudo apt-get install sox), and
# opus (sudo apt-get install opus-tools)
# second, you'll have to get your ebook into txt format calibre is helpful for this. also, for example the
# time machine ( needs manual clean up of extra text, chapter listings,
# index, glossary, etc.
# third, below there's a variable for threads, that's how many simultaneious requests we make from edge-tts,
# 6 seems fastest on my machine, but try higher and see if it goes faster
# fourth, below there's a variable for 'chars_per_request' this changes the approximate number of charecters per
# file that get sent to edge-tts 2000-5000 seems like a good balance of size vs speed of request
cp "$input" "$id-$input.txt"
printf "$input to $id-$input.txt\n"
mkdir $id-audiobook
cd $id-audiobook
printf "\n\n\nsplitting book:\n\n"
while IFS= read -r line #this loop splits files into files with approximately the number of charecters in chars_per_request
echo $line >> book_split_$( printf "%05d" $file_count).txt # add the line to the current output file
char_count=$(( ${#line} + $char_count)) # add the count of the current line to the total charecter count
if [ $char_count -gt $chars_per_request ] #if we've exceeded the charecters per request we'll reset the counters and increment the current file
printf "book_split_$( printf "%05d" $file_count).txt\n"
done < "../$id-$input.txt"
if test -f "book_split_$( printf "%05d" $file_count).txt"; then #it's possible the splitting loop finished with the last file blank, we check for that here
printf "book_split_$( printf "%05d" $file_count).txt\n"
printf "\n\n\nproccessing tts:\n\n"
#find our split text files, and send them to edge-tts to be made into mp3s
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "book_split*" -print0 | shuf | perl -pe 's/\n//gi' | xargs -t --verbose -0 -P $threads -I % edge-tts --write-subtitles /dev/null -f % --voice en-US-SteffanNeural --write-media %.mp3
mkdir text-split
mv *.txt text-split
mkdir audio-files
mv *.mp3 audio-files
cd audio-files
printf "\n\n\ndecoding mp3s:\n\n"
#find all the mp3s and convert them to wav files for conversion (i was using ffmpeg for this, but it was introducing an odd chirping sound)
find *.mp3 -print0 | xargs -t --verbose -0 -P $threads -I % lame --quiet --decode %
printf "\n\n\nencoding opus:\n\n"
#sox combines the wav files and we pipe them into opus
sox $(ls *.wav | sort -n) -t wav - | opusenc --downmix-mono --bitrate 32 --vbr - ../../$id-$input-full.opus
rm *.wav
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