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Last active May 2, 2022 03:45
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Generators for sawtooth waveforms using various methods
print('pip must first be used to install the following:')
print('pip3 install numpy simpleaudio')
import numpy as np
import simpleaudio as sa
import wave, struct, math, random
# Geneartor params
toneFreqHz = 1760
fs = 44100
seconds = 2
modes = ['genTime', 'genSines', 'genPolyBlep']
genMode = modes[2] # Edit this index to change the generation method
alsoPlayAudio = True # Or just write to WAV file on disk
MAX_SHORT = 2**15 - 1;
NYQUIST = fs / 2
# Write to wav file
filename = f"python_{toneFreqHz}Hz_{genMode}_tone.wav"
wav =,'w')
wav.setnchannels(1) # mono
out = []
phase = 0
sampleTime = 1.0 / fs
minVal = -0.25
maxVal = minVal * -1
if (genMode == modes[0]):
# Generate a saw wave directly in the time domain, no band limiting
# Essentially this is a clone of SawOsc in audiograph.js:
for n in range(seconds * fs):
phase += sampleTime * toneFreqHz
cyclePos = phase % 1 # Values are in range 0..1
valFloat = minVal + cyclePos * (maxVal - minVal)
# Write to wav file on disk, but in short int format
# Packed data range is then [-32767, 32767] because of minVal/maxVal above
data = struct.pack('<h', (int)(valFloat * MAX_SHORT))
if (genMode == modes[1]):
# Generate a saw wave by adding together sin waves of various frequencies
# Formula per Wikipedia, Xsawtooth(t):
n_tones = 20 # Trade-off between saw wave completeness vs. compute time
for n in range(seconds * fs):
phase += sampleTime * toneFreqHz
sample = 0;
for k in range(1, n_tones + 1):
freq = k * toneFreqHz
if (freq > NYQUIST): continue; # Skip frequencies above nyquist to avoid aliasing
valFloat = math.sin(k * phase * 2 * math.pi) / k; # valFloat is in range -1..1
valFloat *= ((-1) ** (k + 1))
sample += valFloat
# TODO: fix normalization to properly scale from min to max values
sample = minVal + ((sample + 1) / 2) * (maxVal - minVal)
data = struct.pack('<h', (int)(sample * MAX_SHORT))
def poly_blep(phase, phaseInc):
if (phase < phaseInc):
phase /= phaseInc
return phase+phase - (phase*phase) - 1
elif (phase > (1 - phaseInc)):
phase = (phase - 1) / phaseInc;
return (phase*phase) + phase+phase + 1
return 0
if (genMode == modes[2]):
# Generate a saw wave by using PolyBLEP method, described here:
phaseInc = sampleTime * toneFreqHz # Equivalent to dt, or freq / sample_rate
for n in range(seconds * fs):
adjustedPhase = phase + 0.5
if (adjustedPhase >= 1): adjustedPhase = adjustedPhase % 1
output = 2 * adjustedPhase - 1 # Raw saw wave, range from -1..1
offset = poly_blep(adjustedPhase, phaseInc)
output = minVal + (output - offset + 1) / 2 * (maxVal - minVal)
# Incredibly, we can see that only the two samples around the discontinuity
# are modified at all. Small change with a big effect.
if (offset != 0): print(f"output: {output}, offset: {offset}")
else: print(f"output: {output}")
data = struct.pack('<h', (int)(output * MAX_SHORT))
phase += phaseInc
if alsoPlayAudio:
# Ensure that highest value is in 16-bit range
audio = np.array(out) * (MAX_SHORT)
# Convert to 16-bit data
audio = audio.astype(np.int16)
# Start playback
play_wav = sa.play_buffer(audio, 1, 2, fs)
# Wait for playback to finish before exiting
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