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Last active July 24, 2023 09:39
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Lint and format GitHub Actions run blocks
function export_run_blocks() {
mkdir -p "${WORK_DIR}"
yq '[
.jobs | .. |
] | length' \
# echo $num_runs
for ((i = 0; i < num_runs; i++)); do
export i
yq '[
.jobs | .. |
][env(i)].name' \
# echo "$name"
yq '[
.jobs | .. |
].run' \
"${yaml_file}" \
>"${WORK_DIR}/$(basename "$yaml_file"):${name// /_}.sh"
function strip_trailing_newlines() {
for file in "${WORK_DIR}"/*.sh; do
printf "%s" "$(<"${file}")" >"${tempfile}"
mv "${tempfile}" "${file}"
function format_scripts() {
shfmt \
--diff \
--list \
--write \
--indent 2 \
--language-dialect bash \
"${WORK_DIR}" 2>&1 |
grep \
--invert-match \
--extended-regexp 'invalid parameter name$'
function lint_scripts() {
for file in "${WORK_DIR}"/*.sh; do
shellcheck \
--shell=bash \
--exclude=SC2296 \
--format=tty \
function main() {
export_run_blocks "$@"
main "$@"
# ❯ shfmt --help
# usage: shfmt [flags] [path ...]
# shfmt formats shell programs. If the only argument is a dash ('-') or no
# arguments are given, standard input will be used. If a given path is a
# directory, all shell scripts found under that directory will be used.
# --version show version and exit
# -l, --list list files whose formatting differs from shfmt's
# -w, --write write result to file instead of stdout
# -d, --diff error with a diff when the formatting differs
# -s, --simplify simplify the code
# -mn, --minify minify the code to reduce its size (implies -s)
# Parser options:
# -ln, --language-dialect str bash/posix/mksh/bats, default "auto"
# -p, --posix shorthand for -ln=posix
# --filename str provide a name for the standard input file
# Printer options:
# -i, --indent uint 0 for tabs (default), >0 for number of spaces
# -bn, --binary-next-line binary ops like && and | may start a line
# -ci, --case-indent switch cases will be indented
# -sr, --space-redirects redirect operators will be followed by a space
# -kp, --keep-padding keep column alignment paddings
# -fn, --func-next-line function opening braces are placed on a separate line
# Utilities:
# -f, --find recursively find all shell files and print the paths
# --to-json print syntax tree to stdout as a typed JSON
# --from-json read syntax tree from stdin as a typed JSON
# For more information, see 'man shfmt' and
# ❯ shellcheck --help
# Usage: shellcheck [OPTIONS...] FILES...
# -a --check-sourced Include warnings from sourced files
# -C[WHEN] --color[=WHEN] Use color (auto, always, never)
# -i CODE1,CODE2.. --include=CODE1,CODE2.. Consider only given types of warnings
# -e CODE1,CODE2.. --exclude=CODE1,CODE2.. Exclude types of warnings
# -f FORMAT --format=FORMAT Output format (checkstyle, diff, gcc, json, json1, quiet, tty)
# --list-optional List checks disabled by default
# --norc Don't look for .shellcheckrc files
# -o check1,check2.. --enable=check1,check2.. List of optional checks to enable (or 'all')
# -P SOURCEPATHS --source-path=SOURCEPATHS Specify path when looking for sourced files ("SCRIPTDIR" for script's dir)
# -s SHELLNAME --shell=SHELLNAME Specify dialect (sh, bash, dash, ksh)
# -S SEVERITY --severity=SEVERITY Minimum severity of errors to consider (error, warning, info, style)
# -V --version Print version information
# -W NUM --wiki-link-count=NUM The number of wiki links to show, when applicable
# -x --external-sources Allow 'source' outside of FILES
# --help Show this usage summary and exit
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