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Created January 23, 2018 08:53
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//# Dispatch Event
// An event is sent when something happens - the user clicks a button, or a websocket receives a new message.
// The UI can dispatch
// Event has: name and data
function onButtonClick() {
let queryText = document.getElementById('queryText').value
console.log('queryText', queryText)
dispatchEvent({ name: 'START_SEARCH' , payload: queryText });
//# Event Handling
//In response to an event, an application must decide what action to take. This is known as event handling.
//Event handler functions compute side effects, or a declarative description data structure that says how the world should change.
//On startup, register handlers for each type of event
//In dispatch, capture events, then
let eventHandlers = {};
function registerEvent(name, handler) {
eventHandlers[name] = handler
function dispatchEvent(event) {
registerEvent('START_SEARCH', (searchText) => {
dispatchAction({name:'SEARCH_STARTED', payload: searchText})
//get something from an api
searchService(searchText).then(results => {
dispatchAction({name:'SEARCH_SUCCESSFUL', payload: results})
}).catch(err => {
console.log('dispatchActionFAIL', err)
dispatchAction({name:'SEARCH_FAILED', payload: err})
function searchService(text) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
text.length > 3
? resolve(['Search'])
: reject('Type a longer search')
// some logic occurs - then sends something to update state
//object saying how to update state
//state modified with reducer
function dispatchAction(action) {
console.log('action dispatched', action)
reduce(, action.payload);
function reducer(actions, initialState) {
let state = initialState;
return (name, payload) => {
console.log('start state', name, state)
state = actions[name](state, payload)
console.log('end state', state)
let initialState = {
isSearching: false,
query: '',
searchResults: [],
searchError: ''
let reduce = reducer({
SEARCH_STARTED: (state, payload) => {
let {isSearching, query, searchResults, searchError} = state;
isSearching = true;
query = payload
return {isSearching, query, searchResults, searchError};
SEARCH_SUCCESSFUL: (state, payload) => {
let {isSearching, query, searchResults, searchError} = state;
isSearching = false
searchResults = payload
searchError = ''
return {isSearching, query, searchResults, searchError};
SEARCH_FAILED: (state, payload) => {
let {isSearching, query, searchResults, searchError} = state;
isSearching = false
searchResults = []
searchError = payload
return {isSearching, query, searchResults, searchError};
}, initialState)
//App State is an Observable. This provides a way to:
//* Push changes on App State change
//* Create 'views' based off the base state
//One or more components that accept state or a 'view' off the main state
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