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Created May 12, 2021 18:05
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OCaml AST - ToString and Evaluation
Below is OCaml code that defines an AST (based on an ML style language) and does two things:
* Takes the AST and prints it as a string
* Evaluates the AST expressions down where possible
Tests cover most of the functionality and some glaring edge cases
Note: I couldn't figure out how importing libraries worked (ounit), so I just wrote a custom assert function
Run it:
ocamlc -c && ocamlc -o main main.cmo && ./main
Let AST:
type bop =
| Add
| Mult
| Lte
| And
| Or
type id = string
type expr =
| Var of string
| Int of int
| Bool of bool
| Binop of bop * expr * expr
| If of expr * expr * expr
| Let of id * expr * expr
| Err of string
let rec to_string e : string = match e with
| Var s -> s
| Int i -> string_of_int i
| Bool bool ->
(match bool with
| true -> "true"
| false -> "false")
| Binop (op, e1, e2) ->
let f o = match o with
| Add -> "+"
| Mult -> "*"
| Lte -> "<"
| And -> "&&"
| Or -> "||"
(to_string e1) ^ " " ^ (f op) ^ " " ^ (to_string e2)
| If (c, t, e) ->
"if " ^ (to_string c) ^ " then " ^ (to_string t) ^ " else " ^ (to_string e)
| Let (id, e1, e2) ->
"let " ^ id ^ " = " ^ (to_string e1) ^ " in " ^ (to_string e2)
| Err e -> e
let rec replace_val v repl expr =
if (expr = v) then
match expr with
| Binop (op, e1, e2) ->
Binop (op, (replace_val v repl e1), (replace_val v repl e2))
| If (c, t, e) ->
If ((replace_val v repl c), (replace_val v repl t), (replace_val v repl e))
| Let (id, e1, e2) ->
Let (id, (replace_val v repl e1), (replace_val v repl e2))
| e -> e
let rec eval (e: expr) : expr = match e with
| Var s -> Var s
| Int i -> Int i
| Bool b -> Bool b
| Binop (op, e1, e2) ->
(match ((eval e1), (eval e2)) with
| (Int i1, Int i2) ->
(match op with
| Add -> Int (i1 + i2)
| Mult -> Int (i1 * i2)
| Lte -> (if (i1 < i2) then (Bool true) else (Bool false))
| _ -> Err ("Error - Invalid expr: " ^ (to_string (Binop (op, e1, e2))))
| (Bool b1, Bool b2) ->
(match op with
| And -> (Bool (b1 && b2))
| Or -> (Bool (b1 || b2))
| _ -> Err ("Error - Invalid expr: " ^ (to_string (Binop (op, e1, e2))))
| (Var v1, Var v2) -> Binop (op, Var v1, Var v2)
| (Var v1, e2) -> Binop (op, Var v1, e2)
| (e1, Var v2) -> Binop (op, e1, Var v2)
| (i, j) -> Err ("Error - Invalid expr: " ^ (to_string (Binop (op, i, j))))
| If (c, t, e) ->
(match (eval c) with
| Bool b -> if b then (eval t) else (eval e)
| _ -> Err ("Error - Invalid if clause: " ^ (to_string (If (c, t, e))))
| Let (id, e1, e2) ->
(* Err ("Error - Not Implemented") *)
let x = (eval e1) in eval (replace_val (Var id) x e2)
(* search e2 for (Val id) and replace it *)
| Err e -> Err e
let assert_equal_expr (msg: string) (a: expr) (b: expr) =
(if a = b then
print_endline ("Failed Assert :: (" ^ msg);
print_endline ("a: " ^ (to_string a));
print_endline ("a: " ^ (to_string b));
let assert_equal_str (msg: string) (a: string) (b: string) =
(if a = b then
(print_endline ("Failed Assert :: (" ^ msg ^ ")");
print_endline ("a: " ^ a);
print_endline ("b: " ^ b);
(* replace_val v repl expr *)
let e = Binop (And, Var "x", Bool true);;
assert_equal_str "replace_val true && true" ("true && true") (to_string (replace_val (Var "x") (Bool true) e));;
Refactoring/Simplification functions
!expr && !expr ~> expr || expr
let f x = x --> Let (Var "f", Fun ("x", Var "x")
List - let x = 3 in [1,2,x]
(* x && y || z *)
let e = Binop (Or, Binop(And, Var "x", Var "y"), Var "z");;
assert_equal_str "x && y || z" ("x && y || z") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval x && y || z" ("x && y || z") (to_string (eval e));;
(* let x = true in x *)
let e = Let ("x", Bool true, Var "x");;
assert_equal_str "let x = true in x" ("let x = true in x") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval let x = true in x" ("true") (to_string (eval e));;
(* let x = 1 + 4 in x * 3 *)
let e = Let ("x", Binop (Add, Int 1, Int 4), Binop (Mult, Var "x", Int 3));;
assert_equal_str "let x = 1 + 4 in x * 3" ("let x = 1 + 4 in x * 3") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval let x = 1 + 4 in x * 3" ("15") (to_string (eval e));;
(* let x = true in let y = false in x && y *)
let e = Let ("x", Bool true, Let ("y", Bool false, Binop (And, Var "x", Var "y")));;
assert_equal_str "let x = true in let y = false in x && y" ("let x = true in let y = false in x && y") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval let x = true in let y = false in x && y" ("false") (to_string (eval e));;
(* if true && true then true || false else false && false *)
let e = If (
Binop (And, Bool true, Bool true),
Binop (Or, Bool true, Bool false),
Binop (And, Bool false, Bool false));;
assert_equal_str "if true && true then true || false else false && false"
("if true && true then true || false else false && false") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval if true && true then true || false else false && false" ("true") (to_string (eval e));;
(* if true then true else false *)
let e = If (Bool true, Bool true, Bool false);;
assert_equal_str "if true then true else false" ("if true then true else false") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval if true then true else false" ("true") (to_string (eval e));;
(* if false then true else false *)
let e = If (Bool false, Bool true, Bool false);;
assert_equal_str "if false then true else false" ("if false then true else false") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval if false then true else false" ("false") (to_string (eval e));;
(* if 1 then 1 else 2 *)
let e = If (Int 1, Bool true, Bool false);;
assert_equal_str "if 1 then true else false" ("if 1 then true else false") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval if 1 then true else false" ("Error - Invalid if clause: if 1 then true else false") (to_string (eval e));;
(* if false then 1 else 2 *)
let e = If (Bool true, Int 1, Int 2);;
assert_equal_str "if true then 1 else 2" ("if true then 1 else 2") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval if true then 1 else 2" ("1") (to_string (eval e));;
(* true && true *)
let e = Binop (And, Bool true, Bool true);;
assert_equal_str "true and true" ("true && true") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval true and true" ("true") (to_string (eval e));;
(* true && true && true *)
let e = Binop (And, Bool true, Binop (And, Bool true, Bool true));;
assert_equal_str "true and true and true" ("true && true && true") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval true and true and true" ("true") (to_string (eval e));;
(* false || true *)
let e = Binop (Or, Bool false, Bool true);;
assert_equal_str "false or true" ("false || true") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval false or true" ("true") (to_string (eval e));;
(* false || false || true *)
let e = Binop (Or, Bool false, Binop (Or, Bool false, Bool true));;
assert_equal_str "false or false or true" ("false || false || true") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval false or false or true" ("true") (to_string (eval e));;
(* Error: 1 + true *)
let e = Binop (Add, Int 1, Bool true);;
assert_equal_str "1 + true" ("1 + true") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval 1 + true" ("Error - Invalid expr: 1 + true") (to_string (eval e));;
(* 1 + 2 *)
let e = Binop (Add, (Int 1), (Int 2));;
assert_equal_str "1 + 2" ("1 + 2") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval 1 + 2" ("3") (to_string (eval e));;
(* 1 < 2 *)
let e = Binop (Lte, (Int 1), (Int 2));;
assert_equal_str "1 < 2" ("1 < 2") (to_string e);;
assert_equal_str "eval 1 < 2" ("true") (to_string (eval e));;
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