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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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install ack
install autojump
install bazaar
install brew-cask
install coreutils
install ctags
install docker
install ec2-api-tools
install fftw
install gawk
install gist
install git
install gnu-sed
install hub
install imagemagick
install jq
install libtiff
install libyaml
install macvim
install mercurial
install mtr
install nmap
install node
install openexr
install packer
install parallel
install pdsh
install pgbouncer
install postgresql
install pstree
install pv
install python
install rbenv
install redis
install ruby-build
install s3cmd
install ssh-copy-id
install the_silver_searcher
install tmux
install tree
install watch
install wget
install youtube-dl
install zsh
install zsh-syntax-highlighting
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