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Created May 11, 2024 23:35
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# NOTE: this query is designed to be run adhoc to populate the type ProfessionalFeeApplicants
feeapps := (
SELECT DocketDocument {
case_name := .bankruptcy_case.case_name,
case_title := .bankruptcy_case.title,
docket_document_id := .id,
applicant := re_match('.*(for|of) ([A-Z].*?),?\\s*(Inc|Services|Creditors|Group|Chartered|Partners|Consulting|P.L.L.C.|L.L.C.|L.L.P.|L.P.|P.C.|S.C.|PLLC|LLC|LLP|LP|PC|SC)', .title)[1] ?? '**unknown**',
applicant_type := re_match(r'(Counsel|Co-counsel|Attorney|Financial Advisor|Advisor|Banker|Trustee|Officer|Ombudsman|Administrator|Consultant|Accountant|Other Professional)', .title)[0] ?? '**unknown**',
applicant_party := 'Official Committee' IF .title ILIKE '%Official Committee%'
ELSE 'Debtor' IF .title ILIKE '%Debtor%'
ELSE 'Future Claimaint' IF .title ILIKE '%Future Claimaint%'
ELSE '**unknown**',
extracted_amounts := (
FOR extracted_text IN (.pages.extracted_text) UNION (
FOR m IN (re_match_all('\\$([0-9,]+[.]?[0-9]+)', extracted_text)[0]) UNION (
SELECT <decimal>str_replace(m, ',', '')
is_final := .title ILIKE '%Final%',
.title ILIKE '%Application%Fee%'
OR .title ILIKE '%Application%Compensation%'
OR .title ILIKE '%Fee%Application%'
OR .title ILIKE '%Compensation%Application%'
# QUESTION: is this exhaustive as first word of the title?
AND re_test('^(Fee|Compensation|Application|Interim|First|Second|Third|Fourth|Fifth|Final|Supplemental)', .title)
# QUESTION: is this enough to filter out documents in response?
AND len(.related_docket_numbers) = 0
AND EXISTS .extracted_amounts
# TODO: fix me
AND .applicant != 'Expenses'
AND .applicant != 'Compensation for'
AND .applicant != 'Unsecured'
AND NOT .applicant ILIKE '%for the period%'
AND .applicant != '**unknown**'
LIMIT <int64>$limit
groups := (
# QUESTION: is it a good heuristic here?
GROUP feeapps { amount := max(.extracted_amounts) }
BY (.bankruptcy_case, .case_name, .case_title, .applicant)
FOR r IN (SELECT groups) UNION (
INSERT ProfessionalFeeApplicant {
bankruptcy_case := r.key.bankruptcy_case,
name := r.key.applicant,
applicant_types := array_agg((DISTINCT r.elements.applicant_type)),
applicant_parties := array_agg((DISTINCT r.elements.applicant_party)),
has_final := any(r.elements.is_final),
amounts := array_agg(r.elements.amount),
docket_document_ids := array_agg(r.elements.docket_document_id),
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