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Last active December 4, 2019 16:41
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Save gregelin/11126436 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Configure system for vagrant
service sshd start
chkconfig sshd on
groupadd admin # Per Vagrant's documentation
groupadd vagrant
useradd -g vagrant -G admin vagrant # Create the user, and add them to both groups
passwd vagrant
# specify **'vagrant'** for the password, per Vagrant's recommendations.
# Results in the following added to the end of the sudoer's file
# # Added for Vagrant Support
# Defaults env_keep += \"SSH_AUTH_SOCK\"
echo -e "\n# Added for Vagrant Support\nDefaults env_keep += \"SSH_AUTH_SOCK\"\n%admin ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
# Attempts to comment out requiretty, per Vagrant's documentation
sed -ie 's/Defaults\s\+requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/g' /etc/sudoers
sed -ie 's/#UseDNS yes/UseDNS no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
mkdir ~vagrant/.ssh
curl -k > ~vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 0700 ~vagrant/.ssh
chmod 0600 ~vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown -R vagrant:vagrant ~vagrant/.ssh
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