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Created June 19, 2016 00:04
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Red Calculator
Red [
Title: "Calculator"
File: %calculator.r
Version: 0.0.1
;Date: 18-Jun-2016
Author: [
REBOL version ["Jeff Kreis" "Allen Kamp" "Carl Sassenrath"]
Red port "Gregg Irwin"
Purpose: "Simple numeric calculator."
Tabs: 4
Needs: View
auto-clear: true
calculate: does [
if error? try [display/text: form do display/text][
display/text: "Error"
display/color: red
auto-clear: true
clear-display: does [
clear display/text
display/color: snow
auto-clear: false
key-in: func [value][
if auto-clear [clear-display]
append display/text value
calculator: layout [
backdrop water
space 4x4
origin 10x10
style k: button 40x26 font-size 12 [key-in face/text]
style kc: k [clear-display]
style k=: k [calculate]
text "WARNING! Int ops round right now" water return
;!! TBD figure out key event capture/bubble process, when to use done/stop,
; and how to prevent dupe events safely, or what the target widget's
; behavior is that we need to know about.
display: field "0" 172x26 bold snow right on-key [
switch event/key [
;!! Keys are always uppercase if ctrl? is true
#"=" #"^M" [calculate] ; = or Enter
#"c" #"C" [clear-display]
] return
kc "C" k "(" k ")" k " / " return
k "7" k "8" k "9" k " * " return
k "4" k "5" k "6" k " - " return
k "1" k "2" k "3" k " + " return
k "0" k "-" k "." k= "=" return
system/view/capturing?: yes
view/options center-face calculator [
actors: object [
; on-detect: func [f e][
; if e/type = 'key [
; print ['detect mold e/key e/ctrl?]
; ]
; ]
on-key: func [f e][
; print ['key mold e/key e/ctrl?]
if find "0123456789()." e/key [key-in e/key return 'done]
; Put spaces around operators
if find "+-*/" e/key [key-in form reduce ["" e/key ""] return 'done]
; It's a special key
switch e/key [
;!! Keys are always uppercase if ctrl? is true
#"=" #"^M" [calculate] ; = or Enter
#"c" #"C" [clear-display]
#"q" #"Q" [if e/ctrl? [quit]] ; ctrl+q
#"^[" [quit] ; esc
system/view/capturing?: no
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