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Created October 4, 2011 21:01
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Guidelines for Efficient Moderated Meetings

Guidelines for Efficient Moderated Meetings


  • have short, efficient meetings that honor the contributions of all members

  • prevent many failure modes that derail meetings, including:

    • going too long
    • one person dominating (despite non-expertise)
    • getting off task
    • no takeaways / next steps


  • consensus model
  • all participants are equal in authority

Meetings follow this flow:

  1. appoint: moderator, time-keeper, queue, note-taker.
  2. set up parking lot.
  3. decide agenda. Assign time limits and scope for each topic.
  4. re-order agenda.
  5. discuss each topic (see below)
  6. at end of meeting, review all agenda points, and assign takeaways.


Moderator Role:

  • keep discussion on task, and flowing

  • agenda items should be (mostly) goal-oriented.

  • ONE at a time. One thing at a time, one person speaking at a time.

  • acknowledge all input

    • suggest tabling topics (to the parking lot) if extra time remains
    • watch the queue, to ensure people (eventually) get their say.
    • suggest refocus or agenda revision, if participants seem to want it
  • make room for quieter people, if they want to participate

  • if you are also a participant, yield appropriately

  • pull items from the parking lot, when time remains

Participant Role:

  • do state from experience
  • be concise
  • don't talk over each other
  • don't hog / dominate the conversation


  • help moderator by noting when people want to speak, and taking names, so they can put their hands down.
  • interrupt moderator if queue gets too long.

Timekeeper Role:

  • notify moderator 5, and 1 minute before allotted time for an agenda item is reached.

Notes Role:

  • keep notes
  • summarize takeaways from agenda items.
  • record 'next step' assignments.

Example Agenda

  • (5 min) summarize research on queuing (ZeroMQ)
    1. Discuss where queuing fits in our workflow, if anywhere
    1. decide next-steps for json interface
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