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Created August 4, 2011 23:28
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Ninjutsu - Google Code Jam 2011
// This is an attempted solution to the Ninjutsu pratice problem from the Google Code Jam, 2011
// Programmer: Greg Mann
// Location: Berkeley, CA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double ropeLength;
bool currentIsZero, candidateIsZero, currentIsGreater, currentIsFurther, currentIsEqual;
struct Coord // structure for an individual (x, y) coordinate, with slope and distance for use by the algorithm
int x;
int y;
double slope;
double distance;
void setDistance(Coord *current, Coord *swing) {
(*current).distance = sqrt(pow((double((*current).x - (*swing).x)), 2.0) + pow(double((*current).y - (*swing).y), 2.0)); }
void setSlope(Coord *current, Coord *swing) {
(*current).slope = double((*current).y - (*swing).y) / ((*current).x - (*swing).x); }
double calcAngle(Coord *target, Coord *swing) {
return (atan((*target).slope) - atan((*swing).slope)); }
bool testCurrent(Coord *current, Coord *candidate, Coord *swing)
double currentAngle = calcAngle(current, swing);
double candidateAngle = calcAngle(candidate, swing);
candidateIsZero = false;
currentIsEqual = false;
currentIsFurther = false;
currentIsGreater = false;
currentIsZero = false;
if (currentAngle > -0.00000001 && currentAngle < 0.00000001) currentIsZero = true;
if (candidateAngle > -0.00000001 && candidateAngle < 0.00000001) candidateIsZero = true;
if ((currentAngle - candidateAngle) > 0.00000001) currentIsGreater = true;
if (((*current).distance - (*candidate).distance) > 0.00000001) currentIsFurther = true;
if ((candidateAngle - currentAngle) > -0.00000001 && (candidateAngle - currentAngle) < 0.00000001) currentIsEqual = true;
if ((*current).distance < ropeLength && currentAngle > -0.00000001)
if (currentIsEqual && currentIsFurther) return true;
else if (currentIsZero) return false;
else if (!currentIsGreater) return true;
else if (candidateIsZero) return true;
else return false;
else {
//cout << " f" << endl;
return false; }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
string filename = "";
vector<Coord> setOfPoints; // this will be the set of points for a given trial
int T;
ifstream inFile;;
inFile >> T;
int numPoints, bends, finalBends;
double initialLength;
for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) // loop through trials
finalBends = 0;
inFile >> numPoints >> initialLength;
for (int j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) // populate vector of coordinates for this trial
Coord tempCoord;
inFile >> tempCoord.x >> tempCoord.y;
setOfPoints.insert(setOfPoints.end(), tempCoord);
while (initialLength > 0)
// declare values in preparation for first loop
ropeLength = initialLength;
bends = 0;
Coord *candidate;
Coord *swing = &;
Coord *current;
(*swing).slope = -1;
bool foundOne; // bool to indicate that rope found a pivot
bool firstLoop = true;
foundOne = false;
for (int k = 0; k < numPoints; k++) // test each point for next swing
current = &;
if (swing != current)
setSlope(current, swing);
setDistance(current, swing);
if (firstLoop)
if ((*current).distance < ropeLength)
candidate = current;
foundOne = true;
firstLoop = false;
else continue;
else if (testCurrent(current, candidate, swing)) candidate = current;
else continue;
if (foundOne)
ropeLength -= (*candidate).distance;
swing = candidate;
firstLoop = true;
} while (foundOne);
if (bends > finalBends) finalBends = bends;
initialLength -= 0.001;
cout << "Case #" << (i + 1) << ": " << finalBends << endl;
return 0;
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