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Created November 9, 2012 23:54
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Save greghendershott/4049108 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A "term sheet" is a light-weight, more casual version of a contract. :)
#lang racket
;; A term sheet is a light-weight, casual version of a contract. :)
;; Seriously, `define/termsheet' takes the same form as
;; `define/contract', but uses the contract predicates as simple
;; checks. As a result, this runs much faster -- e.g. ~200x faster --
;; than a normal, chaperoned wrapped procedure.
;; In other words it gives the declarative convenience of
;; define/contract, but with the speed as if you wrote checks by hand.
(require (for-syntax racket/list
(provide lambda/termsheet
(define-syntax-parameter any ;suppress error about `any' used outside `->'
(lambda (stx)
#'(lambda _ #t)))
(define enabled? #t) ;an actual `parameter' not needed, too slow
(define termsheet-check ;but `provide' a parameter-like function
[() enabled?]
[(v) (set! enabled? v)]))
(define (contract->predicate c)
(cond [(flat-contract? c) (flat-contract-predicate c)]
[(chaperone-contract? c) procedure?] ;; downgrade to check for proc
[else (error 'contract->predicate "don't know about ~a" c)]))
;; If pred-stx looks like a procedure contract, i.e. (-> ...), then
;; replace arg-stx with a lamba/termsheet, i.e. like a chaperone.
(define-for-syntax (maybe-wrap arg-stx pred-stx)
(syntax-case pred-stx (->)
[(-> x ...)
(with-syntax ([(arg ...) (generate-temporaries
(map (lambda (x) (datum->syntax arg-stx x))
(drop-right (syntax->list #'(x ...)) 1)))]
[func arg-stx]
[id arg-stx])
#'(lambda/termsheet id
(arg ...)
(-> x ...)
(func arg ...)))]
[_ arg-stx]))
(define-for-syntax (ord-str n)
(let ([suffix (case n
[(1) "st"]
[(2) "nd"]
[(3) "rd"]
[else "th"])])
(format "~a~a" n suffix)))
(define-syntax (lambda/termsheet stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ id:id (arg:id ...) ((~datum ->) pred:expr ...) body ...+)
(unless (= (add1 (length (syntax->list #'(arg ...))))
(length (syntax->list #'(pred ...))))
(raise-syntax-error 'define/termsheet
"must supply a predicate for each argument plus one for the return value"
#'(-> pred ...)
(with-syntax* ([(arg-pred ...)
(map (lambda (x)
(datum->syntax stx x))
(drop-right (syntax->list #'(pred ...)) 1))]
(car (take-right (syntax->list #'(pred ...)) 1))]
[(arg-pred-id ...)
(generate-temporaries #'(arg-pred ...))]
[(wrapped-arg ...)
(map maybe-wrap
(syntax->list #'(arg ...))
(syntax->list #'(arg-pred ...)))]
[(nth ...)
(for/list ([a (syntax->list #'(arg ...))]
[n (in-naturals)])
(ord-str (add1 n)))])
#'(let ([arg-pred-id (contract->predicate arg-pred)] ...)
(lambda (arg ...)
(let ([arg wrapped-arg] ...)
(when enabled?
(unless (arg-pred-id arg)
(raise-argument-error 'id
(format "~a argument to be ~a"
(quote arg-pred))
arg)) ...)
(let ([rtn (begin body ...)])
(cond [(or (not enabled?)
(rtn-pred rtn))
(error 'id
"return value\nexpected: ~a\nreturned: ~a"
(quote rtn-pred)
(define-syntax (define/termsheet stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ (id:id arg:id ...) ((~datum ->) pred:expr ...) body ...+)
#'(define id
(lambda/termsheet id
(arg ...)
(-> pred ...)
body ...))]))
;;; benchmark
;; Example 1: Single arg, return any
;; Only simple predicate
(define (f/raw x)
(define (f/checked x)
(unless (exact-nonnegative-integer? x)
(raise-argument-error 'f/checked
(define/contract (f/contracted x)
(exact-nonnegative-integer? . -> . any)
(define/termsheet (f/termsheet x)
(exact-nonnegative-integer? . -> . any)
(define-syntax-rule (bench func)
(display (object-name func)) (display ": ")
(time (for ([i (in-range 1000000)])
(func i)))
(bench f/raw)
(bench f/checked)
(bench f/termsheet)
(bench f/contracted)
;; Example 2: Three args various types, return any.
;; Check includes predicate-creator, `or/c'
(define (f2/raw x y z)
(define f2/checked
(let ([or/c-number-string? (or/c number? string?)])
(lambda (x y z)
(unless (exact-positive-integer? x)
(raise-argument-error 'f2/checked
(unless (string? y)
(raise-argument-error 'f2/checked
(unless (or/c-number-string? z)
(raise-argument-error 'f2/checked
"number? or string?"
(define/contract (f2/contracted x y z)
(exact-positive-integer? string? (or/c number? string?) . -> . any)
(define/termsheet (f2/termsheet x y z)
(exact-positive-integer? string? (or/c number? string?) . -> . any)
(define-syntax-rule (bench2 func)
(display (object-name func)) (display ": ")
(time (for ([i (in-range 1000000)])
(func 1 "foo" "bar")))
(bench2 f2/raw)
(bench2 f2/checked)
(bench2 f2/termsheet)
(bench2 f2/contracted)
;; Example 3: Three args various types, return boolean?
;; Check includes predicate-creator, `or/c'
(define (f3/raw x y z)
(define f3/checked
(let ([or/c-number-string? (or/c number? string?)])
(lambda (x y z)
(unless (exact-positive-integer? x)
(raise-argument-error 'f3/checked
(unless (string? y)
(raise-argument-error 'f3/checked
(unless (or/c-number-string? z)
(raise-argument-error 'f3/checked
"number? or string?"
(boolean? #t)
(define/contract (f3/contracted x y z)
(exact-positive-integer? string? (or/c number? string?) . -> . boolean?)
(define/termsheet (f3/termsheet x y z)
(exact-positive-integer? string? (or/c number? string?) . -> . boolean?)
(define-syntax-rule (bench3 func)
(display (object-name func)) (display ": ")
(time (for ([i (in-range 1000000)])
(func 1 "foo" "bar")))
(bench3 f3/raw)
(bench3 f3/checked)
(bench3 f3/termsheet)
(bench2 f3/contracted)
;; Example 4
;; Procedure contract
(define (f4/raw a f)
(f a))
(define/termsheet (f4/termsheet a f)
(boolean? (boolean? . -> . boolean?) . -> . any)
(f a))
(define/contract (f4/contract a f)
(boolean? (boolean? . -> . boolean?) . -> . any)
(f a))
(define-syntax-rule (bench4 func)
(display (object-name func)) (display ": ")
(time (for ([i (in-range 1000000)])
(func #t (lambda (x) x))))
(bench4 f4/raw)
(bench4 f4/termsheet)
(bench4 f4/contract)
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Re the new procedure contract handling: The macro wraps these in an additional lambda/termsheet. This is much faster than real chaperone. However it's quite slow. Another approach I tried was to transform all procedure contracts into a simple procedure? predicate, which is much faster. Granted this loses the deeper checking. However in my experience that's of limited value, especially if the procedure being called already has its own contract (or termsheet). It will check its own input args. At most, it would be useful to check only that the procedure returns something expected.

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