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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket/base
(require racket/performance-hint
;;; Norvig's spelling corrector
;; (c) Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya
(provide train correct edits1)
;; Take a list of words, return a hash table
;; with words as keys and frequencies as values
(define (freqs xs)
(define m (make-hash))
(for ([x (in-list xs)])
(hash-update! m x add1 0))
;; Extracts words from a string and convert them
;; to lowercase
(define (words buf)
(regexp-match* #rx"[a-z]+"
(string-downcase buf)))
;; Return a hash table representing the frequency
;; of words in the file given as an argument
(define (train fname)
(call-with-input-file fname
(lambda (fp) (freqs (words (port->string fp))))))
;; All the allowed letters in a word
(define alphabet
(map string (string->list "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")))
;; The different ways to split a string
(define (splits s)
(for/list ([n (in-range (add1 (string-length s)))])
(cons (substring s 0 n) (substring s n))))
;; One character editing functions. Take a a split
;; from splits and return a list of words
(define (deletes ss)
(for*/list ([s (in-list ss)]
[lft (in-value (car s))]
[rht (in-value (cdr s))]
#:when (not (string=? rht "")))
(string-append lft (substring rht 1))))
(define (inserts ss)
(for*/list ([s (in-list ss)]
[lft (in-value (car s))]
[rht (in-value (cdr s))]
[c (in-list alphabet)])
(string-append lft c rht)))
(define (replaces ss)
(for*/list ([s (in-list ss)]
[lft (in-value (car s))]
[rht (in-value (cdr s))]
#:when (not (string=? rht ""))
[c (in-list alphabet)])
(string-append lft c (substring rht 1))))
(define (transposes ss)
(for*/list ([s (in-list ss)]
[lft (in-value (car s))]
[rht (in-value (cdr s))]
#:when (>= (string-length rht) 2))
(string-append lft
(string (string-ref rht 1))
(string (string-ref rht 0))
(substring rht 2))))
(define (edits1 s)
(define ss (splits s))
(append (deletes ss)
(inserts ss) ;; big
(replaces ss) ;; big
(transposes ss)))
(define-inline (edits2 ht s)
(for*/list ([x (in-list (edits1 s))]
[y (in-list (edits1 x))]
#:when (hash-has-key? ht y))
;; Given a hash map and a list of words, returns
;; one of the words with the highest frequency.
;; Given an empty list returns #f
(define (best-known ht xs)
(car (for*/fold ([best (cons #f 0)])
([x (in-list xs)]
[v (in-value (hash-ref ht x #f))]
#:when v)
(if (> v (cdr best)) (cons x v) best))))
;; Returns the correction for a word.
;; Returns the word itself if no correction is found.
(define (correct m s)
(or (best-known m (list s))
(best-known m (edits1 s))
(best-known m (edits2 m s))
(define (train-and-correct training-file)
(define m (train training-file))
(for ([l (in-lines)]
#:when (not (empty? l))
[w (in-value (string-downcase l))])
(printf "~a, ~a\n" w (correct m w))))
(module+ main
(require racket/cmdline)
;; The main program.
;; Must be called as
;; norvig.rkt [training file]
;; Learns word frequencies from the [training file],
;; then reads one word per line from standard
;; input and print lines of the form
;; word, correction
;; to standard output.
(define training-file
(command-line #:program "norvig"
#:args (filename)
(train-and-correct training-file))
;; (time (with-input-from-file "../data/test.txt"
;; (λ () (train-and-correct "../data/train.txt"))))
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