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Last active July 22, 2022 18:59
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Sketch of checking catalog server for package problems
#lang racket/base
(require (only-in net/url string->url call/input-url get-pure-port)
(only-in racket/date date-display-format date->string)
(only-in racket/match match)
(only-in racket/pretty pretty-print))
(provide packages
(define catalog-server "")
(define build-server "")
(define current-check-missing-documentation? (make-parameter #f))
(define current-show-non-problem-packages? (make-parameter #f))
(define current-show-full-details? (make-parameter #f))
;; From catalog server get the hash-table, whose keys are package name
;; strings and values are metadata hasheqs.
(define (packages*)
(define u (string->url catalog-server))
(call/input-url u get-pure-port read))
;; All packages as a list of their metadata, sorted by name. Note that
;; the name is also available in the metadata under a 'name key, so we
;; need not return the full hash-table with the name keys.
(define (packages)
(sort (hash-values (packages*))
#:key (λ (pkg) (hash-ref pkg 'name))
#:cache-keys? #t))
;; Get a list of metadata for all packages having the given author.
;; Checks both 'author and 'authors.
(define (packages-by-author author)
(for/list ([ht (in-list (packages))]
#:when (member author (cons (hash-ref ht 'author #f)
(hash-ref ht 'authors null))))
;; Get one specific package's metadata with the given 'name. Returns a
;; list of one item because report* expects a list.
(define (package name)
(list (hash-ref (packages*) name)))
;; Return a hasheq describing problems about the package. Essentially
;; this reshapes the package's 'build hasheq to a form where it only
;; has mappings that are problems. Also it massages path suffix
;; values, prepending the build server URL, to form a complete, usable
;; URL.
(define (problems pkg)
(define build (hash-ref pkg 'build (hasheq)))
(define ht (make-hasheq))
(define (check k)
(match (hash-ref build k)
[#f (void)]
[(or (? string? v)
(list "indirect" (and "conflicts.txt" v))) ;?
(hash-set! ht k (string-append build-server "/" v))]
[v (eprintf " WARNING: ignoring unknown value ~v for ~v for package ~v"
v k (hash-ref pkg 'name))
(check 'conflicts-log)
(check 'failure-log)
(check 'test-failure-log)
(check 'dep-failure-log)
(when (and (current-check-missing-documentation?)
(null? (hash-ref build 'docs null)))
(hash-set! ht 'docs null))
;; Produce a hash-table report for the given packages, as well as some
;; stats about the number of packages with errors and the total number
;; of errors among all those packages. For use from Racket programs.
(define (report* pkgs)
(for*/fold ([num-bad-pkgs 0]
[num-problems 0]
[items (hash)])
([pkg (in-list pkgs)]
[probs (in-value (problems pkg))]
#:when (or (current-show-non-problem-packages?)
(not (hash-empty? probs))))
(add1 num-bad-pkgs)
(+ num-problems (hash-count probs))
(hash-set items
(hash-ref pkg 'name)
(if (current-show-full-details?)
(hash-set pkg 'problems probs)
(hasheq 'checksum (hash-ref pkg 'checksum)
'last-updated (hash-ref pkg 'last-updated)
'last-checked (hash-ref pkg 'last-checked)
'problems probs)))))))
(define (human-times ht)
(for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash ht)])
(values k
(if (memq k '(last-updated last-checked last-edit))
(parameterize ([date-display-format 'iso-8601])
(date->string (seconds->date v) #t))
;; A front end for report* that pretty-prints its reported items and
;; displays other information. For use from CLI.
(define (report pkgs #:exit? [exit? #f])
(unless (current-check-missing-documentation?)
(displayln "Not checking for missing documentation."))
(define-values (num-bad-pkgs num-problems items) (report* pkgs))
(define summary
(format "Checked ~a package(s), of which ~a had a total of ~a problem(s)."
(length pkgs)
(displayln summary)
(pretty-print items)
(displayln summary)
(module+ example-of-packages-for-author
(report (packages-by-author "")))
(module+ example-of-one-package-and-full-verbosity
(parameterize ([current-check-missing-documentation? #t]
[current-show-non-problem-packages? #t]
[current-show-full-details? #t])
(report (package "wffi"))))
(module+ main
(require racket/cmdline)
(define author #f)
(define pkg #f)
["--author" author-email "Check all packages by author" (set! author author-email)]
["--package" package-name "Check one specific package" (set! pkg package-name)]
["--all" "Check all packages (default)" (void)]
["--no-check-docs" "Ignore missing docs" (current-check-missing-documentation? #f)]
["--show-non-problem-pkgs" "Show information about packages without problems" (current-show-non-problem-packages? #t)]
["--show-full-details" "Show all details from the catalog about each package" (current-show-full-details? #t)])
(if (zero?
(report (cond [author (packages-by-author author)]
[pkg (package pkg)]
[else (packages)])))
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