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Created March 15, 2021 17:16
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#lang at-exp racket/base
(require drracket/check-syntax
;;; analyze
(define (string->syntax path code-str [k values])
(define dir (path-only path))
(parameterize ([current-load-relative-directory dir]
[current-directory dir])
(λ ()
(define in (open-input-string code-str path))
(port-count-lines! in)
(match (read-syntax path in)
[(? eof-object?) #'""]
[(? syntax? stx) stx]))))))
(define (analyze-path path)
(analyze-code path (file->string path #:mode 'text)))
(define (analyze-code path code-str)
(update-digest path (sha1 (open-input-string code-str)))
(with-time/log (~a "analyze " (~v (str path)))
(delete-uses-and-defs-involving path)
(λ (stx)
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(define exp-stx (expand stx))
(analyze-using-check-syntax path exp-stx code-str)
(analyze-provide/contract-transformers path exp-stx))))
;;; analyze: using check-syntax
;; Note: drracket/check-syntax reports things as zero-based [from upto)
;; but we handle them as one-based [from upto).
(define annotations-collector%
(class (annotations-mixin object%)
(init-field src code-str)
(define more-files null)
(define/override (syncheck:find-source-object stx)
(and (equal? src (syntax-source stx))
(define/override (syncheck:add-definition-target _ beg end symbol rev-mods)
(define submods (reverse rev-mods))
(add-def src (add1 beg) (add1 end) submods symbol))
(define/override (syncheck:add-jump-to-definition _ beg end sym path submods)
(when (file-exists? path)
(add-use src (add1 beg) (add1 end) path submods sym)
(add-file-to-analyze path)))
;; Handling this lets us also record uses within this source file
;; (which aren't reported by syncheck:add-jump-to-definition) of
;; definitions reported by syncheck:add-definition-target.
(define/override (syncheck:add-arrow/name-dup/pxpy
_def-src def-beg def-end _def-px _def-py
_use-src use-beg use-end _use-px _use-py
_actual? _level require-arrow? _name-dup?)
(unless require-arrow? ;unless covered by add-jump-to-definition
;; This doesn't state the submods for the definition. Try to
;; look that up for a definition target we already recorded at
;; this location. If that lookup fails, then ignore this
;; (which is probably fine because this is probably an arrow
;; pointing to a lexical variable.)
(define sym (string->symbol (substring code-str def-beg def-end)))
(define submods (get-definition-submods-str sym src (add1 def-beg) (add1 def-end)))
(when submods
(add-use src (add1 use-beg) (add1 use-end) src submods sym))))
(define/override (syncheck:add-require-open-menu _ _beg _end file)
(add-file-to-analyze file))
(define (add-file-to-analyze file)
(set! more-files (cons file more-files)))
(define/public (get-more-files-to-analyze)
(remove-duplicates more-files))
(define (analyze-using-check-syntax path exp-stx code-str)
(parameterize ([current-annotations (new annotations-collector%
[src path]
[code-str code-str])])
(define-values (expanded-expression expansion-completed)
(make-traversal (current-namespace)
(expanded-expression exp-stx)
(queue-more-files-to-analyze (send (current-annotations)
;; The purpose of this is to handle the "weird" situation with
;; contract-out. Given some function "foo", it will define a wrapper
;; function named "provide/contract-id-foo.1", and, export that
;; renamed as "foo". As a result, "provide/contract-id-foo.1" is the
;; source identifier reported by identifier-binding (and therefore
;; syncheck:add-jump-to-definition). The fact that it's a wrapper
;; function is immaterial to identifier-binding; the exported thing is
;; the wrapper, and the defined name of the wrapper is
;; "provide/contract-id-foo.1" --- not "foo".
;; Although drracket/check-syntax does not call
;; syncheck:add-definition-target for the wrapper, it does call
;; syncheck:add-arrow and/or syncheck:jump-to-definition for the /use/
;; of the original in the contract-out form that defines the wrapper.
;; We record those uses as usual, elsewhere. What we add here is that
;; act as if we also got an add-definition-target for the wrapper
;; definition in the contract-out form.
;; Why do we record the wrapper definition? So that uses have
;; something to point to.
;; There is a question of identity or equivalence. Racket Mode tries
;; to jump past the wrapper contract and on to the definition of the
;; original thing. That is, take the user all the way, transitively.
;; For convenience it pretends that the wrapper and original are "the
;; same".
;; After working with this db for awhile, I believe that the db should
;; record the reality: The wrapper and the original functions are two
;; separate definitions. Recording them separately helps because they
;; (a) have different names, (b) might be defined in different source
;; files, and (c) might even be defined in different submodules within
;; one source file. There are various permutations that are tricky or
;; even impossible to handle, when joining uses and defs by a (path
;; submods id) triple.
;; In practice this means that if some user of the db wants the
;; "transitive" interpretation like Racket Mode, it will need to check
;; this -- is the definition location also a use of some other
;; definition? -- and follow that chain itself. Maybe we can provide a
;; convenience function for this. The point is, we don't try to bake
;; transitivity into the database -- we don't do any "resolve" or
;; "fixup" passes to update the db. And for uses, we don't need to
;; record both "source" and "nominal" IDs, and try to join using
;; either.
;; The drawback? We do need some knowledge of the various way(s) in
;; which contract-out results in fully-expanded code, such as
;; expanding to either `make-provide/contract-transformer` or
;; `make-provide/contract-arrow-transformer`. Although I've reviewed
;; racket/contract/private/provide.rkt to confirm those are the two
;; possible expansions, there's no guarantee that won't change.
;; Also, although a name "provide/contract-id-foo" is apparent in the
;; fully expanded syntax, that does NOT include the ".1" suffix. I
;; don't yet understand the rationale or mechanism behind the suffix.
;; Better: Change racket/contract to supply a simpler canonical
;; expansion, i.e. an "official API" that promises to make this simple
;; and reliable.
(define (analyze-provide/contract-transformers path stx)
(define (symbolic-compare? x y)
(eq? (syntax-e x) (syntax-e y)))
(define (handle-file-module stx)
(syntax-case* stx (module) symbolic-compare?
[(module _id _lang (_mb . es))
(handle-module-level '() #'es)]))
(define (handle-module-level submods es)
(for ([e (in-syntax es)])
(syntax-case* e
(quote-syntax wrapper)
(quote-syntax _)
(quote-syntax original)
. _))
(add-def-for-contract path submods #'original #'wrapper)]
(quote-syntax wrapper)
(quote-syntax _)
(quote-syntax original)
. _))
(add-def-for-contract path submods #'original #'wrapper)]
[(module id _lang . es)
(handle-module-level (cons (syntax-e #'id) submods) #'es)]
[(module* id _lang . es)
(handle-module-level (cons (syntax-e #'id) submods) #'es)]
[_ (void)])))
(define (add-def-for-contract path submods original wrapper)
(define beg (syntax-position original))
(define span (syntax-span original))
[(and beg span)
;; FIXME: I don't yet understand where the ".1" suffix comes from;
;; fragile?!?
(define wrapper-sym (string->symbol (~a (syntax-e wrapper) ".1")))
(log-definitions-debug "contract add-def ~v ~v ~v ~v"
path submods (syntax-e original) wrapper-sym)
(add-def path beg (+ beg span) submods wrapper-sym)]
(log-definitions-warning "no syntax location for ~v in ~v"
(syntax-e original) path)]))
(handle-file-module stx))
;;; db
(define current-dbc (make-parameter #f))
(require syntax/parse/define
(for-syntax racket/base
(prefix-in db: db))
(define-syntax-parser define-db
[(_ id:id)
#:with real-id (format-id #'id "db:~a" #'id)
#'(define (id . args) (apply real-id (current-dbc) args))])
(define-db query)
(define-db query-exec)
(define-db query-rows)
(define-db query-maybe-row)
(define-db query-maybe-value)
(define-db query-list)
(define (create-tables)
;; The `strings` table is like interned symbols. There are many
;; long, repeated strings -- such as for paths, submods,
;; identifiers. These can be replaced by integer foreign keys.
;; Saves much space. Also speeds queries that test for equality.
;; Although it complicates some queries that need the string values,
;; by requiring table join(s), the "ON" clauses are cheap integer
;; equality.
;; (Although this might seem similar also to a "snowflake schema" in
;; a data warehouse, strictly that would be if we had a table for
;; each kind of thing a.k.a. "dimension". Instead this is one shared
;; table; really just interning. Even so, it does makes tables like
;; `uses` and `defs` look a lot like data warehouse "fact" tables,
;; whose columns are all integers, many of which are foreign keys
;; into `strings`.)
#:if-not-exists strings
[id integer #:not-null]
[str string #:not-null]
(primary-key id)
(unique str)))
;; This table of sha-1 digests for paths is how we record whether to
;; bother re-analyzing a file.
#:if-not-exists digests
[path integer #:not-null]
[digest string #:not-null]
(primary-key path)
(foreign-key path #:references (strings id))))
;; A table of definitions discovered in files.
#:if-not-exists defs
;; Each definition is uniquely identified by -- i.e. the primary
;; key is -- the triple (path submods sym).
[path integer #:not-null]
[submods integer #:not-null]
[sym integer #:not-null]
;; Otherwise we just record the [beg end) location within the
;; file.
[beg integer #:not-null]
[end integer #:not-null]
(primary-key path submods sym)
(foreign-key path #:references (strings id))
(foreign-key submods #:references (strings id))
(foreign-key sym #:references (strings id))))
;; A table of uses (of definitions) discovered in files.
#:if-not-exists uses
;; These columns uniquely identify a use location; in fact we
;; explicitly specify them as the primary key for this table:
[usepath integer #:not-null]
[beg integer #:not-null]
[end integer #:not-null]
;; A use relates to a definition via a (path submods symbol)
;; triple. But this is a "lazy" reference; there is no strict
;; foreign key constraint. Why: We often discover uses before
;; we've analyzed the file in which they are defined. So although
;; we believe identifier-binding that a definition using that
;; identifier symbol is probably in that file+submods, we don't
;; yet know its loc and we haven't yet created a row in the `defs`
;; table for it. In other words, this db does not try to find ALL
;; answers (by traversing the entire universe) before being able
;; to give ANY answers. Instead: It supplies answers known so far,
;; and it can be updated to supply more answers, on demand.
[defpath integer #:not-null]
[submods integer #:not-null]
[sym integer #:not-null] ;source-id not nominal-id
(primary-key usepath beg end)
(foreign-key usepath #:references (strings id))
(foreign-key defpath #:references (strings id))
(foreign-key sym #:references (strings id))
(foreign-key submods #:references (strings id))))
;; Optional convenience view: A left outer join of uses on defs.
;; Columns that are foreign keys to the `strings` table are included
;; (for use in queries) as well as columns looking up the strings
;; (for output). As a left join, columns only available from the
;; defs table may of course be sql-null. This means we have a use
;; and we've been told the defining file path, but we haven't yet
;; analyzed that file (or we did analyze it there's some edge case
;; where we can't find the definition). [Note: I'm not sure I'll
;; even use this view in "real code". But it's useful for
;; documentation value, and also to "dump" the table in a human
;; readable "stringy" form for inspecting.]
(as uses.usepath usepath_id)
(as (select str #:from strings #:where (= uses.usepath usepath_str)
(as uses.beg use_beg)
(as uses.end use_end)
(as uses.submods submods_id)
(as (select str #:from strings #:where (= uses.submods submods_str)
(as uses.sym sym_id)
(as (select str #:from strings #:where (= uses.sym sym_str)
(as uses.defpath defpath_id)
(as (select str #:from strings #:where (= uses.defpath defpath_str)
(as defs.beg def_beg)
(as defs.end def_end)
(left-join uses defs
#:on (and (= uses.defpath defs.path)
(= uses.submods defs.submods)
(= uses.sym defs.sym)))))))
(define (create-database path)
(unless (file-exists? path)
(parameterize ([current-dbc (db:sqlite3-connect #:database path
#:mode 'create
#:use-place #f)])
(db:disconnect (current-dbc)))))
(define (connect [db 'memory])
(current-dbc (db:sqlite3-connect #:database db
#:mode 'read/write
#:use-place (not (eq? db 'memory))))
(query-exec "PRAGMA foreign_keys = on"))
;; This applies a value to `str`, ensures it's in the `strings` table,
;; and returns the id. We use this extensively for paths, symbols, and
;; strings.
(define intern
(let ([ht (make-hash)])
(λ (v)
ht v
(λ ()
(define s (str v))
;; I don't know how to do this as a single query in sqlite.
;; IIUC these two queries needn't be wrapped in a transaction
;; because we never delete things from the strings table.
(query-exec (insert #:into strings #:set [str ,s] #:or-ignore))
(query-maybe-value (select id #:from strings #:where (= str ,s))))))))
;; Ensure there is a row in the digests table for path and digest.
;; Returns #f when a row already existed and already had the digest.
;; IOW returns true for a new or changed file, and the caller might
;; want to (re)do something.
(define (update-digest path actual-digest)
;; FIXME? Need to use a transaction here?
(define pathid (intern path))
(match (query-maybe-value
(select digest #:from digests #:where (= path ,pathid)))
[(== actual-digest)
(insert #:into digests #:set [path ,pathid] [digest ,actual-digest]))
(update digests #:set [digest ,actual-digest] #:where (= path ,pathid)))
;; Remove a digest. This is a way to force things like `analyze` to
;; redo work.
(define (forget-digest path)
(delete #:from digests #:where (= path ,(intern path)))))
;; This will only re-analyze a path when its digest is out-of-date --
;; or when force? is true, in which case all known files are analyzed.
;; Either way, the usual behavior of analyze-path applies: When
;; analyzing a file discovers dependencies on other files, it queues
;; those to be analyzed, too.
(define (analyze-all-known-paths #:force? [force? #f])
(for ([path (in-list
(select str #:from (inner-join
digests strings
#:on (= digests.path])
(when force? (forget-digest path))
(analyze-path path)))
(define (delete-uses-and-defs-involving path)
(define pathid (intern path))
(query-exec (delete #:from uses #:where (= usepath ,pathid)))
(query-exec (delete #:from defs #:where (= path ,pathid))))
(define (add-def path beg end submods symbol)
(insert #:into defs #:set
[path ,(intern path)]
[submods ,(intern submods)]
[sym ,(intern symbol)]
[beg ,beg]
[end ,end]
;; FIXME: check-syntax will report identical
;; (path symbol submods) for a file-module-level
;; define and one inside a module+ form. :( I'd
;; expect submods to include the module+ name
;; but it does not. So for now simply ignore
;; any such shadowing definitions.
(define (get-definition-submods-str sym path beg end)
(select (select str #:from strings #:where (= id submods))
#:from defs
#:where (and (= sym ,(intern sym))
(= path ,(intern path))
(= beg ,beg)
(= end ,end)))))
(define (add-use use-path use-beg use-end def-path def-submods sym)
(insert #:into uses #:set
[usepath ,(intern use-path)]
[beg ,use-beg]
[end ,use-end]
[defpath ,(intern def-path)]
[submods ,(intern def-submods)]
[sym ,(intern sym)]
;; For things like `struct`, check-syntax might duplicate
;; syncheck:add-jump-to-definition.
;;; "commands"
;; Given a file position, see if it is a use of a definition. If so,
;; return a vector describing the definition location, else #f. i.e.
;; This is the basis for "find definition". One wrinkle here is that
;; we may already know about a use of a definition, and which file
;; defines it, but we haven't yet analyzed that defining file. See
;; comments below.
(define (use-pos->def-loc use-path pos)
(let loop ([first-attempt? #t])
(select (select str #:from strings #:where (= uses.defpath))
(select str #:from strings #:where (= uses.submods))
(select str #:from strings #:where (= uses.sym))
(as (select defpath submods sym
#:from uses
#:where (and (= usepath ,(intern use-path))
(<= beg ,pos) (< ,pos end)))
#:on (and (= uses.defpath defs.path)
(= uses.submods defs.submods)
(= uses.sym defs.sym)))))
;; If we know it is a reference to a definition in a file, but
;; not the location within the file, it could mean we haven't
;; analyzed that other file yet. If so, analyze it now, then try
;; again. things:
[(vector def-path subs (? db:sql-null?) (? db:sql-null?) (? db:sql-null?))
(cond [(and first-attempt?
(analyze-path def-path))
(loop #f)]
[else (vector def-path subs #f 1 1)])]
[(? vector? vec) vec]
[_ #f])))
(define (use-pos->def-loc/transitive use-path pos)
(let loop ([previous-answer #f]
[use-path use-path]
[pos pos])
(match (use-pos->def-loc use-path pos)
[(and vec (vector def-path _subs _sym (? integer? beg) _end))
(loop vec def-path beg)]
[(? vector? vec) vec]
[#f previous-answer])))
;; Given module path and symbol, return all known uses. i.e. This is
;; is the basis for a "find references" command, as well as a
;; multi-file "rename definition and references" command.
(define (get-uses path submods symbol)
(define symid (intern symbol))
(select (select str #:from strings #:where (= usepath))
#:from uses
#:where (and (= defpath ,(intern path))
(= submods ,(intern submods))
(= sym ,symid)))))
;; Given use of a def, return all uses of the def. i.e. "Find all
;; similar references".
(define (use-pos->def-and-use-locs use-path pos)
(match (use-pos->def-loc use-path pos)
[(and def-loc
(vector def-path submods (? string? sym) _beg _end))
(cons def-loc
(get-uses def-path submods sym))]
[_ #f]))
;;; Analyzing more discovered files
;; Analyzing a file will discover more files to analyze. Rather than
;; embark on a depth-first traversal of the universe -- which might
;; consume a very large amount of memory, and, which might delay a
;; command response for which we inititated the original analysis --
;; we put these paths into an async channel to analyze later.
(define ach-todo (make-async-channel))
(define (queue-more-files-to-analyze paths)
(async-channel-put ach-todo paths))
(define (start-analyze-more-files-thread)
(define (analyze-more-files-thread)
(log-definitions-info "started analyze-more-files-thread")
(for ([paths (in-producer async-channel-get 'n/a ach-todo)])
(define n (length paths))
(log-definitions-debug "analyze-more-files-thread got ~v more files to check" n)
(map analyze-path paths)
(log-definitions-debug "analyze-more-files-thread analyzed or skipped ~v files" n)))
(void (thread analyze-more-files-thread)))
;;; logger/timing
(define-logger definitions)
(define (time-apply/log what proc args)
(define-values (vs cpu real gc) (time-apply proc args))
(define (fmt n) (~v #:align 'right #:min-width 4 n))
(log-definitions-debug "~a cpu | ~a real | ~a gc <= ~a"
(fmt cpu) (fmt real) (fmt gc) what)
(apply values vs))
(define-simple-macro (with-time/log what e ...+)
(time-apply/log what (λ () e ...) '()))
;;; serializing
(define (str v)
(cond [(path? v) (path->string v)]
[(number? v) v]
[else (~a v)]))
(define (un-str s)
(read (open-input-string s)))
;;; Examples
(module+ in-memory-example
(connect 'memory)
(add-def "/a/b/c.rkt" 42 46 '(a b c) 'foo)
(add-use "/d/e/f.rkt" 11 14 "/a/b/c.rkt" '(a b c) 'foo)
(add-use "/d/e/f.rkt" 90 93 "/a/b/c.rkt" '(a b c) 'foo)
(query-rows "select * from digests")
(query-rows "select * from defs")
(query-rows "select * from uses")
(get-uses "/a/b/c.rkt" '(a b c) 'foo))
(module+ on-disk-example
(require racket/runtime-path
(define-runtime-path db-path "locs.sqlite")
(create-database db-path)
(connect db-path)
;; Re-analyze example/define.rkt and example/require.rkt.
(define-runtime-path define.rkt "example/define.rkt")
(define-runtime-path require.rkt "example/require.rkt")
(forget-digest (build-path define.rkt))
(forget-digest (build-path require.rkt))
(analyze-path (build-path require.rkt))
;; Test that various uses in example/require.rkt point to the
;; correct definition location in example/define.rkt.
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 42)
"()" "plain" 88 93)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 48)
"()" "plain" 88 93)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 56)
"()" "provide/contract-id-contracted1.1" 207 218)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 68)
"()" "provide/contract-id-contracted2.1" 283 294)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 80)
"()" "provide/contract-id-contracted/renamed.1" 363 366)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 99)
"()" "plain-by-macro" 515 529)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 114)
"()" "provide/contract-id-contracted-by-macro.1" 684 703)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 134)
"(sub)" "sub" 958 961)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 138)
"(sub)" "sub" 958 961)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 150)
"()" "foo" 1179 1182)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 154)
"()" "a-number" 1225 1233)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 163)
"()" "a-parameter" 1265 1276)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 175)
"()" "provide/contract-id-from-m.1" 1421 1427)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 182)
"()" "d/c" 1456 1459)
(check-equal? (use-pos->def-loc require.rkt 186)
"()" "d/c" 1456 1459)
;; Re-analyze this file (and watch the `definitions` logger topic)
(define-runtime-path main.rkt "main.rkt")
(forget-digest (build-path main.rkt))
(analyze-path (build-path main.rkt)))
;; 1. One idea here would be to replace the Racket Mode back end
;; check-syntax code with this: The front end would request an
;; analysis, the back end would notify when it's ready, and the front
;; end would issue commands to discover info for various ranges of the
;; buffer. Unclear if it would still propertize text ranges with
;; some/all of that returned info, or instead, if it could just query
;; the back end as needed. Although this could probably work, it would
;; be slower. Our analysis here takes ~ 1.5X to 2X the time, due to db
;; writing/reading overhead. [OTOH it might be a way to contribute to
;; fixing the "streaming for very large source files" issue samth
;; reported.]
;; 2. So another idea is that the RMBE would still do and return its
;; analysis, status quo. It's just that, /in addition/, it would
;; submit these results to the db -- presumably using another thread
;; that doesn't delay the command response to the front end. That way,
;; the front end check-sytnax would not change in method or timing.
;; However, we could support RM commands (and external tools) that use
;; inter-file references. Also, we could get rid of the RMBE's syntax
;; caching, I think: Things like find-definition need not walk
;; fully-expanded syntax to look for the definition site -- we already
;; did that and saved the result for all possible definitions,
;; beforehand. That is just a db query. (I'm not sure about
;; find-signature: maybe we could add a pass to walk non-expanded
;; syntax, and store that extra info in a new column in the `defs`
;; table, or, store it in a new `sigs` table.)
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