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Greg Gradwell greghgradwell

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13. 1+1=1

No need to pull out your calculator, folks, the math here isn't literal. Today we're talking about how it was possible to add a multirotor controller to our fixed-wing autopilot in just 4 days thanks to the awesomeness of Elixir. Now, if you're thinking "4 days is not nearly enough time to make a good multirotor controller", you're absolutely right. Let's call it the Little Caesar's Hot-N-Ready Controller.

I mean, I absolutely love their pizza, but certain (former) friends of mine... Anyway, just to prove that the controller isn't terrible, I offer you a video of this quadcopter flying in RealFlight. It's the same mission as the one we've used for our Cessna 150, with a bonus orbit added in the middle. But if you don't have two minutes to spare, I'll save you the trouble: it flies just fine. Would I trust this controller on a real quadcopter that had

greghgradwell /
Last active January 12, 2021 16:39
12b. A Eye in the Sky

12b. A Eye in the Sky

Welcome to the thrilling continuation of our RealFlight simulator discussion. If you remember from last time (I had to go back and look too), we were able to capture video from a downward-facing view in RealFlight and transmit its data via UDP. These images could be collected by a separate process, thereby creating the presence of a third-party "camera". Now we will actually put that camera to work. To give you some context, here's a quick glimpse of what the camera sees on takeoff:

Now somewhere out in the grass lies a giant red circle. Our camera has been equipped with a clever algorithm to identify this red circle and tell the aircraft to orbit around it. You know what's cool about game engines? The pixels are perfect. So it really only takes like 4 lines of OpenCV code to find the circle. The hardest part is calculating the distance from the aircraft to the circle (whi
greghgradwell /
Last active January 4, 2021 18:36
12a. Real to Reel

12a. Real to Reel

Welcome back, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed not leaving the house for the holidays. Isn't it crazy that people used to wear pants like every day? Wild.

During the break I finally got hold of the new computer I needed to help make this next demo possible. For starters, about a month ago I switched simulators, from X-Plane 11 to RealFlight 9.5. In case you're not familiar with RealFlight, it is an RC flight simulator, designed to recreate the experience of flying model airplanes (from the comfort of your home). If you've thought about getting involved with RC but don't know where to start, this is a great tool. It does an impressive job of replicating the RC experience, with the added benefit of not having to cry over all your crashed airplanes. But why did I choose to switch simulators? After all, you know I've cried plenty of tears over destroyed aircraft, so that ship has sailed.

  • The aircraft in RealFlight are the same scale as the vehicles I will be t
greghgradwell /
Last active December 21, 2020 22:42
11. Kibbles 'n Wits

11. Kibbles 'n Wits

Welcome back! If you noticed that there wasn't a write-up last week when there should have been, then I think you're the only one. So congratulations, and please head over to the online store where you can pick up a free t-shirt using the coupon code THEREISNOSTORE. Unfortunately, I am still waiting on some new hardware to arrive that will allow me to illustrate the next step in the journey. So this post is a bit of an interlude, although it is still relevant to the autopilot development. We're going to have a quick discussion on the subject of dogfooding. If you're not familiar with the concept (and have an aversion to hyperlinks), it refers to the practice of using (and relying on) the product you are developing. For example, if I were making an email client (is the name G-mail taken?), as soon as I had a viable prototype I would begin to use it for all of my emailing needs. And although I don't have much experience in deve

greghgradwell /
Last active April 10, 2021 02:42
10. Plan it, Janet!

10. Plan it, Janet!

Is it weird that two of my favorite fictional characters are both named Riff Raff? Well, technically one them is real, but he goes so hard in the paint that he makes me wonder if maybe I'm the one who's fabricated.


Unfortunately we're not going to be discussing the amazing freestyle that is "Introducing the Icon". Instead we will talk about the far less exciting topic of knowing where you are and where you're going (lest you end up someplace else). But don't worry, this is not a self-help seminar. Unless you are an autopilot, in which case the Singularity has arrived and I would like to be the first to welcome our robot overlords.

They're All Going To Laugh At You

If there is one thing I can count on when it comes to testing my inventi

greghgradwell /
Last active April 10, 2021 02:37
9. Con Air(frame)

9. Con Air(frame)


I've been reading imagining all your feedback, and I couldn't agree more. The action movie references have really dwindled lately, and it's unacceptable. The engineering should probably take a back seat. Hey, you want to feel old? Con Air came out in 1997. Oof.


Airframe Integration

Alright, down to business. Today we'll be commiserating about how difficult it can be to take all your hardware from the bench and mount it in your vehicle. It's like when you see a gigantic couch at Costco that looks like it will fit in your studio apartment simply because it's surrounded by 140,000 square

greghgradwell /
Last active June 9, 2022 03:14
8. The Dolt of Volt

8. The Dolt of Volt

Throughout my career, I've had the nasty habit of holding on to preconceived notions for far too long without questioning their validity. Often times, I will let a single bad experience with a product or technology cause me to discount it for months or years, until I am introduced to it again and realize what I've been missing. Sometimes I just make a boneheaded decision up front and then live with it (one of the many dangers of working mostly alone). And thus was the case when it came to me and voltage regulators.

Buck the trend

I don't know why, but I've got a propensity for step-down regulators. Not just, like, in general. That would be weird. But if one of my devices needs a particular voltage, I'm more inclined to use a step-down (buck) converter than a step-up (boost) converter. Honestly, I think it's just because in my mind I've managed to conflate voltage with gravity, and OBVIOUSLY it's easier to go downhill. In my defense, buck converters tend to be more efficient than boos

greghgradwell /
Last active May 18, 2022 17:38
7. The Mimic Gimmick

7. The Mimic Gimmick

What's that saying? "Fake it until you make it." Well today's topic goes a little something like this:

Make it and fake it until you can afford to partake it.

For as long as there have been prototypes, there has been the question of make vs. buy. If you're anything like me, you're a real sucker for the make argument, especially when you actually understand how something works. But it sure is nice to just unwrap your newly acquired piece of hardware, plug it in, and get on with your life. However, sometimes that hardware is really expensive, and you're just working on some crazy idea that will likely never generate a dollar, let alone enough revenue to justify a $5,000 inertial navigation system (INS). So if the plan is to someday use a VN-300 Dual Antenna GNSS-Aided INS, but our capital is currently tied up saving for a [LEGO NES Console](

greghgradwell /
Last active December 7, 2020 16:57
6. SimPATHy

6. SimPATHy

For someone who keeps using the word "autopilot", I sure have avoided the autonomous part of the project for a long time. Well, hold onto your socks because today we'll be describing how the vehicle actually pilots itself. And the good news is, the explanation is quite simple:


But how did the aliens do it? One theory is that they used Dubins paths. If you've never heard of a Dubins path, that's probably because you spent your college years with friends. Big mistake. In case you don't feel like clicking on that nicely added link, a Dubins path is essentially the shortest path between two points given a constraint on the curvature (turning radius) of the path. To create a Dubins path you just need to specify two or more waypoints, each of which includ

greghgradwell /
Last active April 9, 2021 17:56
5b. Good HIL Hunting

5b. Good HIL Hunting

If you remember from last time, we were parsing X-Plane data output messages and converting them to native Elixir messages that contained the same information. By doing this, the Estimation module could not tell that its data was coming from a simulator instead of a real aircraft. Here is the data path, as previously shown:

The Estimation module might not know the difference, but the sensor path is being totally bypassed. At some point, once we're content with the performance of our aircraft control in the simulator, we would like to stress more of the system. The next step in the progression was to take the X-plane data and create messages that conformed to the protocols of our sensors, in this case a VectorNav VN-300 INS and a [TeraRanger Evo 60m ToF (time of flight)](