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Created November 4, 2016 21:35
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How can I create an incident (case) and assign it to a contact in Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
Call the `POST /{objectName}` API with the following:
* replace `{objectName}` with `incident`
* include the `incident.json` payload in your API call
"attributes": {
"title": "new case",
"description": "hello",
"customerid": {
"lookup": "contact"
"fetchMetaInfo": true
Without the "lookup" : "contact" Dynamics will default to associating the incident on an Account ID.
curl -X POST
-H 'Authorization: User <INSERT_USER_SECRET>, Organization <INSERT_ORGANIZATION_SECRET>'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d @incident.json
"attributes": {
"int_upsellreferral": false,
"firstresponsesent": false,
"prioritycode": 2,
"description": "hello",
"owninguser": "11411afe-2b69-e611-80dd-xxxxxxx",
"statecode": 0,
"resolvebyslastatus": 1,
"title": "new case ",
"statuscode": 1,
"createdby": "11411afe-2b69-e611-80dd-xxxxxxx",
"isdecrementing": false,
"ticketnumber": "CAS-00006-xxxxxxx",
"incidentid": "6bab3457-d6a2-e611-80e1-xxxxxxx",
"decremententitlementterm": true,
"servicestage": 0,
"new_upsellreferral": false,
"blockedprofile": false,
"incidentstagecode": 1,
"merged": false,
"isescalated": false,
"traversedpath": "15322a8f-67b8-47fb-8763-xxxxxxx",
"ownerid": "11411afe-2b69-e611-80dd-xxxxxxx",
"createdon": 1478295216000,
"customercontacted": false,
"firstresponseslastatus": 1,
"int_surveryparticipation": false,
"modifiedon": 1478295216000,
"severitycode": 1,
"processid": "0ffbcde4-61c1-4355-aa89-xxxxxxx",
"activitiescomplete": false,
"checkemail": false,
"customerid": "465b158c-541c-e511-80d3-xxxxxxx",
"modifiedby": "11411afe-2b69-e611-80dd-xxxxxxx",
"followuptaskcreated": false,
"owningbusinessunit": "1d547b3c-125a-e611-80d8-xxxxxxx",
"routecase": true,
"stageid": "15322a8f-67b8-47fb-8763-xxxxxxx"
"id": "6bab3457-d6a2-e611-80e1-xxxxxxx"
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