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Created September 15, 2014 20:50
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A script to convert a lines shapefile into a MATSim network
# Code to read the FAF network
# Greg Macfarlane | Parsons Brinckerhoff
# ORNL provides the FAF network as a TransCAD network, and also as a shapefile
# that I think is probably exported from the TransCAD network. Kyle Ward in the
# Raleigh office tried to export an xml file from TransCAD, but it wasn't quite
# right. So I decided to write this script to make an xml MATSim network from
# the shapefile.
# The networkx library contains general graph functionality, including the
# ability to read a line shapefile as a graph. I tested its capability by
# exporting the network as a line shapefile of edges and a point shapefile of
# nodes, and was satisfied.
import networkx as nx
# To write the graph to xml, we use commands in the lxml library; we need to use
# this instead of the ElementTree library that comes standard with Python
# installations so that we can `pretty_print` the xml output.
import lxml.etree as ET
# When we read in G, the node labels are the coordinate tuples, e.g.
# (-111.458149, 38.108458). This isn't very useful, so we change them into
# integers beginning at 0. Also, MATSim likes to use coordinates in meters, so
# we use a version of the network that we exported into EPSG: 2818, a Lambert
# Conformal Conic projection centered on Montana. This projection gives
# coordinates in meters, and has the added LCC feature of minimizing distance
# distortion across a wide area of the map.
G = nx.read_shp("fafnetworkLCC.shp")
start = 0
G = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G, first_label=start,
label_attribute = "coord")
# =============================================
# We need to build an element tree to store the node and edge attributes. We
# follow the [MATSim network specification](,
# as closely as possible; this calls for an xml structure
# <network><nodes><node ...></nodes><links><link ....></links></network>.
# So in the element tree, the parent element is `network`, with two children,
# `links` and `nodes`. The number of individual `node` and `link` children is
# dependent on the size of the network.
# In general we follow the
# [MATSim network specification](
network = ET.Element("network",
attrib={'name':"MATSim network exported from FAF shapefile."})
# Node structure
# ----------------------------------------------
nodes = ET.SubElement(network, "nodes")
# Get node attributes by looping through all the nodes in graph. We can pull the
# id and coordinate attributes from the node attributes. The MATSim
# specification allows for a "type" attribute to distinguish between networks.
# I don't know that this is strictly necessary, but the example network uses "2"
# for all nodes, so I'll continue that convention to limit as many differences
# as possible.
# <node id, x, y, type = "2")
for i in range(len(G)):
ET.SubElement(nodes, "node",
attrib={'id': str(G.nodes()[i]),
# Link structure
# -------------------------------------------
# There are a number of general link attributes that we need to set at the
# parent element. The specification says defaults are available, but we will set
# them anyways. The period over which link capacity is recorded `capperiod` is
# one hour, the effective length of vehicles `effectivecellcize` is 7.5 meters
# (we might want to change this, because we're dealing with trucks?), and the
# effective lane width is 3.75 meters
links = ET.SubElement(network, "links",
attrib={'capperiod': "01:00:00",
'effectivecellsize': "7.5",
'effectivelanewidth': "3.75"})
# The MATSim network specification has a number of required fields and some that
# are not required. The required links are the link ID, the "from" node ID, the
# "to" node ID, and the distance, or the "length". The FAF network gives the
# distance in miles, but the network wants meters, so we need to apply a
# conversion factor.
# The `capacity` attribute is not listed as mandatory, but we needed to set the
# capperiod, so I'm worried that this is actually necessary. For now we'll set
# a constant value at 2000 veh/hrln * 3 lanes = 6000 veh/hr. We might be able to
# set this more precisely using the `SIGNT1` network attribute that determines
# whether a road is an interstate, state highway, etc.
# Other optional attributes include free flow speed, permanent lanes, whether
# the link is one-way (see discussion of reversed links below), the modes,
# permitted on the link (I don't know how this is supposed to tie into the node
# type above). We also append an additional attribute GEOID, constructed from
# the state and county FIPS codes. This may prove useful.
# To simplify the code, we want to extract the edge attributes into a form where
# we can get them as variable[(start,end)]
length = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "MILES")
idvar = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "ID")
ctfips = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "CTFIPS")
stfips = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "STFIPS")
fclass = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "SIGNT1")
for i in range(len(G.edges())):
startnode = G.edges()[i][0]
endnode = G.edges()[i][1]
# create link SubElement with attributes pulled from the lists you got above.
ET.SubElement(links, "link", attrib={
'id': str(idvar[(startnode, endnode)]),
'from': str(startnode),
'to': str(endnode),
'capacity': str(6000),
'modes': "car",
'oneway': str(1),
'type': str(10),
'length': str(length[(startnode, endnode)] * 1609.34), # convert to meters
'GEOID': str(stfips[(startnode, endnode)]).zfill(2) + str(ctfips[(startnode, endnode)]).zfill(3)})
# One extra item I noted in the MATSim documentation is that all links
# **must be** one-way. So we need to create all of the same links again, but
# with start and end nodes swapped. Also, we'll have to make a new link id.
# Because there are about ~180,000 links in the network if we add 1e6 to each of
# the IDs, we won't duplicate any labels. Also, link `2183` will have the
# ID `1002183`, for its reverse partner, which might be nice.
for i in range(len(G.edges())):
startnode = G.edges()[i][0]
endnode = G.edges()[i][1]
ET.SubElement(links, "link", attrib={
'id': str(int(idvar[(startnode, endnode)] + 1e6)), #create unique id as above
'from': str(endnode), #swap to and from node ids
'to': str(startnode),
'capacity': str(6000),
'modes': "car",
'oneway': str(1),
'type': str(10),
'length': str(length[(startnode, endnode)] * 1609.34), # convert to meters
'GEOID': str(stfips[(startnode, endnode)]).zfill(2) + str(ctfips[(startnode, endnode)]).zfill(3)})
# We can now wrap the entire element tree and write it to an xml file with the
# same headers that came in the original file.
tree = ET.ElementTree(network)
with open('network.xml', 'w') as f:
f.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE network SYSTEM "">
tree.write(f, pretty_print = True)
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jinkai89 commented Feb 2, 2018

Do you have an updated code to work with MATSim network.v2? It's been three years now, they use v2 now. Thanks

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