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Last active November 12, 2016 00:11
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from pulp import *
def read_input_file(filename):
f = open(filename,"r")
i = 0
G = {}
vertices = set([])
for line in f:
if i >= 3:
to_add = line.split(" ")
to_add[2] = to_add[2].split("\r")[0]
if to_add[0] in G.keys():
G[to_add[0]][to_add[1]] = int(to_add[2])
G[to_add[0]] = {}
G[to_add[0]][to_add[1]] = int(to_add[2])
i += 1
G['m'] = {}
return G, vertices
def create_lp(G, vertices, source, dest):
problem = LpProblem("shortestpath", LpMaximize)
for vert in vertices:
to_add = LpVariable(vert, 0)
if vert in G.keys():
G[vert]['variable'] = to_add
#print G
# objective
problem += lpSum(G[dest]['variable'])
# constraints
for key in vertices:
if key in G.keys():
for edge in G[key]:
if edge != "variable":
problem += G[edge]['variable'] - G[key]['variable'] <= G[key][edge]
problem += G[source]['variable'] == 0
# solution
#print "source = {}, dest = {}, objective = {}".format(source, dest, value(problem.objective))
return value(problem.objective)
def part_1(G, vertices):
for vert in vertices:
if vert != 'a':
print "source = {}, dest = {}, objective = {}".format('a', vert, create_lp(G, vertices, 'a', vert))
def part_2(G, vertices):
G['z'] = {}
for vert in vertices:
if vert != 'a':
print "source = {}, dest = {}, objective = {}".format('a', vert, create_lp(G, vertices, 'a', vert))
def part_3(G, vertices):
for vert in vertices:
if vert != 'm':
print "source = {}, dest = {}, objective = {}".format(vert, 'm', create_lp(G, vertices, vert, 'm'))
def part_4(G1, G2, vertices):
dist_to_i = {}
dist_from_i = {}
for vert in vertices:
if vert != 'i':
dist_to_i[vert] = create_lp(G1, vertices, vert, 'i')
for vert in vertices:
if vert != 'i':
dist_from_i[vert] = create_lp(G2, vertices, 'i', vert)
for key1 in dist_to_i:
for key2 in dist_from_i:
if key1 != key2:
print "source = {}, dest = {}, combined path through i = {}".format(key1, key2, dist_from_i[key2]+dist_to_i[key1])
if __name__ == "__main__":
G, vertices = read_input_file("Project3Problem3-1.txt")
#print G
#print vertices
#create_lp(G, vertices, 'a', 'b')
print "Part 1"
part_2_vertices = vertices.copy()
part_2_G = G.copy()
part_3_G = G.copy()
part_4_1_G = G.copy()
part_4_2_G = G.copy()
part_1(G, vertices)
print "\nPart2"
part_2(part_2_G, part_2_vertices)
print "\nPart3"
part_3(part_3_G, vertices)
print "\nPart4"
part_4(part_4_1_G, part_4_2_G, vertices)
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