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gregmoser / 0_reuse_code.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
<cffunction name="getFulfillmentsByDate">
<cfargument name="shipDate" default="#now()#" />
<cfset var rs = "" />
<cfset var nextDayDate = dateAdd('d', -1, arguments.shipDate) />
<cfset var twoDayDate = dateAdd('d', -2, arguments.shipDate) />
<cfset var threeDayDate = dateAdd('d', -3, arguments.shipDate) />
<cfset var groundDayDate = dateAdd('d', -5, arguments.shipDate) />
<!--- Define some values that should be passed in as part of the ajax call --->
<cfparam name="url.savedStateID" default="" /> <!--- This hold the savedStateID from the smartList that initiated the quickview --->
<cfparam name="url.currentRecordNumber" default="" /> <!--- This should also be passed up as the index value of the current record that was clicked on so that we know where in the list they came from --->
<!--- Now that we have all of our paramaters, we create a new Product Smart List --->
<cfset savedSmartList = $.slatwall.getSmartList("Product") />
<!--- Apply the savedStateID to the smart list which will setup all of the filters and sorting from the smartList that initiated this ajax page --->
<cfif it.hasNext()>
<div class="roses-columns">
<div class="fivecolumn">
<cfloop condition="it.hasNext()">
<cfset index=it.getRecordIndex() - 1><!--- Removes the first item is "All" because it has no image and keeps columns correct --->
<cfloop array="#optionsArrLaminate#" index="laminateOption">
<cfif arrayLen(laminateOption.getImages())>
<li><img src="#laminateOption.getImages()[1].getResizedImagePath(width=50)#" alt=""><span>#laminateOption.getOptionName()#</span></li>